You are on page 1of 48


Viet-Duc Welding Electrode Joint Stock Company
Dla chi Nhi KhO - Thudng Tin - Hi N6i
Di6n Thoa i:0433. 853364 - 853360
Fax 0433.853653

lB Chinh sdch chd't I tong cia C6ng ty Cdphdn que hd.n d.iQnViQt -Ditc:
Ching t6i x6c dinh ring: Su tin nhicm c,ia knacil frarrg iO'i v6i sin phdm ciia Cong ty Cdphdn
que hin di6nVi6t - Diic trong nhilng nim qua li ngu6n tii sdn v6 gi6. C6n b6. cdng nhAn vi6n
chitc C6ng ty trAn trong, girl gin vi ph6t tridn ngu6n tdi sin quj gid ni1'bang cdch:
+Li6ntuc ciitiSnn6ngcao chit lrrong sanphiimvi dich r-u.
+ Hop t6c cringph6ttridn.
Hd N6| ngd.y 07 thdng 3 nam 2009
Ngd Be Viat
C6ng ty cd phAn que hdn di6n Vi6t Drlc di sin xu{t vi cung rlng cho thi tnrdng nhi6:u loai
vAt Leu hin c6 chft lrrong dn dinh bao gdm: que hin v6 bbc, dayhAn vi b6t hdn.
I Cdc loai que hdn gdm nd.m nh6rn:
- Que hbn rhep carbon Ihap:
N46 - VD; J421 -VD; VD -6013; J420-\lD; VD - 6019; N42 -VD.
- Que hin th6p carbon thdp, d6 b6:n cao:
E7016 - VD; E7018 - VD; N50.6B , VD; N55.6B , VD; \rD-E016-G; \D-9016-G.
- Que hdn diip phuc hdi bd mnt:
DMn500-VD; DCr60 \D; DMn350-VD; DCr250-\rD; DMn250-\rD; HX5,VD.
- C6c lo4i que dic bi6t: que hin Inox \D.308 - 16; que hin d6ng Hm - Cu-VD;
que hdn gang GG33-\aD; que cit C5-\aD.
- Que hin th6p b6:n nhi6t:
VD-7018-A1; VD-8016-82; \lD-8016-88; \lD-9016-83.
> Day hdnod.b hAn:
Ddy hdn N4-AG: W49 - VD; dAy hdn h6 quang chim: H08A \rD; d6y hdn h6 quans
chim: EH11K-VD; dnyhin INOX: VD-308; b6t hin: \aD-481.

Nhidu sin phdm cria C6ng ty de dridc tdng huy chudng ving tai c6c h6i cho tridn
lem qu6'c tdtaiViCt Nam.
C6ng.ty cd phdn que hin di6n Viot-Dilc de dudc td chirc QUACERT fl/i6t Nam) cip chiing
chi vdho th6'ng quin li ch{t hrdng theo ti6u chu{n qudc tdISO 9001:2008. V6i bd dnl, kinh
nghiam san xu{t vd h6 thdng dim bio ch{t htdng ISO 9001:2008, sin phdm cira C6ng q,
s6n xudt ra lu6n c6 chdt hiong dn dinh, dridc sd tin nhi6m cao crfa kh6ch hing rroEg ca
C6ng ty c6'phAn que hin di6n Vi6t-Dirc rit cim on, xin drtdc phuc vu vi iim.!xa ldng quf
Xinhdyli6n h6 v6i chring t6i theo dia chi trAn.


Add MfOrc Commune - Thuong fin Distnct - Ha \oi Cil)

Tel 0433.85_3364 853.160
Fax 0433.853653
Website: virvelco.rtt

& Quo lity policy

We detemine that: for years ago, the Customers, credibility
for products of Viet -
Duc Welding Electrode Joint Stock Companyis the most
Both staffs and emptoyees in the company
thingby ways: """p""tf"ii;'k;;;-;nd develop this
+ Continuously improving product quality and service
+ Cooperating to develop together.
,"""r,*rrl-Or,^ ,oO,
Ngo Ba Vier
Viet Duc Welding Electrode Joint Stock Company
fl,{WELCO) manulactures and
of welding consumables sucir as covered eleclroaes, flrx
l\ rres on I.ll"l"
:-:_ll]i:" iinds
both tnstde and ourside ma rkers.
D Cooered. electrodes are d.eoid.ecl into fit)e group*
- For m ild sreel:
N46 -VD; J421 -\D; \lD - 6013; J420 -VD; \rD - 6019: N42 -VD.
- For high tensile strength:
F'r016 - VD; E2018 " \aD; N50.6B _ \rD; N55.6B -
\D; \D-8016-G; VD-9016-G.
- For hard surfacing:
DMn5OO-\D; DCr60-\lD; DMn350-\rD; DCr250-VD; DMn250-VD:
- Special electrodes: stainless steel - VD.30g_16; -. HX5-\D.
c"pp"r - ffr*C U
cast iron - GGB3-\D; cutting _ C5-\D.
- Heat rcsistant steel welding rod:
VD-7018-A1; VD-8016-82; \D-8016-88; \D-9016-83.
Y Wires and, Flux:
Gas metal arc vrelding W49,\D; Submerged arc
welding H08A,\D: Submerged
arc welding EH11K-\D: Staintess steel *"lJilrg
*i"" \D_i'oS, n.._ '..=faiog f.O_asf .
Manv products ofis awarded gold medars at International
trade r'airs ia \.iet Nam.
vvltn experlenced welding production and a quality
managemenr system certified by
the Viet Nam Certification Ser.vices (eUACOnl
get the trust ofcustomers -"1" "*l.LUfe qi'aiity proaocts ancl
To satisf, demands ofcustomersis ourpleasure.
Please do not hesitate to contact us through tbe
abo-. e address if you have any
Do cONG ry cd pnAN euo uAN orEN vrrr-s(-c sir xuir
r. que narv ruip ceneoN iruAp r,{t tnoNc rnuxc siNE,
T6n sirl TCVN AWS JIS rso GB
N46.\D QCVN 21r20lotsGTVTMW2 E60't 3 D4303 EN ISO 2s60-A-E 352 R{
T) E60l3: lil60l2 D4313 F.aj-l3
vD-60r 3 TCVN 3223:2000 E432 E6013 D4313 EN ISO 2560-A-E 350 RA. E4313
J42O.VD D6010;86011 D4311 E.1:}1T
\D-6019 OCm{ 21:2010tsGTVT MW2 E6019 D4301 EN ISO 2560-A-E 352 zu
N42.\D TCVN 3223:2000 E430 E6013

z. guo nar rntp caneoN rHAp, od efiN ceo,

T6n sin ohiim TCVN AWS JIS
87016 - VT) TCVN 3223:2000 E513 E7016 D5016
87018 - VT) 'I'C\rN 3223:2000 E5l3 E70r I D5016
N50 6R - VT) TCVN 3223:2000 U514 I]7015 D50r 6
N55,68 . \D TCVN 3223:2000 E513 E70i 5 D5016
vT),8016,G E8016,G
vD-9016-G E9016-G


DMn-500-\D Z3251DFNLA-B
DCr-60-VD Z3251DF2B.B
DMn-350-\D 23257 DF2A-400 B
IX5-\'D 23251 DFMA,200 B


Ten s:in pham AWS JIS
vD.308-16 E308-16 D308-16


Ten sin nhiim AWS JIS
vD,7018-A1 E7018-A1
vD,8016-82 E8016-B2 232231)T2316
vD-8016,B8 E8016-88 23223 DT2676
vD-9016-B3 E9016-R3 23223 DI2476


T6n sin ph Ton thdong mai AWS
DAy hnn v6i khi bAo v6 CO, w49-VI) ER7OS.6
Ddy hdn v6i thu6'c tro dung HO8A.\D EL8: EL12
hAj1 vdi thu6'c tro d EH 1 l K,VD EH 1lK
DAy hnn th6p kh6ng si VD,308 ER . 3OS
Thu& hln rb6r \aD-431 E6A2-EI-q rEI-12r: f, qf-E 1If,
N46-\.D qCYN 21:2010/BGTVI MW2 E6013 D4303 EN ISO 2560.A E 352 RA
.I421-VT) E6013: X6012 D4313 E4313
vD-6013 TCVN 3223:2000 E4t2 !i60r 3 D4313 EN ISO 2560.A.E 350 RA E,1313
J42O.VD 86010;E6011 D4311 E43r l
vD-6019 QCVN 21:20lo/BGTYI' Mw2 E6019 D4301 EN ISO 2560.A,E 352 RA
N42.VT) TCVN 3223:2000 8430 E6013


Trade name TC\T{ AWS JIS
E7016 - VD TCt N-rr32000 E513 E7016 D50r 6
E7018 . trD TC\/N 19'1,'N^^ lr1El D
E7018 D5016
N50.68 . \D TCVN 3223i2000 Est a E7015 D5016
N55.6B - \.D 1(, V1\ JZzJ:ZUUU lll513 E7015 D5016
trD-90i6-c E9016-G
Trade name
DCr-60-VD 23257 DF2B.B
DMn-350-VD 73251 nF9 A-lnn E
23257 DF2A-250-B
23251 Dtr\fA-200 B
Trade name
vD.308-16 JIS


Trade name
vD-?018 A1 JIS
E /U1a-A1
lD-8016-82 E8016-82 23223 D.t2st6
lD-8016-88 E8016-88 23223 DT2616
vD-9016-B3 E9016-83 23223 D.12476
Trade name
Gas metal are welding
Submerged are rveldGg
HO8A.\,D EL8; EL12
Submerged are Ileldi
Staia.less steel nelding wii
E 11X.\'D EH 11K
Flu: *-eldi n rvD-431
F6A2.EL8 : F?A2-EH 11K
sAN pHAM ouE HAN vrEr D0c DUoc TANG HUy cHUoNc vANG TAt NHtiu HOt cHo:
- nOr cno ou6c rE CONG NGHtEp H6n cnAr
- rOr cno ou6c ri urrono - rxpo
- rOr cno ou6c ri uAllo c6rvo r.ronrEp
- HOt cno vtEr rulu cuAr luoruo lEu cnuiru (MADE tN MErNAro
- orAr ruo6r sno cuAr

c6NG HdA xA H6I cHO NG]fA \1ET NAM


ilHfiil iliu flfl

GAilil T[AllH - ilil ilfilfi ll[M 20t4
Vietnam Selection Competitive and Famous Trademarks 2014



darTOP 50
TIse Vietnam Famous Trademark Winner

N Eat U thdag 8 rdn 2014

rBr rut 16r N,tu

s6 HEtl -
tcn ffir cic l0r rnA I0C ui r? r[Ar rtr H
rr. rf,ilEfi Gft [m ryffi r[Ar riE]r fiumE [Et utEr


ffimm eBB#
rm rd cr0c

56 GCN: 060/WTIN/THV
Ngay 1l thdng 01 ndn 2014
nr, m. Pmr rfl r YEi
Hin kait ca'u th6p Carbon thd! nlri: tiu.
QCVN 21:2010/BG1'VT MW2 Vd bdn chfa...
ASNIE/AWS A5,1 E6O] 3 xfdi han kh6ns trgem xi, 16 khi, chiu !a dap, chiu D6i udn rdt.
ENl ISO 2560 A.E 352 RA
N46 - VD JtS: D4303
fiin loai n6-i hnn rai ir tap chdi.
H6 sddiip cao.

Dqc didm - tns duhs:

Chardcteristics - Ar)p ticcttions:
'N46-\.D'.'or hun.n,uar\uh", It r.r ,en + \46 - \'D i" rhp k d o, {-rd -c r^d , J- . cc tr1!turp h.alhonlb:"nl
lloi\1, ouo. :rl ,,r\a ror np-"..3inr,.rLl. dn.6-3 h...lrn! o $-ld! j.. no. . ., k -t. e, .t.s
de, o"i .Jc\iumoi b"rl | .nnd pno'.r,rp U"d." ouub-*t,a-dco"dvFri
uon r^r. JLp.o hp ao.'6t. rlrr.,.arr, r:rne. supple and good bending fatisue resistance. coert.lcient
'-Pn:. {rp d" nJn ,rep,
".b"" t-,p "hi, ,, ,"."s , ;;;
lo,,l\lPa d ,deo oai"..,..hiu
causewayrods. Can wctdin aL positions.
orr^, nr:: Kar r"ep "q,r
* Suitablelbr
stce oads ircm 4lj0-490
.3n. votau,
MPa, hish toushness, flexumt well as: Structurat steet
Etrdns ddn st duns:
1. Lnn sach d.iu, md bui bdn rni6c khi hnn
2. Sry que han 6 r-0=100.C trone thdi eian il0-tj0 Dhrir
,. .d, l,l- h o. 1. Cleaningoil, e1'ease dirt beforeweldins
.1. Giuconq mep han rhe.
2. Dry the electrodcs at 7{l=100,C for:10-60 minnieq
drinB quyrhrm
Lr. n,^ .lo s h"a oL. rUp Ji l|a.-,". .hu,.r .ar :.Pr ", ss'-e uredc,. r. J. .tF., ordirL, o.duu!
uhat sinl
r 5Fl " :on.r. nr .^D.. pd,.., r,,rJrl o-"-"3-s.1a
Thdnh phiin hod hor top him tooi d(ip,,, t: Trpicdl chemicat composition ofuetd metdt (Ed:
C Mn Si s
RequP.r Nor R ,qu"d <0.035
0.0.1; 0.11 0.0::11 .\ 0 07 0.047 0.11 0.034 0.015
Co tinh kim toai mdi hdn: Trpical chemical properties of betdmetat:
Dahirrrs:r Da oin o'ft Dd Jan dii
It?a, lllPa) 1Jr
1iu.!u > 381 > 171 >22 o"a>47 >22 rl c >,t?
Ue. dro lqo tFo 27 15d 390 480 27
Ki.,h t htdc que hdn Dd dbng diin sn dun!:
Size auoilobl" and rercmmpndc.t curr"nts:
'no-oe ;0 r.ri \01\. .;./qa ',d, r,I hr{,,u.,r.oneD, r., /oLArlt\ ol cle.trode (AC) or (DCEP)
42, 432 q4.a z5.a a2.a IZL t)
r20-140 270:2;n Iht 120 : t 4a )210:250
rio+ 80 !0:120

Chuns nnan b6i:VR. LR, NK

A!!ro!als: \B. LR, NK
g-tfu [Re written]

Certificate No
TYPE AP P ROVA L FOR \i-ELDI\c a,--:\: -l.l.ia,i

Brand N46 .\D

Manulacturer Viet - Duc Welding Electrode Joint Stock Compan5
Thuong tin Dietrict, Ha tay, Vietnam
Kind Covered Electrode
Purpose For Mild Steel
Approval Condition i
Grade KMW 1
Culrent AC, DCEP oT DCEN
Poeition F1at, Horizontal, Vertical Upward and
Max. Dia- of Electrode F ;4mmd, H ;4mmd, \tl ;4mmo
Welding Procedure Manual Welding

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above oentioned welding consumable has been
approved by the NIPPON KAIJI IirOKAI in accordance with the requirements of the
Society's Rules.

