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# Questions

1 What are the types of I / O streams?

2 What are the main ancestors of I / O streams?

3 What is common and how do the following streams differ: InputStream, OutputStream,
Reader, Writer?

4 What packages are stream classes in?

5 What is serialization?

6 What are scanners in the Java programming language?

7 What is the purpose of the file class?

8 What is an I/O filter?

9 What classes allow you to convert byte streams to character and back?

10 What is serialization?

11 Which class is used to create a directory in Java?

12 How do you create a file and directory in Java?

13 What is the difference between BufferedReader and FileReader in Java?

14 What is the difference between BufferedReader and Scanner in Java?

15 What is the use of the PrintStream class in Java IO?

16 Why did you need to close the streams in finally block?

17 What is the try-with-resource statement in Java?

18 What are the basic methods in File class?

19 What is the use of BufferedWriter and BufferedReader classes in Java?

20 File Permissions in Java

21 What is the difference between InputStream and OutputStream in Java?

22 How do you convert a file into a String in Java?

23 When does (Access is denied) come? How do you fix that?

24 What is difference between getPath(), getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath() in Java?

25 What is RandomAccessFile?

26 What is a stream and what are the types of Streams and classes of the Streams?

27 Tell something about BufferedWriter? What are flush () and close () used for?

28 What is the difference between the Reader/Writer class hierarchy and the
InputStream/OutputStream class hierarchy?

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