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Tieng anh co nuoc ngoai 15 – 2 học online

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Miss Chetna

Six degree of seperation: it’s a small world Youtube video

Chủ đề networking

Sometimes Miss Chetna gets asked for her age in Vietnam (so that people know how
to address her)

BT CD 1.3; 1.4 trang 2 pdf sách english

1,2,3, 4 maybe 5 as well
3 opinion
2 compliment (excellent english)

2, 5, 3, 6, 8, and some more (they used most of the strategies)

How is business going on in your part of the world

I suppose you don’t know of any good places to eat near here, do you?

Do you mind me asking where you are from?

Be culturally sensitive
(Miss Chetna is South African – but looks Indian)

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