This Ceriificate will remain in force until the 22nd day of May, 2005.
Issued at Tokyo on the 13th day of April, 2005.

TIE vrlidty o, tl$! atnificltc b, ruEq,ld

General Manager of
Matedal and Equipment Departmenr

Ndte: the validity of this certificate may t'e renewed by endc/s€-:_:

oh the attaohed sheet upon completion of the annus!

> Har kit cdu ih6p Carbon thdp nhlil Ddm, xi, kdt cir di
> Mdi hiD d6o dai, chin va dap t61.

> lti'n dridc moi td tI6,\6 cA]lir diins in lren $6ue

scur-xs"S;ltiii" ,.Sr ssr ris

D,fu didm - ftng d,ung: Ch a r d cterhtics

- Ap p lic ations:
- J421 - \.I) li loai que hln thu6c nh6m boc rutin cao. - J421- VD is kind of welding rod casings rutin headins
M6'i han it khuydt fit, d6 n6i h6 quane, hd q uane dn ainh. higher. Welds less disability, easy arc, arc stability, less
n bJn rop, \' ru.ons Moihan d;o dc splutte ns, self-peelins slag. wetd toughress.
' Phn hdp dd hnn th6p carbon thtp chiu tai hons trl 430 , - Suitable for weldins tov carbon steel of 430-490 MPa
490 MPa nhu: cec kdt cdu th6p hinh, kdt ca'u xay ddns, loads such as steel structures, buiidlng structures, civil
hdn dendung, xi lan. phd,b6nchfa... soldcr, barses ferdes, container ...
- HAn drrdc 3 moi tu thrikd cA hnn drlng id tr6n xudng. - South is in all positions including vertical welding from
Hddns ddn srb d.uns:
1. Lnm sachddu, mil bui bdn tni6c khi hen
2. Sa'y que hin 6 r-0:10ffC tmng thaJi cian 30+60 phnt 1. Clcanins oit, srease d t before weldins
tni6ckhi hAn. 2. DIv the etechodes at 70=100'C fbr 30:60 minutes
3. Giac6ngm6p hdn theo dnng quy pham
4. Llla chon ddng hnn phn hdp dd trtnli cic khuy6't tai 3. Prccessins of edse welded accodinsviolation
phetsinh. 4. Selection ofappropdate arc to avoid the defects a sins.
Thdnh phAn hod hgc lirp kim toai diip go): Trpical chemical composition of ueld. metal g.):
C Mn si S C Mn si P S
You ciu Khilns
cau <0.04 Request Not Requted <0.04 <0.035
Dat drtO. - 0030 00r6 0.030 0.016
Co tinh kim lodi mdi hdn: Trpical chemic.rl oroperties ofueld metal:
i D6 baln clis tro Mr ririr dii
D. din Ih dii!, dih []ongation
AIPa) AIPa) (%) (, 0r,) ('/")
yiu cau >331 >'u4 >17 >77
Dat drrci 390 ,180 26 390 480 26

Kich thtdc que hdn td. d.nng diAn s& d.ung: Size @ailable aDd recomnended. currents:
Si d@s nsuAn di6n xoay chi6:u(Ac) hoac mat chia:u (DC) Poladty of elecircde (AC) or (DC)
Dldig kirh lDn) 42.5 ax-2 A4.o a5_0 Diamoter (mm) a2-5 43.2 44.0
Chau dai (mm) 300 350 .100 400 Lensth (mn) 300 350 400 400
CLidg d0 Hinlins 70+90 110-.130 140+190 I9(i+240 Ilat 70+90 110-.130 140 : 190 r90: 210
ddng didD 60+ 80 9lI-120 130-180 180+230 9iFl20 130-180 180: 2J0
E lEil
gilmE TCVN 3221 : 2000 E432 Hin kdt ciu th6p Carbon thip nhd: Vd tiiu, bdn chila...
ASME/,{WS A5.t E6013 M6'i hnn d6o dai, chiu va dAp, chiu m6i udn tdt.
EN ISO 2560 A E35O R Hnn driqc mei t1i th6, Ld cA hen diing tii trAn xudng.
vD-6013 GB: E4313 Da mdi hd quang.

Ddc di6'm - tng dukg: C har ac te

ristic s - App I ic ations:
\D-6O13le loai que henthuoc nh6m boc ruiincao. Mdi VD-6013 is the kinitof weldinsrodcasings rutinheadins
..: ii khul ai tat, dA rndi h6 quang, hd quang o'n dinh, it hisher. Welds less disability, eas! erc, arc stabilit]. less
:.: :{re. rii tu bong. Miji hnn drigc tinh luyeD tdt nan rit splutte ns, sell'peeling slag. rcfrned sood lvelds leN
::: iai ra chiu moiudn tdt. supplc and good bendins fatisue resistance.
. ?:u dd hnD th6p carbon thip chiu tai trong ta 430 - Suitable for weldins low carbon steel loads fron .130 19r:)

=: \tPa nhu:kCt ctu th6p crn, v6 inu, bdnchna. MI'a a6: Structural steelrcllins. hull. tanks...
:l- riu,rc 6 moi tuihdkdcihnn drlnstnn'en xudns. -South is in all positions includins vctical welding frorn
Hltdns din sd d.(ns:
i,:m sach dAu mi buibtin irLi6c khi hnn
- S:! que hin d 70+100'C tr.,ns th;i Cian 30=60 phnt 1. Cleanins oi], srease dirt before welding
2. Dry the electrodcs at 70-100'C for il0-60 minu:i:
:,L:r.6ns h6phnntheodnngquy ph+m
= -ua chon ddns hin phn hdp dd tranh cic khuydi iai 3. Processins oledge weldcd rccording !iolation
:i:::.inh. tS-l",ronol't,r'rot.a,-.r. ,i. d r d.D . "- -
Thdnh phin hod hoc tdp him loai d.iip (/d: TjDical chemicdl composition of ueld metol t1):
C C fIn
r_ , .au h-\..gveu Lau <0.04 <.!
0.075 0.4 o.2:l o.0il3 0.011

T)'pical chemical propertips of teld metoL

Dd bdn chiy Dd hdn d,it Di da. dri Di d!:1a di-.
0[Pa) OtPa)
400 490 27 I.60 lt)l) 190 2;

Eich thltdc que hd.n ud d6ne di|n st dVng: Size arailable dnd recommeaded cuffents: I
ir duns ngudn di6n xony chi6:u(Ac) honc ni,t chi6:u (DC) t'ola ty ofelectrodc (AC) or (DC) I
43.2 q4.t) a5-a 43.2 a;.o
350 400 400 Lcnrth onm) 350 ,100
-r:.9 d6 Hdnbine 90 ir40 t,10: t 90 180+240 90-140 I40: I90 I80+2 rf)
Hnn drng lJ0+130 t2l)-.710 160+210 120+ 170 160:2tt)

r':s nhan bdi:\T,


r:y."(: ctAY cHr/NG NHAN CoNG NHAN

56: 03S/'t'tCN



co so: coNG TY c0 PHAN ouE HAN DIEN vlET ooc


Dia chi: Xe Nhi Kh6, Thudng Tln, Ha Noi

Da duoc danh gra va c6ng nhan dA san ruat icac) sen phem sau day phii hqp voi Huong dAn vd ki6m
tra va chung nhen sen pham c6ng nghlgp dlng cho tau bi6n cia Cuc DAng ki6m Viet Nam (sau day gqi
16 "HLrdng dan")

Has been assessed and approved to manufacture the following product(s) jn compliance wilh the

Que han aliqn / cove.ed arcwelding elechodes : N46-VD; VD-6013; E7018-VD

Day han ban t\r dOng / Solid Wire for semi automatic welding : W49-VD

Giay chung nhan nay c6 hieu luc d6n ngeyi 16i05/20{6

This Certillcate is valld until:
voi di6u kien phei duo:c xac nhan hang ndm phir hqp voi Hudng d5n.
subject to annualendorsement in accordance with lhe Guidance.
Ngay 5n dinh danh gi6 hang ndm: Ngay 16 thdng 5 hing nlm
Anniversary datel
Cep t?ii Ha Noi, Vielnam Ngayr 16 I 051201'l
lssued at Date


Nguydn Vi Hit

YRTB 2lll1 -l'r:- 0112011

ASMX/AWS A5.1: E6010: E6011 > Hir tha-P : f,6t
th6p CarloE tha-p f,dt ce'u d; d!ng, c6p pha, d+v ngh6 '
ceu dar
JIS: D4311 qua4.
J42O - VD GB:E4311
> M6i hiD d6o da! d6 m6i hii

D4c di6'm - nns d\ns: Ch.rracteristi cs' APP I ic atiorc:

J,lq) - \rD In loqj que han thu6c nh6m boc rutin cao. M6i
- J42O-VD i!k 1d of $ elding rod casinss rutin headins
hisher. Weldi le:: di.abilirr'. eas! arc. arc stabilitv, less
:a ir khuydt iat, da ndl h6 quang, h6 quang dn dinh, it sDlutterins. !elJ pe€lrg !]ag. $eld toughness
:r roe. n ht bong. Moihan dio dar ' S i,rnlp 1,,. seldjs los crboD .,e"' ol aJ0 l9rt I\'lPd
. Phu bop dF hdn hFp'o'oolthap'Firrairrons ir'1i0'
loads such a: :ite] :rr.iclu6. buildins stnlctues civil
:rl \IPa nhu: cnc kdt cdu th6p hinh, kdt cru inv duns, weldins. fo.m\rorL..
::f, dan dus, c6p pha...
Southis u all po:lri;- ::l.lxdrxg renical s elding frcm
- Him dudc ii moj tu thdkd cA han dnng in tr6n xudns'
: Lam sqch dAu, mA bq i bdn tN6c khi han I CleeDs s..a.. c::: E:r.i sEldrxg
:. Sir que hnn d 70+100"C hong thii Sian :10=60 phft ela-t.i- 3: ;arlar'r C ::ri 3l-l=ilo milutes
2. DrL the
khi hdn.
:. Gia c6nsmdphdntheo dring quY Pham ts. P:rlc6:ug !iedg. r;-i.-i::.-r.::.:- -rla:oD
: Lua chon ddng hnn phn hqp dd bnrlh cac khuvdt t4t {rio. naa!!-!.3:E r r: ar::c:lid.iects'niDg'
r. S€t

Typical comPlrsition of ueld dPtol

Thdnh phdn hoti hoc lop him loai d,jp Od:
C Nfn P S ]ln
IGihg you cau <0.035 \.: Rd,jiEi <,:'.01 <,1!ll;
D3: dudc 0.032 0.016,2 0.016
Ca tinh kim logi m6i hdn: Tlpicat che ical P,'operties of teld rutol :
D6 bai cliy DO b0; drlt DO dan diLi Dd dai !a dap TeLtr:ftEr E.:::::: ::;a r1::
rllpar tt ! )
(MPa) t%) (J) 01Pa)
1:a ciiu >331 > 414 >l'.l > 414 >\i \ot R..t)irsi
390 480 22
Di: d'roc 390 480 22

Eich thtdc que hdn td ddng diQn sir d.\ns: Size aoailabte and recommekd.ed currents:
i: dmg neu5n di4n xoay chi6\(Ao hoic moi chi6:u (DC) Polarity of electrode (AC) or @C)
]:rg rjnh (nm) 432 c,4_0 85_t)
riu ddi (mn) 400 40t)

i: rg d6 Hdbins 120:140 I40+190 190+240

i:3rii6n Hnn ddng 90-.120 130-.180 r 80+230
Her k6i cdu th6p Carbon thep nhu, V6 du, bdn chta..,
QC\N 21:2010/BGTVT MW2
ASME/AWS A5 I E6019 Mdi hnn kh6ns ngen xi, d khi, chiu va dep, chiu m6i u6r tdi.
lS:D4301 trin loai ndi hin rdt ii iap chit
vD-6019 EN ISO 2560 A E 352 R-A Ili sdddp cao.

Ddc didm - tns dutus: C h a rd ctetkti ce " App lications:

*VD'6O19 1) loai que hAnthu6c nha,m v6 boc nmenit nan * \aD-6019 is the kind of welding rod casings Ilncnite
mol h-n,hongbi o tlx. trhong ngam r. r d. . di bo-g. headins up welds without porosity, not suck s1ag, slas
N{di hin dridc tinh 1uy6n tdi n6n rit d6o dai ve chiu m6i b ttlc and removable. Welds should be refined sood very
u6; tdt. quc c6 ha sd drip cao. C6 thd hnn dudc A moi tu thd. supple and good bending fatiguc resistance, coefficient
" Phn h{rp dd hnn th6p carhon thip chiu t,ii trong ta 430 cau6ewayrods. Canweld in all positions.
490 MPa. dil deo dai cao. chiu u6:n tdt nhu: KdN ctu th6p * Suitahle for weldinslow carbon steelloads from,130-490
cnn, v6 iru, b6nchta... MPa, high toughness, flexural well as: Structural steel
rolling, hull, tanks ...
Htrdns ddn st duns:
1. Ldm sach ddu, m0hui bdn iNdc khi hnn
2. Sdy que hnn rr 70+100'C trons thii gian 30=60 phrit 1. Cleaninsoil, grcase d t before welding
tN6ckhihnn. 2. Dry the elechodes ai r-0+100"C for 30=60 minutes
3. Gia c6nsm6phnntheo drins quy pham
4. Lda chon ddns hnn phn hdp dd trenh c,c khuvdt tat 3. Processing ofedge weldcd accordins viotatioD
phetsinh. 4. Selcctionofappmp ate arc io avoid the defects a sins.
Thdnh ph;n hod hoc t6p him looi ddp Fat: Tlpicat chemicat composition ofueld metal (Ea):

C Si P s C Mrl si
0.05 0.1: 0.25-0.65 0.05 0.2t <0.03 <0.025 1.05 0.1i 0.25-0.6t 0.05-0.25 <0.03 <0.025
Dat dlloc 0.07 0.,15 o12 0.025 0.015 0.07 0.45 o.L2 0.025 0.015
Cd tinh him lodi mii hnn: Trpical chemical prcperties of u)eld metal:
D6 ban dift Dd din daLl
lUPal oll'd (9,) (J)

r6u.,u >i131 > 111 >22 of >17 >331 >474 >22 0"c>47
Da t duG :190 1s0 ?; I !ic:$. 1;d 390 480 27

