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C.R.E.A.M.- Wu-Tang Clan

This music video is quite low budget, and focusses more on candid shots of the group driving
around the city, spliced with some short clips with actors doing actions related to the lyrics
and the artists lip syncing the lyrics. Most of the video shows the group in casual street
clothing, in a poor neighbourhood in Staten Island, which is where most of the group
originate from. Towards the end of the video, the group is seen sitting at a fancy table sipping
champagne with money bags all around them, yet still wearing the same clothes. This is
meant to signify that even though they now have lots of money and materialistic things, they
are still in their element in the streets.
The video features lots of close-up shots of the members of the group, as well as many crane
shots of the whole group either performing the song or just congregating with each other. The
crane shots give a sense of brotherhood and comradery, which the group have formed over
the years of turmoil and struggle that they describe in the song. The close-up shots are used
more to showcase each individual rapper in the group and give the video a more personal
feel, as the rappers are looking directly into the camera for a more intimate effect.

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