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Nama : Sinta Permatasari

NIM : P27901121087

Kelas : 1B D3 Keperawatan

Irresponsible Car Driver

On a beautiful afternoon, I went to the park to refresh my brain, because in 3 consecutive days I was
working on a pile of college assignments. When I was on the road to the park, I saw there was a car
accident and I saw the victim, a small boy, about 12 years old, lying on the street. Really
irresponsible, the driver of the car just left without helping the poor boy. with a worried face I ran
over to the little boy. I also called the boy to check if he was still conscious. however the boy did not
respond, but luckily his breathing was still normal. I saw the child's face was bleeding to be exact on
the forehead, besides on his face I also saw that his elbow was scratched. then I took off his shirt a
little to see if there were any other wounds and I saw there was a blue bruise on his stomach. I
immediately called an ambulance to help the little boy. while waiting for the ambulance I stopped
the bleeding on his forehead with my handkerchief. After a few minutes the ambulance finally
arrived, and the boy was taken to the hospital to be treated by medical personnel. after that I
reported it to the police and told me there was a hit and run accident. And finally the driver of the
car was caught by the police and the boy was saved.

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