Kich thddc q@ hon ta d6ng diin si dune: Size aDailable dnd rccommend.ed currcnts:
dus osudn drio \oa, , bieu(-\C, bo., mq, (hieu (DC)
Sr.t Poidity ofelectrode (AC) or (DC)
Dxing hitrh (r]ur ALa a5-t) Diameier (nm) 44.0 45.0
Chiau d rDDr 100 400 Lensth (mm) 400 400
CrrdDsd6 HAn baps 160+2r0 210+250 tr1at 160 :210 21G:250
dang diin Han dailg
(-l) & hd t"dn
130-l80 180+230 I Sll-180 r80+230
H:in kei ca-u lldp i dbon rhrp nhu: 1 0 r:i lan ciu phir' biir clna..
TCVN 3223:2000 E,130
N42. VD ASX{E/AWS A5.1 E60r3 Mdi hen deodai rhiura dip

Dd. di6ln- insd7ne: Chdr atteristics - AP P I i c a t i o,1 s:

* N42- VD is kind ol weldinlt rod .itimgs h.dding nirln
- \.12 . \rD h loa-i que hln thu6c nh6m vd boc li6 }!iin.
I l:, onn ii khuy6t tat, hd quang dn dinh, it bin no'. ri da
system. Welds less disabilit). stable ar. lc.! i'Duc
eIplosive. easily rcmovable slas. \\clds should le r.tlnid
::r \I(li hnn drrdc tinh luyan tdi nan rdt d6o dai. chiu -,o Bl'.Looub no .'t"P""
::: r tran rdi. C6 ihdhnn rr tnoitu thd. i,..1.u.. '
- ,':u hop dd hnnth6p carbon the'p chiu t.iitr9nstri l30' canbe wekled in al1 colrespond ence th.1t.
" Suilahle tbr s cldins 1o$' carbon si-'el tionr '13
0 190 1'rc
- :,lPa Dhu: Kdt cau th6p cnn, vo :n lan. pln. bdnchl1a.. lIPa as: Struclural sie,.lroltirg, shcdlbarges. ferrie:. re'i:
,::: ::.:r diu. urlbui ben tru6ckhihin
ir :ii. hin i, 70+100'C trong thdi sian 30-60 phnl 1. Cleaninsoil, srees€ diribelore s'elding
2. Dry tho clectmdos at ?0+100 C for 30=ilil Jlrni:-_
:. : :r: ni6D hin theo aliinsquy Dhan
: i::r dirDe hin Dhi hdp dd r#nh citc khuydt tat il. l'r.,cessing of Lrl se wclded a{rcordi n s liolaii ot1
4 -.... o' .''o \o : o " " -

:::h phda hod hqc l6p him loqi diiq (b: T\pical chemical conPosition of ueld nPtdtt"):
c M.]si t ,U.
Ktans You du Igq*'t
f.p;cal thPni, ot p'uPP"t:r' :'- c:c ^:' -:.
DobdnchiY DO bdn dut

Size aLailoble and recotnDQnded curretlts:

l'olirn! oflle(Lrodc (-\C) or (llCEP)

Hnn bin

__l l


-* *ni?;'i;i?: ;,6i::.

qnE TC\4{ 3223:2000 E513 Hirn kdt cli'u rh6p carbon tbip lrld: V6 du, b6n chta...
ASME/AWS A5.1: E7016 M6'i Len d6o dai, chiu va dap, chlum6i udD t6'L
JIS: D5016 Hen ddqc D1oi tu thd, kd ci hnn dirng tii tq6n xudng.
87016-VD EN ISO 2560 A E423 B
Di! mdi h6 quane.

DQc didm - tns d.ung: C haracterieti6 - Ap p lic atiorc:

* E7016 - \.D ]d loai que hnn ihuoc nh6m hy&osen thdp, * E7016 - \aD welding rod kind of goup low hydrcsen
hdm luqng Hy&o troDg kim loai th6:p n6n m6i hen kh6Ds content of hydrcsen in the weld metal is low so no clacks,
bi Nrt, kh6ry bi 16, m6i hln c6 dO d6o dai cao, cuu driqc ep no porosity, weld with high toughness, to withstand the
ldc 6 - 20"C. xi hdn d6bons d6ldm scch, kh6ns ngan1 xi, ii pressurc at-20"C. slas weldins easikremovabte, easy to
binnd. .lea.. no slss arrrapmenl. r"ss f"Frndexplosion.
* Thich hop dd han ih6p ca*on ve hgp klm th{p, cuu tai * Suiiable for welding low carbon steel and 1ow altoy
hons ta 490 -550 MPa nhu: Kdt cdu tau thuye;, drrihg loads from 490-550MPa as: Shrctual vessels, pressure
dns ap ]gc, kdt ciu dnn khom... piping, structural fis...
* Kim loai d6ns dec nhanh n6n d6 hnn 6 i:it cri cac td thi * Metal mpid freezins should be easy io weld in att

Hrdtus dAn sil d.vns:

1. Ldm s4ch dru, m6 bu'i bdln tru6c khi hdn
2. Sdy que hnn d 300+350"C tmng thdi sian 30=60 phdt 1. Cleaning oil, gzease dirt before weldins
tN6c khihnn. 2. Dry the electrodeB at 300-350'C for 30-60 minutes
3. Gia c6ng m6p hdn theo dring quy pham
4. Ltra chon ddns han phn hqp dC tlen}l cnc khuye't tat 3. Processing of edge welded according violaiion
phet sinh. I Splp, r ion ofappropriarF arc toavord rhe dpre..s a.sinc.
5. Cec dutng han I6t Datr st dms que O 3,2 5. Theuseof weldinslinedsheetrod O 3.2
Thdtuh phdn hod hgc ldp kim togi diip (sa): Trpical chemical composition ofueld metal (%):
C Mn Si P S C Mn Si s
Yau cdu 0.05-0.1 < 1.6 <o-75 <0.02 <0.02 0.05-0.1 < 1.6 <o.75 <0.02 <0.02
D?t dugc 0 0a5 lt o4a 0.015 0.010 0.085 tl o4a o ol5 0 010

A.r finh him loai mrt h.i--. Typical chemical properties of weld. metal :
DE ban dG & de" dni DO d,i* dt!
(YPa) (, (Mra) 0{Ia) (%) (J)

> 400 >4StO >22 2s\:>21 >400 >490 >22 .29'C>2',1

Dat &rdc 460 55{) 2A I0
'20"0: I 2t\ -20"C:110

Kich thttdc qw hirL uit ddne didn sA dune: Size dDailable and. recommended. currents:
Si d'ps Dsu6b dieD r@j chid!(Ac) booc Ed, chieu ru. duone Dr (r, ?olaity of elechode (AC) or (DCEP)
DudDg kiDh (mm) Q3,2 44.0 Diameter (mm) aB,2 o4,o
Chidu dai (mo) 350 ,t00 Leneth (mm) 350 400
CudDs d6 Harr binq 110+ 130 160+210 tr'1at l l0+ 130 l60 + 210
ddls di6D Hln drlng 90 +12O r30+ ra0 90 +120 130+ 180
& hdn trAn Overhead
Chralg nhan bai: \ry, I,It Appromls: \rR. LR
wu t5l0t05

Welding Consumables Annual

Re- Approval Certificate
It aABt 2015

riis @nilicre is issued ro

Eao( welding Elodrode loiit sto<t comp.ny MwEt co)

Dr mderrenlioned welding consumables supptied by t'E compary namd ab@ haF beo aFprc*d k . n ts F, 6fE
- tD 2016 with the grading shoM.

.. : ltl :rir'lti:n:lrl:'rl'l i l
-h 3 ons,r.Lt-
3 utt
-,-.tti. i 5.n
tbu. glol&VD :, EIIE T.'L 116.T
ldvD/co2 5 t[ls,t:w1lllin

#;;w-| ffi!*r*

IB ,

5utueyor b Ll.yd3 Register asia

A lbsLdlary ol rloydS Register Group rim ed

-!rtt hgB 66!p UmiGd. i6 afliliales .nd subsidir 6 .nd their 6peo* ofl .eu. emproles d aoeiE are, ndMdualy and co edi€1y. eaened E i tE (.e .
':rdttgs{ tlord s Reqne 6emes no resp.nrbitity and shal noi b€ r,abre to any pero,i to, any t6s, damagE or erpense .aued by Eliare d r. .cr@ ,
e ' ,B d6ft d hollger preded, unt6s drd psson hs 5'9iei a (ontra.l wth $e retelanr UoyO ineq rla enrty to, ae pffi ca * ,tuE ,
ft ,n h n'i @ -y rBponnbihy or tiabtt ty is sclustve y on the lerms and cddrions *r @r tn ihar (oni.ac1. -

TC\tl 3223i2000 8514 EAn kdt c{u th6p Carbon rhdp chiu tai r4ng itdD 55{ rll,a.
ASME/AWS A5.1: E7018 Tlfch h9l)chor tau bid!, itrrdng dng 6p llrc, sin! hhoD...
EN ISO 2560.A-E 423 B
E7018-VD ils: D5016
M61 hen dAo dai, chiu ap trr, c d - 2o0C.
Di hdn d cec tu rh6' }!6 Dhu: BG! 4G...

Dd.c didm - nne dune: C h ar ctcteristic s - Apnlic ations:

4 ETOla -
\rD ta ba: oL,, han r nuo. nho,D hyoroB"n rh,p *
P7o19 \'T ihe kind oI s,etdins rod casinss headins
.o bo su.s boi sdr. hi, m 'udns H, dro llong L rm JoJ wirh adJirionrl t^s t-\oosFD iror powder, .oq-pDr ot
_:n moi 1ar L nor8 hr nut. Fydruspn in rhF held m.rdt ," tow
Mong oi m6, han .o do deo no cracts nn
", withstanat
oaicro..hi drro. ap tu. d - 20 i- )C"o,han dc oonts detJm porcsity, weld wiih hish toushness, to rhe
' pfessure at - 20'C. siag welding easily removabte. easyto
sqch, kh6ngnsamxi,
* Thich hdp dd hnn
iibin nd.
.lpdn. .oslrs arrrrpmen.. l"ss fue, rd Fxprosion.
th6p carbon vi hdp kim thip, chiu tdi *Suirab.lorqeloing
tmns tn 490 -550 Mpa nhu: Kdt cdu tdu thuyan, duohg o$.arbor eraetand toq a oy tuadq
dns ep ]rc, kdt c6u dnn khoan...
ftom 490 550 MPa Structuml vessels, pressure
* Kin toaiddnsdec piping, shuctural g...
nlanh n6n d6hnn 6 irt cA cec tu tht * Metal mpid lrcezins should be easy to
wetd in atl
Edih.gdAn dung: positions.
1. Lnm sach dAu, mll bui bdn trLi6c khi hnn
2. Sdy que hdn 3 300+850'C trong th;i
sian 80+60 phrit 1. C1laningoil, srease diJt beforc we]dmc
2. Dr\ rre ,lpctrodp- ar 30niJ50C fo; ,,n,U,J .,nr,."
3. Cia cons mep han theo duns qu.\, Dhflm
a. Lur.hon duns hdn phu hdp de -i",nh.J. thu\er rhr .) Pro, e..,, s ofedBe $ ptdad a,,.ordins viotdtiux
phtt sinh. a. splai ion
5. Cnc dudns han br nAn srl dDs que O3,2 oa,oiJrh. de.p.tba4srhts.
5. The use of welding Lned street rcd O 8.2
Thanh phdn ho,i hoc bp him toai .itip Od:
ion of uetd. metal (Ed:
C si P s C Mn si s
0.05-0.r <0_75 <0.o2 <o.o2 0 0;.0.1 <0.75 <0.02 <0 02
Dgt ddoc 0.09 1.15 0.45 0.019 0.015 0.09 1.15 0.45 0.0r9 0.015
Cd tinh kim togi mdi hdE Typical chpmical propertiee ol wetd metot :
& Hn cnet D6 bdo di.r DD d- dai
oPa) (ltPa) (vl (, (r") (,
>400 >490 >22 29"c:>27 >400 >490 >22 -29"a:>27
Dat due 450 540 -20"C: l40 15rf 450 540 29 -20tri i40 150"
Kic.h thddc que hdn ud ddns di4n s& dane:
Size aaaildble and reconm.end.ed. currents:
:!f!us nsudn drin \o3) .t Fu'AC' hoa. rdr .hidu /a. oL,o s D, (,l Poladty of elechode (AC) or (DCEP)
Dudns kinh (Dm) 43,2 @1,O Diameter (mm) 43,2 Q4,O
chieu dai (mr) 350 400 Lensth (rnm) 350 400
Cridns d6 Hnn bino 110+ 130 160+2to
ddns di6n
I'lat 110+ 130 160 +210
Hin ddng 90 +120 130: 180 Vertical & 90 +r 20
(A) 130+ 180
& hdn trdn Overhead
Chfng n]En b&:VR, NK, LR
Appmvals: \T, NI! IA
Cenificate No.


Brand E7018 '\D

Manufacturer Viet - Duc Weldiag Electrode Joinr Stock Compan5
Thuong tin District. Ha tay. Viernam
Kind Covered Electrode
Purpose For High Tensile Steel
Approval Condition i
Grade IG4W 52
Current AC or DCEP
Position Flat, Horizontal, Vertical Upward and Overhead
Max. Dia. of Electrode F ; 4mm0, H ;4mmd, tr(J ; 4mmd
Welding Procedure Manual Welding

THIS IS TO CERTItrY that the above mentioned welding consumable iras been
approved by the NIPPON LA.IJI KYOKAI in accordance with the requhements of the
Society's Rules.

This Certificate will remain in force until the 22nd day o{ Ivlay, 2005.
Issued at Tokyo on the l3th day of Apri1, 2005.

Tt rilidity of d r cldi{iarta haa ta(n fticc/ld

"*ir .... .:l-..

