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Principles of ICT

Attempt all questions

1. Define the term Computer network

2. Write the following terms in full
i. VPN
iii. MAN
iv. GUI

3. Explain the Impacts of ICT-based innovations on organizational performance

4. List down the generations in which the following are:
i. Transistors
ii. Vacuum tubes
iii. Punch cards
5. Who mathematicians created the world’s first computer

6. List down the different types of computer networks

7. Explain the different types of “Personal Area Network” as related to computer

8. Define internetwork and list down some of its types

9. Differeciate between “Hypertext and Hypermedia “.

10. Following the history of computers, in which year did this happen (YouTube, a video
sharing service, is founded. Google acquires Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating

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