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I just want to be present.

It’s easy to live in the past and think about all the things I ain’t doing, to contemplate all the
opportunities I never took, or to regret doing the useless things I've done so far. It’s even easier
to get caught up in worrying about my future happiness. What happens when I get there, what
happens if I don’t and why haven’t things turned out like I wanted them to.

Maybe, trying to analyze what I want out of life is difficult when I can barely keep up with the
daily grind. So I don't really even know what I want out of life at the moment. That's not to say I
don't have goals. They're just extremely broad and imprecise goals that revolve around family,
work, money and trying not to be a complete asshole most of the time.

I'd like to think that by doing this blog and getting all these things down on paper (or pixels) will
help me figure out what it is that I really want from life.

But for now, it's about being present for myself. It's about eating well and sleeping well, even if
it means being less productive or needing two extra cups of coffee in the morning.

I don’t want to overthink my 30s in my 20s and not worry about what the future holds. I just
want to be present, because I don’t want to be abstract.

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