General Manager of
Material and Equipmenr" Dcpart monr

Note r The walidity of this oertificate may be r€n awed by enCc-se-._:

on the attached sheet upon complelion 6f the annUa
TCVN 3223:2000 E513 Hin th6p Carbon thdp chiu iAi trqng ddn 550 MPa.
ASME/AWS A5.1: E7015
N50.68-VD JIS: D5016
Thich hdp cho: K61cdu han n6, cdu phn, kdt cdu xey dltus-

Dqc diam - tne dVng: Ch ar a cteristics - Ap p lic ations:

* N50.68 - VD h loai que hin thu6c n}I6m hydrcsen thdp, * N5O.6B- \rD is kind oflow hydrosen welding rcd
him lrrdng Hydro trons kim loai tha:p n6n han ch6 bi ndt, hytuogan in metal contentis low so thatcracks, welds vith
m,ri hnn c6 d6 d6o daicao. xi han d6 bong, d6lin sach, it high toughncss. Weldins slas easily removable, easy to
* Thich hdp ctean,low shotburst.
dd hAn th6p carbon thdp vA hdp kim rhtp, * Suitabte for welding low carbonsteel and lov altoy, toads
chiu tii trons tn 490 550 MPa nhu: Kdt ctu cey drlns. from 490 550 MPa as: Stluctulal conshuction, minins.
hlm n6, chnn dd. cdu phd...
tripodB. bddses and ferries...
Eudng dAn st d.ung:
1. Ldm sach diu, m6 bui bdn tni6c khi hin
2. Siy que hdn 6 300+350"C trong thii sian 30+60 phnt 1. Cleaningoil, gease dirt before wel dins
tni6c khi hin. 2. Dir the elechodcs at 300=350'C for 30+60 minutes
3. Gia c6nsm6phintheo dfngquyphsm
4. Llia chon dbrs hnn phn hdp dd rrnnh cic khuve'r ffit 3. Processingof edge welded accordingviolation
ph6tsinh. 4. Selection ofappropdatearcto avoid the defects arising.
Thiituh phAn hod hgc l6p kim toqi diip (Ed: rypical chemicdl compositiotus of ueld metdl (Ed:
C Mn si C MD Si P s
Kh6ns vou cl! <0.03 <0.03 Ilhons you cAu <0.03 <0.03
Dat ddoc 0.07 0.9 0.55 0.019 0.014 o07 0.9 0.55 0.019 0.014

Cd tituh kim.logi mdi hda- Trpical chemical properties of Deld. metdl:

Di, b6l cliy D6 bdh dft D0 din dai D6 dai va dap Eloigaiion
lMPa) (MPa) (%) (J) (MPa) (%) (J)
>400 >490 >22 29'C >2'.1 >400 >490 >22 .29'C:>2\
Dat aluOc 390 480 2'l 390 480 27

Kiah tht.dc quc han DA dnnA diin si dune: Size atailable and recommetuded. cutents:
Su dus Dsudn dreD mor chieu que han oai Polarity of electrode DC (+)
clrc dudns DC (+)
Du{rns kinh (mn) A!.0 45.0 Diameter (mm) @ 4.0 450
Chi6:u dai (mm) 4oo 400 Leneth (mm) 400 400
Crdng d6 Hdn bang 160 :200 2OO+ 240 Flat 160=.200 200:240
doDg di6n Han airms 130+170 77O+ 21O Vetical & 1301 170 170+ 210
(A) & hr. t"rn Overhead
I rilEfrr,
TCVN 3223:2000 E5l3
ASMI.I/AWS A5.1: 8t015
\55.6B-VD JIS:D5016

a :: diim - une d\ng: C haracteristics - -\P P : :t..; :'--

' \.15.68. \D ]n loai que h:inthuoc nh6m hldmsenthrp, \D ri .-: : - : 1-
* N55.6B-
: r: :: .f,s Hyilro tmns kim loai thdp nen han chdbi nft, hydroeen melii.i.:::::. :-::
. i.::: .6 d6 d6o dai cao. X hen dA bons. de hm s4ch, ir hish toughne-.s Wi--:: i:: -.-
clean,low shotbusl
' r :- hop dd hnn th6p carbon ih{p vn hdp kim thdp. " Suitable for seldins lo
- ::.r :rong trr 490 550 MPa nht: K6i cdu cA) drlns. from .19{l 550 X'lPa as: Srr:ir--- ::
::::r. rhan di ciuphd... tripods, bridses and ferrie.
1: 7s ddn sil cluns:
ddu, m6bgibiin tni6c hhi hdn
-:::ach hnn l. Clea Ds oil. srease dirt before Ri
- :.. rue 6 300-350 C trons thai sian 30=60 phnr 2. DrI ihe electmdes at 300-1150 C -: 1r I -- r' -
.::,re m6phnntheo dnnsquy Phqm
:, Pr^, -ior go -od. r'plo"o b .oro, -' .
: i:. ,'hon dary hin phn hqp dd trnnh cac khuydt tat ' d::..:i

.!. Sclccdon ofapprcpdatc arc to avoid the -!:i

Typical chemic al compositions of u eld nrctd l''. :
:aonh phi;n hod hoc l6p him logi diip (1):
(l Mn P al NIn Si P
: xtrons Yau cau <(_).03 <0.08 Noi Required <0.0i <
tl 0.6 0.019 0 015 1.1 0.6 0.019

:t ttnh him loqi ndi hAn: Typical chemical propetties of u)eld metal:
Do be'n clar D0 bo'n illit Dd dan diii Dd dai !a dip
(%) (J)
0IPa) OIta)
r::: :atr >'100 >.190 >22 -r9'C: >27 >400 >490
::: l:i( .l3l) 520 22 L'lhdryr 90

a:th thttdc que han t)ii di)ne di.h sii dat g:

Size a\ailable dnd recommended currents:
:: ::-! nsxin di6n mot chidu, que hnn n6i
: rirng DC (+) Polarity of electmde DC (+)
: ir::g kinh (nn) 44.0 a5-a
dii (mn) 4l)l) Length (mm)
Ii-rg d6 Hdh b 160+200 200+240 ieo=zoo 2oo: ::
r :l drEn Hnn drlns I30+I70 1t-0 i 210 r 30r 170 1;0+ :
& hdn tran

> HnnlA.;u rbpp CMbo!,bio,,hep \i.Moj. rhiu rei,Dogdao 600 ypq.

vp-80 1 6- c i$%',1iffi tifi 3jgl9" > Ttjch hdp cbo: (at€u 06j n0i, dddng dog dp tuc,,,
i floihu deo d.i, chiu ap tu. d. 20 oC.
z 0; b;n o tuc,u,biLbo nnr Ji,.4c.._
> Elsddiipcao.
Ddc .liah - tns dyns:
l" ln8, q-p nan .nLn. nhor h\ d.o8pn
.'.VD--8O16-C i, .o .o I,rop 1. \aD-8016-cis kindofheading weldingrod low
runts nan I id-8 \'Jii.r. \,rorip,r;^ hydrogen
:,1 l1,; " \.:.'d rqcr kirh.dtl onr ni.k"t
li:"lir" " iL,oi, ro-8ra. o;odai ." j.r,p i,"o :n"c,
rEa.1deborg.ditamqr,n Kin t""iaoneaa.
rp1r. no,yhd"num
-h.,rld s, d n"aw load". t,.,,Dt,.."o)p_"-r,.
ohadr $.ldi.s .ids
,r -2u. C
ncn de hcn d.ictiT rhe BG. ac
'.asrt. n.n o\.h.. p.r .t,.sn ,ps" i-F
l. Tlu, h I dD oe fi p\p,^s'o.. RLpidlr
den n 8o": \1^ din 0.Jo0) r-hiu
rbon rh;D \ a hdD
"rm rhAp !Ni -utio]lipu n pr:t "xsiJ) q.topd in
rtuu mor uon i6r -hrr:Kit cl
I s i I
"on, I Lr ;50 620 \4 pa, position 3c, .1c...
"A "J-ua.d,:ongo"erhiuap 2. Suitablelbr weldins tow carbon
stoel and tow altoy (Ni to
I ,1' M^ ro(,.4 .,. Lord. trun 5\U-620 t\4pa.
Hftns dAn stt duDs: sooJ he.dirB
I"liSxpE"i sl"u.'1.d, r.nk" e1d
1 Lam sachdcu. Dd. bur b6n nip.tin". undprpre"" .F
tmocltif ,n
-usr., qJ--h.e d 30u . .tida rronc , hui gr. n Jn. 6n p. ul 1. Clean oit, srease, dirt before wetdino
jl. Gu.otr9 mepbaD
rheo itug qur pham , n. "..'"o"*,, 30,,-t5rfC durinr Jr,-(ju 11rnu."s
*"" h,u oru rop oa r."nr, , an Lrur"r ,a,
Jr.iT;l"" 3.P,a,,ss .,.o.din!,]ormari\, s.tdinsoi{o"|lua.
;. Cic d'udng hAn 16r n6n suduDgque
Z_1.2 I SJq r ion n..poropr.rpar,,uAvo d I h_ de p"r.a"r.,
Thdnh phdn hod hoc tdp him toai 5. Theliner shouldbe u6edwetdrod (.): O3.2
C si PS\i Trpical chemicdt compositions of u)eld tuet (/.):
l::i:J 'l i;11.1 ' 0.1 I I 0.r.0.;5 <0.02 <0.02 0.1-0.8 i().l]; (]
C si P Ni Mo
/ ::r1 f.06; l.r5 0.55 0.0ri 0.0;0.1 0.1r4 75 <0.02 <0.0,
0.003 0.79 t.2l 0.05 0.:
Co tinh hid loai m6i hdn: 1_25 0.55 0.015 0.003 0.?9 0.21

Dr bih chil
Trpical chemical properties of u)eld.metal:
D0 bdn dtr Dd dai va da!
.-- (MP,) $t (j)
Ti: ciu >460 >550 >19 0,{p!) 01Ia) (%) (4
Dai {irioc 490 600 26 -2U"C: 110
>460 >550 >19
490 600 26 20"C:110
Kich thulj. que hdn Da dbng diin
su dttng: Si:c aDqil.tbte ond rccomm?nded
:r :u , lrxnn d ao ,oa! "h eu \r , bo?. Is cuffents:
"tu*" _, oJ.ngD.\ l roraniy ofelF(trode (Ac)ur (DCEp)
D-asrrd (md) 43.2 a4.o a5.a Diameter (mm) 43.2
O4.0 o5.0
400 400 Lensth (mm) 350 400 10a
C:r;Dg dd Han bins 100-140 140+1i10 180+220
::=di6! Hin drlns 80=120 120-.160
Fiai 100-140 140:180 180: 220
80:120 120i160 160+200
& ndn trAn
>tL.:.::---,: --,::r: :: .L
z Tli.t:- :: a:: ::: :-.::= :: _j
> \loihEi;:.- r::: : : ,
\D - eo I 6-c i$t'Ji}f, f i;.'l?'f " > Da-nDdEi:r::r:::::: = -

: ::;n' . tng duhe:

: -Er16.G le loai que hnn ihu6c nh6m hydrcsen thdp. 1.\4)-9016-GiskLnirlr .:::: .
: -:i hio c6 b0 rury hnm ludrg Niken Motipden wcld mei.ll wirh addiir.r:. :. i. :
:::r lhiu iai tronsl6n, dao dai. chni np tuc d 20"C,
should weld heavr lond:. ::;!::..
r: . rns. d6lem sach. ft bin nd. Kin toai d6nq dnc
.. a6hnn 6cec iLlrhdSG.4c... rveldins slag easill,, remo\ablE ..:::
. - i. d0hnnth6p.arbonthrpvnhdpkim ihtp (Ni e\plosion. Hapidlr solxlfied rri:i:
. :\ft, ddn 0..19n). Chiu rriirrcnstir620 6S0ltp.l. position:1G.4G...
iln rni nhu:Kdicdu bdn ctiia. duans dns chiu ip 2. Suitable for weldinslo$ carbon:re.l:: j :-:
1.41o Mo to 0.4%). Loads fron 620 640 \llii .
, -.: st duns:
dAn fa"ae. . :r.u,.r....l,"nk" Jt
:, -..1diu n6, bui baintnr6ckhi hnn
,- : i: iin a 300 3n0oc trons thiri sian ;10 . 60 phft 1. Clean oil. $ease. dirrbefore weldins.
2. Drt- ihc ele.bodes at ll0o-3;0'C 10. :l F.
::r: Ii! hinrheo.l[ng quypham
.:rr daDs hnn phn hdp dd tl]inh cnc khlIdi tat 3. ?rocess accodinsnormativeweld jn!idr:r..:: .
ii :rjhnn l6i n6n srl dungque OB.2
4. Selectionofapprop atcarctoavo;dth.def..:: :.:' :
5. The linershouldhe usedi{eldm.l 03,
- .-.a phdn ho,l ho': ldp him toai ddp (/.):
Tr p i c a I c hemi. al comp ositions of b e I d m e to I t.,
a Si P r"i \lo
r 01.1.; 0.3 0.i5 <0 02 <11.02 0.9.1..1 lt.r.0 4
NIn ,q

l: tt7 0.6i 0.ul 0.00? 12 u.:ii

0.0;.01 0.1 r.; 03.0.1; <0.02 <0.|2
0.07 1.rT 061 001 11.0u? t.:
. ::.h kim loai mdi hAn: Tlpical chemical properties of beld metal:
I)" hd,,.l,i" DOl,"n,tri I Dd,li",lii

. : -. : hx.:c que hdn ud dnng diCn st.luns: Size auailable dnd recommen.led currents:
-. : - :.-:. didn .!ay .hi6u(,{C) Ioic mft cnj€:u cLlc dudnsDC (+) Polarit}. of electiode (AC) or (DCEP)
o3.2 440 C)5 0 piamct., t-my
350 .i00 ,100 LcDsth (mm) .100 l
ltirr 100+r 40 140;180 180+220 100=140 140 -180 !il,: rl
Hnn dnng r60+200
& hin t;n At \erti'al&
] ,",t' "r"o 80:t 20

Hin th6p c6 hAm tdqng Mn ddn l2So.
Mdi hen c6 d6 ctng d& 5m HB, ch6'ne mni m6n t6i.
DMn-5fi)-VD Jrs:z32sr DFMA ts Thich hOp cLor Rnng giu mnc, bta miy netidD d4..,
Kh6ngthi eia c6ne cit gqt drJdrc, chi c6 thmaiAi vdi de

DQc diah - Ilng dung: Charucteistits - Appticano s:

li * DMn- 500-VD is kind of weldins rods with high
" DMn- 5fl)-\rD loai que hnn c6 hnm luqng Mangan
cao. HO sddiip cao, chdne mni mdnt6i. mansanese content. Coefficient causeway, good abrasion
" Thich hdp dd hnn cnc chi iidt bi mdi mdn, chd s6t c6 dO * Suitable for weldins pats wear out, Iub with hardness
crlng ddn 500 HB nhu: rens sdu mric, me kep hnn, bfa
mal ns-ien di. Jdi ui. SaL .hi hin t10-8 {iJ, ong, at cq- upto 500HB, such asbucket teeth, jaw weldins, hammer
stone crusher, iron blades. After wetding is noi cuttins
r. Ldm sqch ddu, m6, bqibdn tll16c khi hdn.
1. Ctean oil, grease, dirtbeforeweldins.
2- Siy que h;n 200 2500C trong thdi Sian 30 60 phft
2. Dry thc electrodes at 200=250'C for 30-60 minutes
tN6c khihnn.
3. cirl h6 quans nsin nhit c6 thd.
3. Keep the dc as short as possible.
4. Giac6ngm6p hnntheo dnng quy ph,rm.
4. Process accordins normative s'elding edge.
5. LVa chitn ddng hdn phn hqp dd tr6nh cec khuydt tat adsing.
5. Selectionofappropdatc arc to avoid the defects
6. Polarit). of clccirode (AC) or (DCEP)
6. Sri dug nsn6n di6n m6t chi6:u , ho4c :oay chidu
Trpical chemical composition of weld metal (Ea):
Thdnh phAn hod hec ldp kim loqi diip gb):
Si C Mn si P S
<1.1 11:18 <0.8 <003 <0.1-)l < 1.1 I l:18 < 0.8 <0 03 <0.03
| 0; oo25 00li 0.9 I] 0.5 0.025 o 015

Cd tinh kim loai m6i hat,' Tr-pical chemical properti$ of ueld. metal (E ):

Dd cdng (TIB)
Dqr C:6: 150 ;00
Kich thtltc que hdn L d dnrg di6t si d.ung: Size auailable and recomnend.ed. currents:

I),r; ir 2 .1.'l A4,0 @5.4 Di.meter (mm) o 3,2 44,0 a5,a

fii: u - tio 400 400 Lengih (mi1) 350 400 400
Cr.r;ag i; d:,- -ar r ! 90 - 130 140-180 190+240 90 : 130 r40:180 190+240
Hi!:..r -::- :-. :
116l hi:.: :: : i:. ::: r
DCr 60-VD Jrs: 2i251 DF2B.L, ir biiD E::
> Thich ho!.:i: l::i::r : -:.
, ^nongio. sr-L :r : : :j .

