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Grammar: PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES luuminhtien2007 Chuyén déi tai khodn & *Bat bude Email * Email cia ban Class * Cau tra Idi cua ban Student's full name * Cau tra loi cua ban Exercise 1* Bdiér ‘The dog ran opposite/across/at the road and jumped over/to/through a garden wall. 2. According to the story, while Newton was sitting at/under/below an apple tree, an apple fell and hit him on/at/to the head. 3 Celsius was born at/to/in Sweden, and became Professor of Astronomy at/to/in the University of Uppsala. 4 Few visitors are now allowed inside/underneath/alongside the cave because the paintings at/in/on the walls are damaged by their breath. 8. The photo shows plastic debris washed ashore/around/along last week on/at/to a Pacific island A 8 c 2a ° O Oo 2 Oo oO Oo 3a O° Oo oO 3b ° oO O 4a O° O O° 4b O° O Oo Sa O° oO O° Sb O° Oo oO 1 a x © Ss 6a 6b 7 ga 8b 9b In/At/On average, the Moon orbits across/away from/around the Earth at a distance of about 385,000 km. Odiér Opportunities for studying away/abroad/around are available on/at/to a number of European universities. Inside/Along/Among the many objects brought in/at/to the museum by metal- detectors were these gold coins. It seems that the company has now fallen off/behind/among others in the same field, even though when it started out it was ahead/away/under of its time. ‘The police officer walked up and down/in and out/round and round the street, looking for the man who had jumped off/past/out of the car. A 000006UmUCM0lOUUlUCOlUlUCO B 0000600606UCO0OUUlUCO o0o0006806mUCUOlWUUlUCOOUlUCO 10a 10b 2 Complete each sentence (1-10) with one of the endings (a-)). 1 » Soo aun Sem me noe The president said that the opposition was in ‘The recently discovered collection of gold and silver artefacts has been put on After the agreement signed in 1802 between the two countries, they remained at rr being taken ill at the end of June, the prime minister did not appear in Historians now agree that in fact neither side was directly at sano ‘The king desperately needed money, as the treasury was deeply in ‘The heir to the throne, Prince George, was unfortunately not in To the commanders, the situation seemed at ‘The crisis occurred when the CEO was out of The fleet had been trapped in the harbour for weeks, and the crews were out of public again until the first week of October. good health, and seemed unlikely to live for more than a few months. peace until their uneasy relationship broke down a year later. debt, and parliament was unlikely to grant him any more revenue. first sight to hold little danger, but they quickly saw their mistake. danger of misleading the public with its plans for reform. practice, as no training had been possible. fault, and that hostilities could easily have been halted. display at the local town hall, before being taken to the museum. reach in a secluded country house, and could not easily be contacted. 1 diée Cau tra Idi cua ban ae Cau tra loi eda ban 4* Cau tra Idi eda ban 5° Cau tra [di cua ban 6 Cau tra Idi eda ban Cau tra Idi eda ban Bt Cau tra [di eda ban diér dé diér diér diér diér Cau tra Idi eda ban 10* Cau tra Idi eda ban diér 3 Complete each short text by writing a preposition from the box in each space. Some prepositions are used more than once. k far away in on to European eels are migratory fish found (1) . European countries with coastlines (2) the North Atlantic. They spend their adult lives (3) freshwater (4) rivers such as the Thames, where they remain for up to twenty years before travelling 6,500 kms (5) . their spawning grounds (6) Sargasso Sea. There they die, and the newborn eels then spend as long as three years travelling (8) (9). 2* Cau tra Idi eda ban 3° 5 Cau tra [di cua ban diér dé 4* Cau tra [ai cia ban 5° Cau trd [di ctia ban 6 Cau trd [ai ca ban Cau tra [ai cia ban Bt Cau trd Iai ctia ban 9* 1 dig. 1 diér 1diér 1diér 1 dir. 1 aiér Cau tré Iai cia ban at beneath beside down on opposite round through to 10° 1 diér Cau tré Ibi cla ban a 1 diér Cau tra lai cia ban 12" 1 diem Cau trd [ai ctia ban B+ Cau tra Idi eda ban 14* Cau tra [di cua ban 15* Cau tra Idi eda ban 16* Cau tra Idi eda ban 7 Cau tra [di eda ban 18" dig dé diér diér diér dig Cau tra Idi eda ban 19° Cau tra Idi eda ban 20* Cau tra [di cua ban a" Cau tra Idi eda ban 22* Cau tra Idi eda ban dig dé diér diér alongside among in under within E€co-towns construction (24) various parts of the country, (25) these towns the emphasis willbe on providing as many ‘green’ features as possible, (26) .anmmsnnn Which will be: a'smart’ meter (27). each house, making it easler to control energy consumption; businesses and schools a short distance of every home so everyone can walk or cycle work or school; good public transport with timetable information avallable (30) . . the home; the use of wind and solar power (31) smn conventional energy sources forall homes and businesses; and more green spaces. New eco-towns are (23) 23" 5 Cau tra Idi eda ban 24* Cau tra Idi eda ban 25* 1 Cau tra loi cua ban diér diér diér 26* Cau tra loi eda ban 27* Cau tra [di cua ban 28" Cau tra loi eda ban 29* Cau tra Idi eda ban 30* Cau tra [di eda ban 31" dig dé diér diér dig diér Cau tra Idi eda ban 4 Write a new sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word In bold. Do not change the word given. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. average 2 ‘The new bridge is still being built. construction » e Tina is the head of the sales department. charge * It is suspected that the two men did something wrong. under 5 Weare successfully managing the situation. control a ‘The president is being forced to consider changing ‘the law. pressure 2" dig Cau tra loi eda ban 3* Cau tra Idi eda ban dig as dig Cau tra [di eda ban 5* cir Cau tra loi eda ban 6 dir Cau tra [di cua ban 5 Write a new sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the preposition in bold. Do not change the word given. The faculty library is located near the office. within an NE, faculty Library ks located within a short dista We finished the project earlier than scheduled, ahead v 3. Government spending cannot be controlled. out » For full information, see the bottom of the page. below 2* 1 diér Cn 11d li ovia han dig 3* Cau tra loi eda ban 4" dé Cau tra [di cua ban Iam in the middle of the book at the moment. through w 6 Most importantly, Koch is remembered for his work on tuberculosis, above Since things are as they are, youd better leave, and come back next week. under x Peter is on a business trip and not at home. 8° 1 dié Cau tra loi eda ban 6 1 diér cau trd lai cua ban 7* 1 diér Cau trd Iai cla ban Bt 1 diér Cau trd lai cia ban oui Xéa hét cau tra ldi kréng bao gid git mat khau théng cue Google Biéu mau. B&u tru nay 48 dude t20 ra bén trong Dai hoc Sai Gon. Bo céo Lam dung Google Biéu mau

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