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10  Quick Test Pre-intermediate

GRAMMAR 19 Who _____ the zip?

A  is invented  ■  B  was invented  ■ 
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. C invented ■
Example: My sister _____ Italian. 20 Janet isn’t answering her phone. She _____ be out.
A  speak  ■  B  speaks  ■ ✓   C  do speak  ■ A can ■  B would ■  C might ■
1 Take a sandwich because you _____ get hungry. 20
A might ■  B  might not  ■  C should ■
2 You might _____ like the film. It’s very long. VOCABULARY
A  to not  ■  B  not to  ■  C not ■
a Tick (✓) the correct school subject, A, B, or C.
3 He _____ play football when he was young.
A  used to  ■  B  use to  ■  C used ■ Example: All insects have six legs.
A  chemistry  ■  B physics ■ 
4 I _____ like public speaking. Now I love it.
C biology ■ ✓
A  don’t use to  ■  B  didn’t use to  ■ 
C  didn’t used to  ■ 1 The capital of Norway is Oslo.
5 A lot of novels _____ into other languages. A geography ■  B history ■  C maths ■
A  are translate  ■  B  are translated  ■  2 There is oxygen and nitrogen in the air.
C  is translated  ■ A science ■  B technology ■ 
6 8 million disposable nappies _____ every day in the C geography ■
UK. 3 Abraham Lincoln was a US president.
A  are used  ■  B used ■  C  are use  ■ A geography ■  B history ■  C maths ■
7 When was this museum _____? 4 32 – 27 = 5
A build ■  B built ■  C  be built  ■ A geography ■  B history ■  C maths ■
8 We aren’t sure but we _____ go away this weekend. 5 Shakespeare wrote, ‘To be or not to be …’
A  might to  ■  B will ■  C might ■ A technology ■  B science ■ 
9 She _____ at home. Her car isn’t there. C literature ■
A  may not be  ■  B  may not to be  ■ 
b Tick (✓) A , B, or C to form the correct noun.
C  might to be  ■
Example: imagin_____
10 Did you use _____ glasses?
A -asion ■  B -etion ■  C -ation ■

A wore ■  B  to wear  ■  C wear ■
11 Fiat cars _____ in Italy. 6 cho_____
A  are make  ■  B  be made  ■  C  are made  ■ A -se ■  B -ise ■  C -ice ■
12 What time do you _____ go to work? 7 organiz_____
A usually ■  B  use to  ■  C used ■ A -asion ■  B -ation ■  C -ate ■
13 The film was directed _____ Quentin Tarantino. 8 d_____
A for ■  B from ■  C by ■ A -yed ■  B -eath ■  C -ied ■
14 When _____ iPods invented? 9 op_____
A are ■  B was ■  C were ■ A -sion ■  B -tion ■  C -ted ■
A Did they use to be married?
15 10 succ_____
B Yes, they _____. A -asion ■  B -essness ■  C -ess ■
A are ■  B did ■  C was ■ 11 educ_____
How _____? A -asion ■  B -ation ■  C -ate ■
A  it’s made cheese  ■  B  is cheese made  ■ 12 elect_____
C  cheese is made  ■ A -ion ■  B -ision ■  C -icion ■
17 All of the children _____ a prize for entering the 13 inform_____
A -asion ■  B -ent ■  C -ation ■
A  were given  ■  B  did given  ■  C  were gave  ■ 14 confus_____
18 When did you _____ to know Alex?
A -ion ■  B -ement ■  C -ation ■
A used ■  B were ■  C use ■

English File Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 1

10  Quick Test Pre-intermediate

15 invit_____ PRONUNCIATION
A -esion ■  B -ation ■  C -ision ■
a Which word has the correct sound? Tick (✓) A, B,
c Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with or C.
past participles. Example: /ɔɪ/
Example: Harry Potter was _____ by J.K. Rowling. A chose  ■  B  choose  ■  C  choice  ■

A written ■✓   B wrote ■  C write ■ 1 /ɪə/
16 Sherlock Holmes was _____ on a real person. A bear  ■  B near  ■  C were  ■
A base ■  B basing ■  C based ■ 2 /eɪ/
17 The dishwasher was _____ by a woman. A might  ■  B education  ■  C meet  ■
A invented ■  B invention ■  C invent ■ 3 /aɪ/
18 Penicillin was first _____ by Alexander Fleming. A decide  ■  B afraid  ■  C car  ■
A discover ■  B discovered ■  4 /eə/
C discovering ■ A idea  ■  B here  ■  C hair  ■
19 Avatar was _____ by James Cameron. 5 /aʊ/
A directing ■  B direct ■  C directed ■ A famous  ■  B sound  ■  C know  ■
20 This dress was _____ by Vivienne Westwood.
A designing ■  B design ■  C designed ■
b Which -ed past simple ending adds an extra
syllable /ɪd/? Tick (✓) A, B, or C.
20 Example: A  wanted  ■
✓   B discovered ■ 
C designed ■
6 A started ■  B produced ■  C used ■
7 A fixed ■  B decided ■  C asked ■
8 A directed ■  B called ■  C showed ■
9 A invented ■  B played ■  C smiled ■
10 A loved ■  B hoped ■  C created ■


Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

English File Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 2

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