. :: diim . tns duns: C haratteristi cs . 7p p I i.. : : :...

r.60.VD ln loai que hnn dip ca,hrim lLidns t]r 6"6. n1.;. Dl r-60-VD , ^-.
. - :.r mii nrin idi. chiu va dnp manli.
cao. ch6'ng rhr.mrun to! en o , :
:::.1.i! de hnD cnc chitidt bi mni mdn c6.16 crlns ddn Jbr.,orr--.''.'p.
-:f ihri:LhuOn rdn, d\ ng cr,r citgot... S rL ,r ' .l lrnrp ,' . .,
- : .:::i hinhh6nsthdsia.Onscii gotdLldc
Ik uld for$ins, cuttins tools . .

a: Jrs ddn sld.uns:

i]!h d,iu m6, bui hdn tN6c khi hdn.
r. :r
- tre hn. 200 - 250 C trons thii sian 30 , 60 phnr (llea. oil. srease, diItbelore welding.
i D. hp " q r..Ltp. znn.-:, a
::i rluang r)gainnhat c6thd.
, Ig Diep hnn iheo &ing qu\.pharn.
i: :h.D dang hnn phn h.,p dd (xenh cnc khu],6t tat 3. Keep the arc as slori as possible.
l. Irocoss accordins normative Nelding e.lg!.
5. Selection of appropriatc arc to avoid th! d!i.r: : i- : : l
.:nh phan hod hoc t6p him toai diip (L): Trpical che,nical compositioh of u)eld metal,', :
C -\Ir CI Si P S C NIn CI
i.l i.Ll <50 < 1.i <0 03 <0 03 <30 <50 <15
3.1 0.t5 0.025 0.018 0i )i 3.1 t.!a;
Tlpical chemical properties of ueld metol :
D,, ,uns (HllC)

':.: . l1ltdc que hdn rd ddiq di6n st dung:

t Size anilable and. rccommended, currents:
- : r:::: r:guan di6n roay chi€u hoec mdt chi6'u cric dLiorg Pola t! ofelecirode DC (+) orAC
:::1: Dc +]

RelommrnlPd, ff ntb 1-A)

(. :ctitrrglll::'Yir

9mg Hin th6p c6 hAm tudng NIlr d6n 4qa.
M6i hnr c6 d6 cllDs d6; 380 HB, ch6'I1g mni m6r tdt
Thich hd. p cho: Bnnh rnDg, xich xe.,.
DMn-350-\rD rs: zs25r DF2A. 4oo,n C6 tLd gia c6ng cdt got ddOc.

Ddc didm - tlns duns: Ch a ructe istics - ApltlicanoN :

DMn-35O-VD hhai quehdnc6hnm ludnsMangancao. - DMN-350-\'D is thc kind of wetdins rods with high
Ha sddip cao. chdns mli mdn t6't. mansanese content. Coefffcient causeway, sood abrasiotr
' Thich hdp dd h)n cec chi iidt bi mni min c6 dit cfng trung
bin}l 350 HB, sau khi hnn c6 thd sia c6ng c;t sot dudc. 'Suiiable for weldins ofdetails wom average hardness of
350 HB, afterweldinscanbc piuccsscd cuttins-
Hlcrlns d.6n si d.vng:
1. Lim sach dir1, m6, bui b;in tnjdc khi hnn.
2. Sdy que hin 200-250t hons thi,i siar 30 60 phtt 1. Cleanoil. srease, dirtbeforcweldiog.
tnr6c khi hnn. 2. Dry the electrcdes at 200=250'C for 30=60 minutes
3. Gia hd quang nsin nhdt c6 th d.
4. Gia c6ngm6phnn theo dr:ng quy pham. 3. Keep the arc as shotaspossibte.
5. Lua .hon ddng hin phn hdp dd hnnh cac khuv6't tat 4. Prccess accordins normative w.ldios edse.
phetsinh 5. Selectionofappropdate arc to avoid the defccts a|isins.
6. Sr1 dung ngu6n di6n m6t chi6:u crc dlrdns dd hdn (DC+) 6. Use positive directcurcnt sourceforweldins (DC+)

Thdnh phdn hod hgc tdp htm lodi ddp g.): Tlpicdl chenical composition of uield. metal (Ed:
C Mn Si (] Mn si S
Ift6ng y6u cAu <0.03 <0.03 Not Required <0.03 <0.03
Dai aluoc 0.12-0.16 3.5 - 4.0 {J.8 o_o25 0.020 0.12-0.16 0.8 0.o25 0.020

Cd tinh hin loai mdi hAh* Typical chemical properties ofbeld metal:
Hardness (HB)
:15{) - ;180

, Kich th Oc que hdn fi dnng di4n si dans: Size a,ailable and recommend.ed cufients:

tuimg ktun ,:cr: ,] 71.0 zr-0 43,2 44,0 a5,a

ChiEr ri;i r r:. !t0 100 t€trsth (mm) 400 400
crjias di ri:i ir': \ :l+l=il li0-200 200+240 120r140 i70-.200 200:2,r0
DCr 250-VD Jrs:23251 DF2A.zio.R Thich hqp .ho: Bln:-1!:: a:-
C6 that gia c6Dg c;r i: r i: r:-

I i diA;. dns d1ns: C h ar a cterist i cs - .\p p Ii c o t ; r, --t

- lCr.250-\aD h loai qre hnn c6n hnm hidDg Cr 0.5 * DCI-250-VD i: kinc :i .r
- Ha sa;dip cao, chdhs mdi ndn to't. ,htomrrm.,,nr"r,.,',ri ,. '- -
- ir:. hr,p dd hnn cnc cli tiSt bi mdi ndn c6 d6 crlng
abra si on resisiance.
:.: ::1r HB nhu banh rnng, tang quin Innsii.h... Sau * Suitable for weldjng pans $.i..i :---i.::' :-: :: i
ir -.:., c6 thd sia cr,ns cit soi dri.jc i
d.. .j. r InP.r " ". ,h"in ,o^.'
a:;mC ddn stt d.t!nC:
:.r :ach diu. rn6. bui bdn tnr6. khi h:in
- ::.; que hdn i00 thii sian B0 - 60 phtit
2d0'b trons 1. Clean oil, srease, ditbefore s'elding
:ji r: f:hi hnr.
' Dr.' rh . ,rru."s dr r00=_5u c
.:l id quansngiD nhdt ca, thd.
- : :..ingn6phdniheodfngquypham.
3. Kccp the arc as short as possible.
: i:.. .hon ddDs hin phn hdp dd tlenh cnc khuydr tet
4. Process according normative veldins cdg..
5. Selectiorofapprop ate arc to avoid the deie.r:.:.::::
a adnh phdn hoa hgc l6p hi,n loqi daip (b: TJpict l chemicdl compBition ofueld metol tt. :

C Mn CI P s C Mn
Khong veu cau <Lr.t)3 Ileque\L
0.i5.0.2 0{-0i 0.5 0.7 0.025 0.020 01502 0.4 0.ii 0.5.0.?- 0.025 ,

:., iinh kim loai mdi hctk: Trpical chemical properties ofueld metal:
DO cuns (HB)
250 - 280

axh thndc que hdn ud d6ng dien et dung: Size auaildble and recommended currents:
: r :rg n+ldn di6n m6t chidu, que hin n6i Pola ty ofeleclrcde DC (+)
: i: rrnng DC (+)
03,2 aLa 05.0 Ai2 b4,0 Ai.')
350 400 100 Lengl (mm) 400
:-: i,i ddia dien (A) 120:1.10 170..200 200+2.10 120ir40 170-.200 llll-::l
Hitr fh6p c6 ham tdqns Mn ddn 37..
Mdi hnn c6 dO catrg d6h 2s0 HB, ch6'ns mai mdn t61
TLich hgp cho: Btnh rnne, xich xe-.
DMn-25O.VI) C6 tLd sia c6ng cdt g9t ddgc.

Dqc didn -ins d,uLe:

actefistics - App lic ations:
Ch ar
- DMn'250-VD h loai que hin c6 hem luihs Mangan - DMn-25O-\''D is the kind of welding rods vith hish
cao. Ha sd diip cao, ch6'ns mei mnn t6i. mansaneBc content. Coefficient causeway. sood abrasion
- Thich hop dd hnn crc chi tidt bi mti mdn c6 d6 cfng
runs brnF 2s0 H B. sau thi ha .o rhe gir .on8 .Ar sA. ' Suitabte for welding of details wo1.1) 250H8 averase
duoc. h dness aftcr wetdins can be processed cuttixs.
Hfins dAn s& duns:
1. Ldn sach ddu, m6, bul bdn tru6c khi hnn 1. Clean oi], grease, dtut before welding
2. Sdy que hnn A 200-250!C trcns thi,i sian 30-60 phrit 2. Dr] the electlodcs at 200:250"C for 30=60 minutes
tni6c khi hnn.
3. cifr h6 qu
s nsdn nhe:t c6 thd. 3. Keepthearc as short aspossible.
4. Gia c6ns m6p hin theo ding quy pham. 4. Process accodins normativc veldins edse.
5. Lua chon ddns hdn pht hdp dd btnh c6c khuvdt tat 5. Setection ofapprop ate arc to avoid the defects arisins.
phnt sinh.

Thdnh phAh hod h7c tdp kim toqi Od:

d.A.p Trpicdl chcnical composition o[ ueld metdl (a.]:
C Si P s C Mn si S
Kh6ne v6u cdu <u.03 <o.03 Not Required <0.03 <0.03
0_025 0.020 0_025 0.020
Co tinh him loai n6i hitn: Typiccrl chemical propertiea of ueld metal :
D6 cr.hg (HB)
Hardness (HB)
DBt ihro. 250 - 280 250 - 2UO

Kich thudc que hAn i dnng diin sn dqnc: Size aodilable and. recotumetudcd. cuffents:
Su dus DsxoD dreo bdr cbreu. que han ooi Polarity of elecimde DC (+)
cdc dt dna DC (+)

43,2 44.0 45.0

t eqth (mm) 350 4l)lt 400
Cni-q d6 o{.- dts: ,r :l:Ei3,:, i;0:20{ 200:2r0 120:140 170:200 200:240
Han th6p.o hiEr lditusvn ddn 12d" viNi.
/ M6i han c6 d6 .ims ddD 5{0 HB, ch6Ds mni man tdt.
[X5-VD Jrs: zB2E1 DI'MB. 2oo.B
a Thich hgp chor Chi riai chiu nni mdn ironsnghidn quins.
Xh6ns Iha sia c6ns cit sot du'oc, chi.,i thdhni ldi de.

a:t: diilm . iJne dune:

rt\5-\D h loai que hin c6 him ltdns Mansan cao vA
* I G.\D r: i:-i
::::.Hesdd:ipcao chdnsneimbntd|,chiuvadap. ::.ii:a a!. gooc abraslon
:.h hdp dd hdn cic chi ti6t bi mii mdn, chi snt c6 dil resrsrince. rrt::..': ::::i::: ::
r .: dan 500 HB nhil: rang gdu mnc, mn kgp hnn, bna
.".:41 .a. . d. ui 5.u {hi..-\ho.gL:1,o-g,r'r8,
* Suitable {r
-: ri: : r:: " ia.-dne::

ddn sl dyns:
.q :rcf de'r mi bni hrn inrift khi lr::in 1. CIE:. :: -:i.i: j:-::::. ..:-r:
- ::' que han ioo - :;0'b trons ihdi gian 30 - 60 phfr
:rj rd quan!:t ngin nhdt ci, thd.
' l:a chon ddng hnn phn hdp dd trtDh cnc khurai rar

a.nnh phdt hod hpc tdp kin loqi diip (.i):

C NIn NrSrl:
mongfu ciu <011: <
0i.10 IU.t! 2.5 0 0! tti l

Tlpical chemical properties of ueld netdl :

Hardnesr (HB)

lach thttdc que hdn DA. d6ns diCn sit d|ne: Size aDailable and, recommended currents:
: : rEs nsn6n dien m6t chi6u, que hin n6i Poladty ol electrodc DC (+)
i i:Ljng DC (+)

a\,2 ata aJ5.A Diame,er (mm) 123,2 a4,a 21.

1l)l) 400 Lensth (mm) 350 ,100

: i r.1 dans diin (A) 120r1.10 1?0+200 200+240 I20:140 170+200

t1 oue"intuAP

vD.308- 1 6 f#,';9,,T;:*.,.
Hen th6p kh6ns gi mer;SO4.2,Ot...
HAn th6p c6 h,im ld.rg Cr 18-2Iq.; Ni 9:117.

