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~-"'-........ ~ Offic.e of the

-,~~ 131<M 9fl\SW1 f's\lf¾@"R ~ f~f)if.G15 QOM (Fin ance), Cenlr1I P1ymont, Loan t
Project Accounting
Dhaka Power Di, tr1butlon Co. Lld .
Rahman Chamber (6"' floor)
•~ ~), DHAKA POW tm ntSTIUllll TION COM l'ANY LIMI T l<:U 12-13, Motljhoel CIA, Dhilka-1000.
~ (An Enterprise of the Government of tho Pooplo's Ropubllc of Bangladesh) Phone: 9556997 , 9562819, 9563265.
Web Sito: E-mail: (j_grfili,~C"-OJ_gj'/1

Me mo No: 8, .307. 3 16.00 .000.201 8. Da to : 06 -01 -20 19.

Deputy Genera l Managor

Ru pali Bank Ltd .
Rupali Sadan Corporate Bra nch
Motijl1eel, Oh nka- 1000

Subject :- Amendm ent of UC No.-00000270180 10055 dated: 15-05-2018 .

Dear Sir
With reference to tl1e above subject you are requested to amend the UC to the following eff ect:

U C Clause No Mentioned in L/C Amend as

F31 D Date of expiry : 09/12/2018 09/03/2019

All other terms and conditions will remain unchanged . Amendment charges will be borne by Contractor .

You are therefore, requested to kindly amend the above mentioned UC accordingly and inform us at th e

Thanking You
Sincerely Yours

(Md.Abu Firoz Hassan)

DGM (Finance)

Memo No: 87.307.316.00 .000.2018 . b f/ 6 Date : 06-01 -2019 .

Co t :-
1. cutive Director (Finance/Engineering), DPDC .
. SE, C&P, DPDC.
3. Shenyang High Voltage Complete Switchgear Co ., Ltd., China .
~ - ~ · L9
4. Office copy I Master copy. (Md. Jahangir AlarnCh dhury)
Manager (Fin ance)

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