D4c diih - ttns drrng: C hcttacteristic s -

* \D30&i6la to,iou* nrn,hep kl-nne
Ap p tic ations:
er. rhuoc boc ' VD.308-16 the t of srainless steet weldins rod. lime
Ibu- nbdm ,^o r rdn.yuhano.bong ai'en"r.,,d-noi heading.titanium capsule.
h6 quans. Mdi han dep, tanc min
"e Wetdins stas easily removabte,
easy to.lean,low shorburst, easyflrc. Welds pretty
"_ r'br"ch hdp dd hnn th6p khangsi nnu mac: llO+ va caLc smooth.
mec * Suiiable for weldins
rtep Lhoog !r Lha", o hs m ludnts ,C" t8-2 i, . Ni 9-t t"l stairlloss stcet, such as erade: l]04 an.l
Db-.r .ar pb;m duo. duFts.ron5 r, I I orl-s .rdnles-"r^F,. na\pF ..o..Fnr,.r \i 9 . t,
1gh,cp J-ud Dn du.1 wid-lv Lr"pd in rhe,.hp11"c ind,,.rrJ.",hod
.har.,coDB nehipp rhd,.phrir. rhier biou;s,u) Ddu"r.r.
re, Le ., J n pdr.rl nsta11.-ratulo pou pn"rr,cir rJ _rrufl:e"...
* Han.;.hu,, * Weldinsrepair
ofhigh cafbon steel thatother wetding r.od
4, tusi rr.ep cart6n ro, 62
"u" r," 1,,n

Etdng ddn si, d.ung:

1. Inm sach ddu, m6, bqi bdn t.rr6c
khi hnh
s.1.1 t,"" 200 - 2s0ic ,rors,hoi siJn t0.60 phJr Cleanoil, seasc, dirt before wetdino.
I 31,,"
2. Tlry the electrcdes at 200=250"i for 30=60 minutes
3 GE cong mep han theo ttug quy pham.
1. Lua.bnn done han pnn ,op de ll. nh.a,. r. Pru.ess accurdInC norm,rirve wcLdinA
s\L\e r.,r ealee.
1. sFl'1rion ofaporopr:ar. s r r" dvo d rh.;e, Ari6 s
Thdnh phAn ho.i hoc tdp kim togi d.iip (ya):
Ttpical chemicat composition of beld. ,netal (/.):
C si s Ni C Mn P S CI Ni
0.52_5 <0,04 <0.03 18 2r 0_5 2.5 <0.9 <0.01 .0.03 lE 2t 9.1i
10 4.7 0.0155 19.0 r0.2
1.0 4.1 0.02 0.0r55 i9.0 1|'
Cd tinh him loai n6i hAn:
Twicdl chenicat properties of beld netat:
D6 b6:n dft (MPa) D6 dan dAi (%)
TLns,lF srrensrh (lups)
>550 IloDeation (%)

Dq, dr"."
>550 >35
600 43
600 43
X;ch thddc qu? hdn ud dbns diin sl dun".
sr.i dqns ngxon dii- \oay :;;';;; Size aoaitoble and recommended cutektH
"hie;(A.;' ch,e, Pola ty ofetectrode (AC) or (DCEP)
cq. duo-s DC ri I
42,5 ba,2 41,0 Q 2.5
350 x50
80:l10 140-.160
,G 90 120:1.10
Hm - Cu-VD HeD ddhg d6. HeD gang
C6 thd gia c6Dg crit got dndc

::c didm. Llng dung: Ch aracterist ic s- -1pp I ico t i o ns:

lD.Cu-\aD h loai que hin v6 boic loi d6ng. H6 quang
* Hm-Cu-\D :... :: i. .::i r: I :::i.s..irh copper core.
' .:. ,,.,n ro. -ro, hJn dFp -staLl€ ar.. L::: ::1. .:r::: .:::::::rtret.t!
jrii "dne
hop dathnn kdi cdu ddns. gans, chiu tucvnaphii. . s,,o
-.:: ihihnD c6 ihd sia c6nscit sot.

-hdnh phdn hod! hoc tdp him toai diip &):

a. ll ::
Tlpicol chemircl prcpenies of tetd metdt :

;::ch thuitc que hd.n uA ddng di6n st <lung: Size auailable and rccommended currents:
-r rpns nsx6n dicn m6r chi6u crc dudng DC (+) Polarity of electrode DCE?
r i rns kit]h (mm) 43,2 Ol,\) Diameicr (mn) AJ,2
l::rcu dni (Dn) 'Z ).1)
.100 Lensil (mm) ll50
: :.g d6
Han bins 90 ir20 160:180 !'1at 90 +120 160- 1!

. -.!.;a::':n:::::'::

GG.33 . VD ! utu t 6t ct'" t iog gang: b6 mey, v6 d6Dg cd

Dac di6m - Ltng dung: Applicatiorc - Charactetistics on usage:

- GC.33- !'D In loai que hnn c6 thu6'c boc thu6c nh6m GG.33- \.D is kind of weldiDg elechodes coated with
,,::rore. Hd quang 6n dinh, it biin n6'. drugs headins Graphite. Stable arc, littte firc and
. T:i.. hdp dd hnn k6t ca'u gaDs nhu: Be m6,, .hAn dd
::.1cd. !o mi], v6 d6ng cd... Suitable for weldins casl iron structure liker SLid, th.
Sa: khi hdn m6i hAn c6 d6 ctns cao. C6 thd sia cilns base engine, chassis. ensinecover...
- AJtcr weldins high strensth welds. Cutting can be
Hu.hg d.dn srl dung:
r. Gia nhi€t vat hin 6 ,100 450"C iru6c khi hnn. 0C
1. Heat the weld metal at .100 4 50 befbre welding.
:. r,]oan lA 6 hai dau vdi nrlt hu6c khi hin.
I Lan sach diu. md. bui bdn trd6c khi hin. 2. Ddllholes aiboth ends ofthe crackbeforeweldinE.
:. Sir que hnn 6 150"C ttuDs thii sian 30 60 phnt tri6c 3. Clean oil, srcase, dirtbcforeweldins.
In han. ,r. Dry the electrodes at 150t du ns 30,60 minutes
;. aiia
c6ng m6p hdn vna di dd que tidp can dudc v6i
.nng han i.eDh gia c6ng r6ng que tnng ngxy cd bi nrlt 5. Outsourcins edge welding rod just enougli to sanr
access t., arcas of welding, macliinins avoid the iDcreased
6 I-Lra chon ddng hnn phn hdp dd trenh c6c Lliuy6't tet Iisk of widc shdnkase cracks-
ptrrit si.n. 6. Choosethe appropdate arc io avoidthe defects arising.

Thdnh phAn hod h7c t6p kim loai d.dp g.): Typitat chemicdt composition ofuetd metal (Sd:
C Mn Si S C MD si P s
Kl6ns vOu cdu <0.03 NotRequired <0.03 <0.03 3.0-3.5 o.o25 o.o24 2.rJ.3.2 0.5 0.7 0.025 0.024

Lirh thu6c qu" han ud dt'ng di?n si dune: Size auiktble and rcconmekd.ed cutents:
Su dung nsru6n di6n xoay chiau(Ac), hodc m6t chia:u Pola iy ofelechode (AC) or (DCEP)
:u( dudns DC (+)
Duins kinn (nm) 43,2 aLa Diametor (mm) a3,2 a4.0
cacru dni (nn) 350 ,1{)0 Length (mn) 400
L'-ijDg d6 Han bang 90:120 90-.120 160:180
iins di6n (A)

'i;-2-; t;i'.*:'

Il EI&
C5.VD F cit "ac ran *6t t r- r""i, eang, th6p, r\-'OL..

Ddc d.idm -Uns dung:

Applications - Characteristics on usage:
- C5-VD ln loai que chuy6n drlns dd cjt cnc li6n k6i kiE oar C:.::rr..: ::: :::::::ril
diy d6n 25 mm, c6 tinh linh hoat n6n cit dudc A.6c U in.: r:. : :: i:: r: :::: : :: i: r:

C,-VD specialized tlpe of rods to ut the nrctdl linL C:.:

25nn, bith the fleaibiLity ta cut is at the positian i ha! ( \.:. -:
Thichhdp ddcit cic 1i6n kdt Lim loai: atans. rh6p.l\al\
Suitable far metaL cuttins linhs: Iran, steel . staink.: -.:; . .

Hddng d.iin sil d,ung:

- DAnI da:u driihs cii dd ciit drlns kich rhrio!

Ma* the cut to cut to Eize.

L:e"ronoorgJ;rp . hdpdi o1l;. . .:
Spl".ttrd th, oporowiot .u, pa la-p"a, - - -. :-
Use AC ar DC pouet supplies

Kich thtdc que ciit od. dnng di6n si dunc:

Size aoailabk and. rec on m e n ile d e Lr r
Dudns kinh (mm) a1,o a 5.o
Dianeter (mrn)
Chi6:u dni (mn)
Lensih (mm)
4f]o 400

CLiins d6 ddns diCn (A) 220 . 25t1 25O-29O

Recomnended curents (A)

. *,'.;-it!.--

Hen th6p Hd. p Lim Mo thdp.
Chiu troDstai ddD 550 Mpa,
VD-7018-A1 ASME/Aws A5.5: u7or 8.Al Thich hdp cho: K6t cdu 1d luy6n, budng ddt.
M6i hnn lnm vi6c duqc 3 40o dC,

Ddc didn - tns duns: Char a cteristics - App lic ations:

1. VD-7O18-A1 h ioai que hnn thu6c nh6m hydrosen 1. tr'D-7018-A1 is the t)"e ol low hydrogen wcldins rods
thdp, kin loai mdi hdn c6 bd xuns hdm lrdns Motipden heading, additional metal motybdenum content should
n6n m6:i hdn chiu nhiei dil cao, xi han dA bong, d6 hm
bear hish temperature soldcr. weld slas easily removable,
sach, it bin n6'.
easy to ctean, low shoi burst.
2. Thich h.rp dd hnn rh6p hdp kim ihip c6 him tuc,ns Mo
d6'n 0.65%. Chiu tai trons tn 490 550 (MPa), ]nm vi6c a 2. Suitable for weldins low alloy stccl to 6.5% Mo content.
rhier r J: Kei .a , 1o,,. e". ouonB do'. n- or": ... Loads from 490-550 (MPa), workingin high temperaturesl
"' St ciuralfunaces.hurners.thermaL..
Eddng ddn st dyne:
I. LiD sach ddu. m6. bui b/itr tru6c khi hnn
2. SAr que han d 300 .150 C rmngrhdi gian 30 - 60
1. Clemoil. srease. dirt bcfo.ewetdins.
tru6ckhi hin. 2 Dr the elecfodes at ;100-350"C for 30=60 minutes
j Gia c6ry m6p hnn rh€ d[n-s qus pheD
l. Lua chon ddDg hAn phn hqp da rr6ni cnc khulet tat 3. Pro.ess accordingnormative welding distortion.
phar sinh 4. Selection ofappropriate arc to avoid the defccts adsins.
5- Cec duaos hnn 16r n6n slidmgque13.2 5. The linershouldbe usedweldrod O3.2
Thdnh phdn hod hoc l6p kim toai d.dp g"): chemical compositions of weld metal (Cd:

C si P s C si P S Mo
<0.12 <0_9 < 0.6 <0.03 <0.03 0.4.0 ti5 <o t2 <0.9 <0.6 <0.03 <0.03 0.4 0.65
Dar dudc 0.06 0.8; 0.48 0.02 0.009 0.06 0.85 002 0.009 0.5
Cd tinh him loai mdi hdr.- Trpical ch?mical propert ieE o[ ueld metd l:
Dd Si (hir dtt
Dil b]]; Di) din dir Dil daie dip Xrl li nhi6i
IlPi) 0rPil o (J) ('(j xhl 6[Pr) (o l'r,!
Tir.;,, > 400 >490 620!15 x 1 >.100 >.190 >25 l
610i15 x
Dar duq. 580 26 20'f:58,7 620115r l 660 26 ,0"C:i8,? 620'1; x l
Kich thtrdc que hdn ud d.6ng dien sit dVks: Size at)dilable and rccommended currents:
Su dms nsu6n dianAC hoac DC (+)
Use AC or DC(+) power supplv
Drrine kinh (mm) a3-2 O4.o 45.0 Diametcr (nn) 43.2 O4.o Q5.t)
Chiaru dii (mm) 350 400 Lcnsth (mm) i]50 ,100 100
Crltrgd6 Hnnbire 100-140 140+180 180: 220 I00-140 140+180
ddns di6n Hnn dihg 80-120 120:160 I60+ 200 80:120 I20-160 160 | 200
qmlg HeD th6p hq! kihthe-p, bdn nhi6t (th6p Cr-Mo).

ASME/AWS A5.5: 88016-82

Chiu t.ongt;id6n 59o Mpa.
vD-8016-82 JlS| 23223 D.l 231,6
Thich hqp cho: K6t cau 16 luy€n, bu,6ng atdr.
Mdi haD lam \-icc atddc d aoo "c. He dip
DC- hnn a cec ii th6 kh6 nhr* B(}- 4(:}.--
D4c didm, - nns duns: C har a ctensti cs - -7pp I ic dti o ne
:. \.D-8O16-82 1i loai que hdn thu6c nl6m hvdrosen 1. !'D-aO1&B2 ts ljxi of los h'drogen wetding .ods
'ap. Lim .otu ro: ra- rn bo xL-B h.n luons.r, Mo -"n
=irEl .!.renr
headins. addi.ional of Cr. \Io to wetd high
-,lihan.hru r;ironE lo . nhierd;"ao ),rh.nd; load. hish r€DrN:.::: E-.i.:axce. s-etd slas easilj.
.ir ia.f. n h4n hu. Kim lo dn eda.ntrdnnrnnde^and
rcmorable. €sr:,r .:.;: -iE ih.,i ir. Rapidll sotidified
=cruthd3G.4G... metal ea:il: \r€lda r ari 1G...
1.]'br"h hoo d; h.4, hFp hop I hJp i Cr Jin t.;" i Mo
:€D 0.65%). Chiu tii tmns ta 550-620 O{pa), hn vi6c d 2. Surtable tbr Ei .-i "rs::::.:iG
::- J:. ,.:r: ,Cr ro 1 ;ii: \to ro
:r1i6t d6caonhu:Kei ctuldluy6n, bu6ng ddt, nhi6tdiin... 0.65""). I-oad- 3:- 1-1-n:: \fPa, -rrHi3 ir: lrgh
tempe.aB::: S=::::i.- ::j::-::_. : ::- :nri=al._..
HtOng ddn xt d.ung:
l. Ldmsa.h dlu, m6, bqibdnrru6ckhihdn
i. Cle& oa. 9"-i.. ::r: :€j:- -:l::<
: Sii'y que hnn 6 300 35011 hons ihai sian 30 60 phnt 2. DF- :L. i:{:.ri- :: i;r.':-:.: a ::! ,:in
=r6c khi hdn. -::.:
; Giac6ngm6p hnntheo dirs quypham
:. Lua chon ddns han phn hdp dd tlenh cec khuldt rar :r Pturi." 1. r.t-::-r.-. -
:aetsintr I S,.-:::. : :i!-::-:i:- r--:: :. .:.- :i:-_:-
-:. C6c dudnshdnl6tn6n sri dqns que Og.2 aring
Thdnh phAn hod hoc l6p hitu toqi diip (CA: ;. I-!e l.r!::::::t:-: E.-:::,: i:,
T:?icol chcdi.ol cam-,{dtiont d Nld ).rof F<r:
C X{! Si P Cr ll.
0.0;.01, <09 <0.6 <003 <0.03 1.0-1.5 .r.r-1.n1
]ii dxdc 0.07 0.65 1l u5 002 0.01 1.25 <_a
,r.ji 0 02 'fi
Co tinh kim toai mdi hdn:
Tlpical chemical properties of ueld metal
Dt bdn.hit !0 bin drlt Di din fi & driu dep xi rj DiiCr
0lPa) 0lPa) (%) (, fc *)
> 460 >550 >19 690115x I
)ar dugc 500 590 21 5 690i15 x l
>460 >550 691':i ! l
500 590 21.5 690'l5 r
Eich th dc que hdn oii ddns .liAn s* dun+: Size at ailable and recomnended. currents:
i,r dms ngudn di6n AC hodc DC (+) UseAC or DC(+) power supplv
D!;ns kinh (nm) 43.2 A4.o 45.0 Diameter (mr) o3-2 44.0 ai-0
chiolu ddi (mm) 350 400 400 LenBth (mm) 400 r00
Cuins d6 H;r lirs 100:r40 140 : 180 180: 220 nai 100=140 1.10+l80 i80:220
iirs dron Hn! drrng 80-120 120-J60 160+200 80:120 120 it60 160+ 200
& hin tran 0vcrhead

flanth6p hqp kid Cr6m cao, bin nhiCt (th6p Ci.Mo).
Chiu trgng iai ddn 693 Mpa 6 ili6u kiCn m6i tnriDg.
AssMx/Aws Ats: D8016'88 Thich hOp chor I{6i cau ld luyen, budng d6't...
vD-80r6-88 Mdi hdD lam viCc drrgc 35500C. Chiu duqc nn indn nhiCi.
D6'hen 6 c6c tli th6 kh,i, nhdr 3G, 4G...

D,ic didm - tns d.vne: cteristice - App li c atiorc:

C h ar a
1. !'D-m16-88 le loai que hnn thuQc nh6m hydrogen 1. \'D-8016-B8 is kind of lov hydrogen welding rods
thip. kim loai m6i hnnc6 b6'xuns him lrdns Cr, Mo nOn heading, additional metal content of Cr, Mo to weld high
oo hr chru ra irrons lo-. rhi+r du,zu. ! hr o; bo"ts. d; load, hiah temperatue resistance, weld slag easily
hm s4ch, it bin nd. Kim loai dons ddc nhanh nen d6 hnn 6 removable, easy to clean, low shot it. Rapidty sotidiffed
ctc nr thd 3G, 4G... Do c6 hnm tudns Cr6m cao nan mdi metal easilt, welded in position tsG and,l G -.-Due to the
h:nitbi6xiho6. chiu chdnslai dnmdnnhi6t. hish chromium contcnt should welds less oxidised. heat
2. Thich hdp dd hdn th6p hop kim thtp ( Cr ddn 10.5%i resistant conosion protection.
]Io d6n 1.2%). Kili cdu lim vi6c 3 nhi6t d6 cao nhu: Kdt c{u 2. Suitabte lor wetding 1ow alloy steel (Cr to 10.5%;Mo to
Id luycn, bu6ns ddt, nli6i dien, thui diCn... 1.2%). Workins in hish tempentures: Shuctural
fumaces, bumers, ihermal....
Htbng ddn si d4ng:
1- Ldm sach ddu, md, bui bdn tru6c khi hdn
2. Sil qu€ h)n 6 300 - 3500C trons th;i gian 30 60 phft l. Clean oil, greasc, dirt before weldins.
Ex6c khihdn. 2. Dry the elcchodes at 300+350"C for 30=60 minutes
3- Gia c6ns Ddp hnn rheo .l[ns q u! pham
t Lrla choD ddng hin phn hqp dii trenh c6c }}rulat tlt 3. Process acco.ding normative welding distortion.
phrt siih 4. Selection ofappropriate arc to avoid thc defects
.5- Cic duinshnn 16r n6n stdungque 03.2 aJisins.
5. ?he liner shoutd be used weld rod O3.2
Thdnh phdn hod hoc t6p kin loai dAp Od:
flpical chemical compositiotus of ueld. metal (Eb):
C Mn Si P s Cr Mo
C Mn si s Cr Mo
00i.0.10 <1.0 <0.9 <0.03 <0.03 80r05
00i0t0 <0.9 <0.03 <0.03
D!:i|r 006 028 0.011 0.010 8.rJrJ 1.03
006 0.6 u.28 0.011 0.010 8.88 1.03

C.|tinh him loai mdi hdtu Typicdl chemical proper-ties of weld metal:
& t6" uir Di bin d,it D0 dii D0 dd q dlD Xilintroi
LII?a) (M?a) (%) (0 fcn) (MIa) (%) (x (txhl
>19 690rr 5 x l 690r15x1
69' 212 690ilix 1 693 212 690!1 5 rl

Eich thuti( que hin ud ddng dian si dqne: Size aDaildble and. recommeniled currents:
Srr dmgtrsxon dien AC hol. DC (+l Use AC or DC(+) power supplv
D,rdns kinh (mm) Q3.2 44.0 45.0 aa:t-2 aL0 65-A
Ccdu dai (mm) 350 ,100 400 Leneth (mm) 350 400 400
C:r.rg dii 100-140 140 : 180 180+220 l'l,t 100-140 140+180 180+220
il:,g o6n Hnn dihg 80-120 i 20-r 60 1ti0+200 80-120 120-.160 160+200
& hin trdn
Hen th6p hqp kim thdp, b6r rhiet (th6p Cr-Mo).
Chiu hgng tii al6;660 MPa.
Tbich hq!.bo: K;r cau lo lu]an, budng ddt.
\D-eo I 6-83 il,'#f#"t"?iB** "' M6i hnr lnm viEc ddqc A45o"C. He sddiF cao
Dii hen rdrh6*h6 nhrr: BG- i!G...

*5t diAm - tne dVng: Ch ar q c ter ist ics . App Ii c at io ns:

\-D'9016-B3 ln loai que hnn thu6c nh6m hydrosen 1. VD-9O16-B3 is kDd of 1lr$ hldrosen weldins rods
: -. :,.. kim loai m6i hnn c6 hii' xuns ham ludng Cr, Mo n6n headins. additional metal conrent of Cr. Mo to weld high
- ' - an.hiu r. rrro-s In.. hierd""ao,\rhanoeho s,d; toad, hish temperature resi.tance. s'eld slag easily
::ach. itbilnnd. Kin loqi d6ns dic nhanh nan d6 hin 6 removable, easy to clean, loE shot it. Rapidll solidificd
=rhdllc..1G... metal easitywetdedinposition 3C md1G...
Lich hdp dd hnn th6p hdp kim thip ( Cr ddn 2.5%i Mo
:;r 1.29lo). Chiu trii trong iA 620-680 (MPa), lnm viec i 2. Suitable for wetdins low alloy steel (Cr to 2.5ci: \to to
r:ia: d6 cao nhri: Kdt c{u ld luyen, bu6ns ddt, nhi6t dien... 1.2%). Loads irom 620 680 M?a, porkirg in high
temperaturesi Suuctural lumaces, buners, thermal ....
Etihg ddn stl d.ung:
--.m sach diu, m6. buibdntnr6ckhihdn 1. Clean oi], srease, dit before weldins.
- :i! que hdn d 300 - 3500C trcng thdi gian I:10 60 phft 2. Dry the elechodes at 300-350'C for 30=60 miDutes
:-i :. khi hnn.
: -:iac6ngm6phnntheo dnngquypham Prccess according normative weldins distotion.
- ,ua chon ddns hdn phn hqp dd irenh ctc khuydt t4t :1.
4- Selection ofapprcpriate arc to avoid the def'ects
' aicdui,nshnnl6tn6nsrldungqueO3.2 a sing.
5. The liner should be used weld rcd o;1.2
:hdnh phdn hod hgc l6p him loqi diip (Ed:
Tlpical chemical compositions ofueld. metal (qd:
C NIn Si P S CI Mo
C Mn si P Cr \I.
l]05.0.1n <0.9
0.05.0.u <0.9 <u.03 <0.03 2lt-2; 0 9-t 1
0.0i 0? 0,1 it02 0 00,1 22 lt92
007 0.i 04 0.02 0.004 2_2 0.9,

Typical chemical properties ofbeld metal:

Di bdn clir lO bd dr:t Di din daj Di de u dip lirl li DIiqI
0{Pc) 0lPa) ('i) t,
>620 690:1i \l
t9 ;;6 6111

Eith thddc que hAn Dd d6f,g diqn st d\tng: Size arailable and reconmended currents
ii duns nsudn di6n AC hoac DC (+) I-se AC o. DC(-) powlr:trpp;r
a.iEs kinh (mn) A?2 O4.o a;-t)
rdu dii (mm) i50 400 40{)
l::ng dO 100 i140 140 :180 180+220
::rz di6tr Hnn diing 8{t-120 I20-l60 I ti{F200
& hirn trin
IIer MAG, MrG th6p Carbon th{p chiu tai iro4 it6.n 550 Mpa.
Thich hdp cho: CNch6t4o 0 t6, x€ mdy, tij:u ihuydl
w49 - VD EN 440GrSil
M61 han rdt d6o dai, chiu 6p tgc ,dl . 2,0 0C.
Nnns suslt hdn cao, e6 thd han alugc & mqi tlr t[d.
r-o loai.ugD ohd tE l2ol Lg \a to.i ,hnog250lsool [8.

D,6c didm - L?ng dtlng: C h ar acterr.stic s - AFp I ic ations,
1.W49-\rD le day hdn ma d6ns, hdn v6i khi bao v6 CO, 1- W49-VD is solder-plated copper wire, wetding with CO,
hod. h6D boD Ar- CO. Si dlrnC, ho m.) h,n bbn ru do-q shielding sas mixture Ar CO, floweN usod for semi,
bor( Iri dore ro hdr, \4oiha-.od6nEiu-,,jFodsi automatic weldins machines or automated fRobot). Wetds
' ha\phJood". or o,,,p hiBhri".n"iry,pr"."r""ar 20t.
cao. chiu6phic6 -zo "C.
2. Thich hop dd hln th6p carhon thip vn hdp kim th6p, 2. Suitablc for weidins low cjibon steel mdlow alloy toads
chiu tai tmns tii 490,550 Mpa nhu: C6ns nsh6 chd tao from 490-550 MPa, such as automobile manutactudng
Oto. xern.i,. rriu rf uypn. de .;u.hiuaplu. . industry, motorcyclcs, boats, structum t pressure ...
3. NEn6"'br hu. 3. Hisher productivity welding using TIG wetding rods or.
"Ll dunsqreh,.TtC. I hehrn ^
6 moi trl thd. Canweldin attpositions.
Hdans dAn sA duns:
1. LAm sachddu. m6, buibdntni6ckhihnn 1. Cleanoil, srease, diit before welding.
2. Gia cong D6p hnn theo dnns quv c6ch 2. Process in accordance with avetdingedse.
3. Lira chon ddns hnn, dier ep phr) hdp d6' tr6nh crc 3. woldins cunent, voltase accordingiv to avoid
kluy6t tat phnt sinh.
1. Gia kho:ins cach tr) vathin t6i v6i phun khi rn 5 15mm. 4. Iteep the distance from the nozzle to rhe sas wetdins
5. Khi hnn phii dat ti6u chuen, kh6ng 16n hoi nu6c, 6 xi... materials from 5 15 mm.
6. ThAns gi6bu6nshnn ddtr6nh nsat do khi COr. 5. Weldins sases must meet the crireria, and not steam.
7..Che chnn vnng hAn dd tl6nh O xi tidp can bd hen
say 6.Ventitate to avoid nsphlxiation chamberby CO,.
bin nd
7. Shietded welding area to prevent access to oxysen rank
Thdhh phAn ho,A hoc t6p kim loqi .tiip causins fire and exptosion wetdins
Trpical chemical conposition ueld metat (Ed:
a Mn si Cu C Mn s
0.060.15 1.4 1.85 08.1.1 <0 025 <0 03 08.1 l <0.025 <0.03 <0.5
Dar duoc 0.07 1.5 09 0.015 0 01, 0.24 007 0.9 0.015 0.012 0_24

Ca tinh kin laai mdi hd.n: Tlpica.l chemical properties of ueld metcrt:
DiIfi{hir (XPl Di hla dtt(xPal ,i din dii liri) daiudtu |]l
llonsatim 1I) nexual
I:r ciu > 400 >190 >22 -290(] ) 21 miogpu ciu >400 >490 >22 .29"C ) 27 Xliqriuiiu
]L duft 430 520 29 .zoo(]:r20 150'! 4ts0 520 29 .20"c:1!i] t50ic
&ich thtttr ddy hdn DA dbng diin si dune: Sin doailable a d rcconmend.ed current*
:u dung nsuun die. mor .hi.u.u, dud1ts DC
L.) l'otarity of elecbode DCEP
Q0.8 a1.a q1.2 Dumaer(mm) o0.8 an9 @1.4 at2 @1.6
50+150 100+220 150:300
F]Ai 200+,150
60+1t0 80+200 t2t)+251 150+30r)
Vutuxl&(he exd i0:100
20-2t 20.22 23 25 25 23 l]0 21
15 t20l r5[20] 15 t20l 15 [20] 15lr0l noll 15 [20] 15 [20] r5 [2Dl r5[20] r 5 [201
?50 [300] ,50 [300] 2i0800 250 [i]001 250 [300] AU [300 250 [3001 250 [300] 250 [3001 250 [3001
,-:;-s nlan bar \41, LR, NK. RS Approvals: \T{, l,R, NK RS
Certificate No.
) NLr-2588

Brand w49 - \D
Manufacturer Viet - Duc Welding Electr:ode Joint Stock Company
Thuong Tin Distdct, Ha Tay, Vietnam
Kind Senoi-Automatic Welding Consumable
Purpose For High Tensile Steel
Approval Condition i
Grade KSW53c(C)
Culrent DCEP
Position Flat, Horizontal, Vertical Upward and Overhead
Max. Dia. of Filler Metal F ; 1.6mm d, H ; 1.6mm d, \ru ; 1.6mm d.
OH ; 1.6mm d
Shield Gas CO,

THIS IS TO CERTIFf'that rhe above roenrioned rrelding coniuEaLl: ras

approved by the NIPPON zulJI KI'OK{ io accordance rrtb -rhe
requr:-er:ea:s r: lle
Society's Rules.

This Certificate will rerEain in force until the 20th day of March. 2006.
Issued at Tokyo on the 21st day of March, 2005.

T!* \dLdry oi thfo (lrtifk te lEs b..ri ftmxrd


General Manager of
Material and Equipment Department

Note Th. watidity of this certificate may be renewed 6y

the.rtach€d sheot upon completion of the annual
Illtrlilil xeltl[l tflln ryi0tli[ilt
l[$ilt ililtTtHt ttEtsm nt $tHt[ 6.5.33



Nhi Khe

CBapo,tnrle Mar€pnanH

Solitt Wirelcas Cornbination for Sernt-Atttol/,atic d,i4pmatic Weldittg ttfre W49-W.

Shieldiry gaee-t, CO2t 20% CO2 + 80% Argon.

nepsogaqan;xlte ncrlHTaxm rpoBeaegbr noa Telgtrecruir Ea6rroaerr{eM pocauficxoro Mopcroro p€rxopa oyaoxoAcrDa.
Initial r.,ls hsve ben ffi.d our under r<hDi@l nperision ot Rll3si.! Maririme Regirrer orShipp,n8.

A-i-r .|6 11,0t 002255

s,..vr n.p""Iil--
T u aaTa ee oao6p€nur
T of i1s approval by Rusian

M for rtelilittg using in Wirc/c,.s C

- lnitial RS"- 3r


> Dnug d6'han dd6i ldp thu6c beo v6 (SAw.i
ASME/AWS A5.17: 8I,12 > Thich hqp cho: Chd tao khune dab, k6t c{u cdn truc...
HO8A. VD ASME/AWS A5.17: ELB > ( hlu rrqns r;i d;d 490 Mpa.
> M6'i haD trga'u "5u. t6trg miD.
! lang s.{t la" cao.
Ddc didm - Llng d\.ns: C har a cteristic E - App I ic a.t ions:
' H08A-\rD ra djv han duo' too I hJ^. b.o vi Cdrhedud( 1. H08A- \D
is welded wire benearh the protective drug.
ma d,i"g bna, thong ma Su dqn8 md\ hr ban ru Therc may or not plated copper. Use the semi-automatic
dons hocc ru donc , ro hor,. Moi han .d dn ngr, sdu. tang weldins machines or automaied (rcbotic). Welds have
bloodshotdcep, smooth.
-. Thrcr hup dc hd -h.p,arbo.
tha'p va. oD k.r,hap. 2. Suitable for weldins low carbon steel to ,190 Mpa load
^' ru la rruns da- 490 l\.4 pa rhu: Cr." rao L hrne da m. Li as: Manufacture ofbeams, shucturat crane... suirabte for
,;u.6a'a.. 'l \rn hoo da rra".a, arrr.r,h;"nr.
ar;; welding ofsbaisht lines. circtes ...
3. Suitable for welding wirh non \D - 431 or equivatent
;1. Thich hdp dd hln v6i rhuat VD 481 hoic tlidns atudns. 4. Higherprcductivity wetdins methods.
r Nrrgcua-' I ar.donon, j"phuongpr.dpharkhcr.

Htdns.lin si duna:
1. Lem sach dAu, mA. bui bdn tru6c khi ha n 1. Cleanoil, $ease, dilt before weldins_
:. Giac6nsm6p hintheo dins quycich 2. PIocessins wetding edse si,nchronousty ro regItarions.
3. Lrla chon ddng hnn, fi6n ip phi hdp dd rrenh crc 3 seldins,urfunr. ro'.rge a,.oroingt) ,o rvoid
khuy6-t fit phet sinh.
1. Neu thudc hnn iim phii sdy kha tnr6c khi hn( 4. Ifnon solder wet must be dried before weldnlg.
Tlpical chemical conposition uetd metat (Ed:
Thdnh phdn hod hoc l6p kim toai (iiip (Ea):
C Mn si P s
C Mn Si P 0.25-0.6 <0.03 <0.03 <0 03
Y€u cdu 0.04 0.14 0.25-0 rl <0.03 <0.03 <0.03
Dqt drigc
0.07 0.028 0.018 o.ol3
00? 0.45 0.028 0.018 0.013
Typical chemical propertieE of wetd with flux VD"4AL
Cd tinh kim loqi mdi hdn khi hAn tdi VD-481:
DiSo b,l, (l[,i li btu drl fllrq) D0 den ddi (o/o)
& daiva dip (0 0Fa) (%)
0aa) (J)
Dai dud. 400 490 26 o"C r80 400 490 26 0t:80
Ri.h thddc ddy hAn oa dnne diin si duna:
sr dung lqxon d I mor .l eL .u, duong DC (-) Si2e auailable and recomnended currents
Polaritt of electrode DCEP
@1.6 420 42.4 ax-2 a!.a 2.,6 za ZL! z:l)
20G300 350il0rl ,0-160 llrt-in nj:::.:: :j,= -r- r1 =r, r' :,r :r-r. .1-!!-.
1,il |!-):
25 !l :5
2i0l30nl ?5013001
-i: lrt, :,i!: i:':;
Dnne dd hnn dudi 16p thudc bio vC (SAW)
Thich hgp cho. Chdtqo klurg ddm, k61 cdu cdn trrrc-.

EHllK - VD osrgo*to5.1?: EH 11K

Chiu trgne tai d61d 550 MPa.
Mdi han ngdu sau, llery di
Nens sudt hiE cao.

Ddc didm - Ilng dgng: C har ecteristi$ - App lic at iotu,:

1. EH11K-VD h dey hin dt6i ldp ihudc bio ve. C6 thi
1. EH 11I{' VD is welded wire beneath the pmteciive
drug. There may or not plated copper. Use the semi
duirc ma ddns honc kh6ng m?. St du. ns cho mny hdn bAn
automatic weldins machines oI autonaied (roboiic).
tu d6ng hodc tu dilng (16 bo't). M6i hnn c6 d6 nsdu seu, lens
Welds have bloodshot dcep, smooth.
2. Suitable for welding low carbon steel to 550 MPa load
2. Thrch hdp dd hdn th6p carbon thdp vn hop kim thfp,
, s: M, nufactue ofbcams. sEuctuul crane .-. suitable for
chiu t;i trong d6'n 550 MPa nhu: Chd tlLo khuns dAm, kdt
welding of shaisht lines, circles ...
cin'u caD tru. c... Thich hqp dd hin cnc dri;ng thAns, duahs
3. Suitable for welding with non\D - 431or equivilent. .
4. Hisher Droductivity weldins methods.
3. Thich hqp dii hin !6i thu& \aD '431 hoac tudDs drlons...
!. \dnssuft hnncaohdtrcac phudnsphep hAnklec.
1. Cleanoil. sease, djJt before wetding.
Etdng ddn 6t dvne:
l. Pro.essins wetding edse s)nchronously to rcsulations
r I-,n scch d,iL m6. blr bdn rnr6c kni han :]. Selet wetding current. voltage accordingty to avoid
2. Gia c6ne m6p h:D tho &ixs qul cach
3. Lda choD ddne hnn. di6n ip phn hgp dit trrnh cAc
4. ffnon solderwet mustbe dried bcforc wel dins-
tlu\-dr tar phat sinh. I:wical chenical compositiol ueld netal (E ):
r \6u rhuai her dm ohii sdv k h6 rnrd. khi b d.
rhAnhphiin hod hqc tdnkim loqidi;ptd"): C Si P s
C Si P s 1.4,1.85 0 8-t t5 <0.03 <0.03
0.07 0.15 1.4 1.85 <0.03 1.55 0.9 0.015 0 012
Dar duq. 008 1.55 0_9 0.015 0.012
Trpicol chenical propernies of ueld aith flux W-4AL
Cd tinh him loqi mdi hdn. khi hdn udi W-431:
q€dir ili IPn dut0P4 Dd din i (%) ro dna ,lap (Il 0lP*) 0ra) 00 (J)

Dii iuq 28 2l]ocr12(] 450 540 28 .20"C: 120

150 540

E ch thtdc d.Ay hdn vd dAng diAn stl d.*ng: Size aoailable and. reconmetuded currente:
Sn dmg ngu6n dien mot chi6u cur du.hs DC (+) Polarity of electrode DCEP
@1.6 42.0 Q2.7 @x2 Q4.A 41.6 42.0 a2l 43.2
200+300 300+350 3t0+100 480+520

24.28 24-2'l
2; 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
250 J3001 250 E00l (}c) 250 [3001 250 J30ol
H6n MIG rhdp khong g' m6c:304. 20t .,.
vD - 308 ASME/AWS: ER - 308 Han th6p c6 harn hidng Cr 18-21q.;Ni g-tt%.

DQc didm - Ung dvng: Chctrdcteristic s - Apptic at ions:

1. VD " 308 1) da]. hin th6p kh6ns 1. VD - 308 is a type ofstainlcss sreet welding wire. used
si. St dung cho hm
-\{IG (Lhibaov6lnAr) hodcliln daybaichohen G. for MIG welding (sas defend is Ar) or make conpensation
,. Thich hdp dd hnn th6p kh6ng si nhri mecr 201j 30,1 vi for TIG weldins wjfe.
cec m6c th6p kh6ns gi kh6c c6 hem ludns Cr 18-21%r Ni 9- 2. Suitable lbr weldins stainless stcel, such as graale:201i
11%. San phdm dudc dnng I6ns rai hong c6ns nghi6p hon 304 and other stainless stcets have a CI 18-21%; Ni 9"11%.
cha't, cilng nshiep phdm, ihidt bi duns cu y t6, k6i cju Our products are widely used in the chemical indusby,
danduns... food indushy, medical insrrumcnts and equipment, civil
3. Hnn srta chita cec toaith6p Carbon cao md cec que hin
khncbintt- 3. Weldins repatu ofhigh carbon steet wetdins rcdwelding
Eddns ddh si duns:
1. Lnm sach dau, m6. buibdnttu6ckhihnn
2. Giac6nsmdphdntheo dlins quy pham l. Cleanoil, sease, dilt before wetdins
3. Lria chon ddng hen, dion ep phii h.Jp dd trenh cnc ho.essinsweldins edse accordance viotatiur
Lhuyei tat phnt sinh. suitable weldingcuuenrtoavojd defects a se.
3. Select
Thanh phAn hod hgc ldp hi,n toai diip (Eo): Trpical chemical composition ueld metal (Ed:
C Mn Si S CI Ni (] Mn P
<008 0.5.25 <0.9 <0.04 <0 0: l8.rl 9.11 0.04 0.14 0.25 0.6 <0.03 <0.03 <0_03
Det dxdc 0.0i 1.0 0i 0.02 0 014 l9 0 t0 2 007 0.45 0_028 u.018 0.0r 3

Cd tinh hitu toqi mdi hdn : chemicdl properties of wetd. metcrt:
D6 b6:n diit (x{pa) D6 dan dni (%) Tensne stEnsih 01Pa) Elo.sation (%)

313 550 3a
Ktch thuda ddr hdn ud ding diin si dune: Size aoailable and recommended cur.end^
:u dug nsuon dicl D or .hreL .u. duons Dt- (.) Polrritt of elecr.ode DCEP
a !.! ?': a za
1.r0 -t!l :,.tir r li =j.Bi:-- -r i . :r: r rtr : r -i: :.!. _1 :i -x
Thudc bAo vA cho dey hnD day EH 11K-\,rD, HO&\,ID
ASME/AWS A5, 1 7I F6A2 DI8 . Thich hqp cho: Chd t+o kluDg ddm, k6-t ca'u can iruc...
ASME/AWS A5,17: F6A2 . EL12
vD - 431 ASME/AWS A5.] 7: F7A2 EH]1K
Mdi hnr nga:u sau, lang miD.
Nnns sudt hnn cao.

Dd.c didm - tng d.uns: C ha.rdcte rktics - App li.atio ns:

1.VD - $1h loai thudc bio va khi hnndey EH 1lK \D. 1. VD-431 is a drusthatprotectsthe weldinswire
day H08A - \D ho{c crc loai tudns dltihg. Thudc c6 .ec EH I 1K-\D, wirc H08A VD or the equivatent. Medicines
th)nh phan giip bio v6 mai hnn khdi cec mdi DSuy hai tt have insredients help protect the weld from
mOitnting. envircnmentalhazards.
2.Thich hdp dd h)n th6p carbon thdp nhu:Chdtao khuns 2- Suitable for weldins low carbon stecl such as:
ddm, koi cdu cdn truc... Thich hop dd hin ca. dudnsthans, Ilroduction of beams. structural crane ... Suiiable for
driahgt$n-.. wclding of straight lines, circles ...
3. Nnns suithdncao hdn cec phlrdns phdp hn11khtc. Kha 3. Hisher productivity weldins other welding methods.
nrns rhu h6i thu6'c d6 ding Rocoverability of easy df uss

Hd6ns ddn st duns:

1 Clcanoil, sease, djrtbefore sprayed.
1. hm sach diu, mn, buibdnttu6ckhi dai thua;c
2.Ifthe drusiswet to drybefore using at 250'C du ngtwo
2- N6u thu6'c h dn phai siy kh6 trLi6c khi hdn d 250"C
Cd tinh him toqi m6i hdn hhi hirn odi d,A! hdn hd Typical che ical properties of weld metal uith uire
Bumbwersed drc 0eldins:

Hin v6i dr! 16 hin chi! D0 bei dirt Dd den dii Didrim dip
\{elding nire
LllPa) 0tPal 0) (Jl
EH 11X.\'D 1i0 i10 .20"C:rl() I]H]II{.VD 450 510 28 20"C: 120
H08L.\) irir0 190 2ll l]"c 80 H08L . \D .r00 490 {)ocr80

Qu: cdch bqo s6i:25 hstbso Packing:25hs / bdg


/, j


J lr-

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