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University of the Philippines Manila


Extension Campus, Baler, Aurora

Name: Educational Attainment:
Age: Occupation:
Sex: Religion
Address: Date & Time Admitted:
Chief Complaints:

Attending Physician:


Present Illness
Chief Complaints.
A narrative account of the problem for which the patient is seeking care. Describe the onset of the
problem. How and when did it start. What was the setting or what was the patient doing at the
time of onset? What were its manifestations? Describe principal symptoms in terms of location,
quality, quantity or severity, timing, onset, duration and frequency, factors that aggravate or relieve
symptoms, associated manifestations. What treatment was taken at home? How did the patient

Past Health History

General state of health.

Childhood illnesses experiences (measles, mumps, chicken pox etc.)
Immunizations like measles, DPT, Pentavalent, Polio etc.
Adult illnesses. Type, how it was treated, recovered or not.
Operations, injuries, allergies.
Current medications taken, including home remedies.

Family History
Illnesses experienced by other members of the family. Age and health or age and cause of death.
Occurrence within the family of any of the following conditions: diabetes, tuberculosis, arthritis,
anemia, mental illness, heart disease etc.

For pediatric patients add:

Birth History

Prenatal. Maternal health before/during pregnancy. Illnesses experienced by mother during

pregnancy, complications, drugs taken. Duration of pregnancy.

Natal. Nature of labor and delivery. Birth order. Birth weight.

Feeding History (may also be written under food and fluid intake)

Breastfeeding – frequency and duration of feeds; use of complementary or supplementary artificial
feedings; difficulties encountered; timing and method of weaning. Artificial feeding – type of
formula, concentration, amount and frequency of foods, feeding difficulties; timing and method of
weaning. Vitamin supplements given, supplementary feeding – types and amount of food given,
when (age) introduced, infant’s response.

Growth and Development History

Height and weight at birth, ages 1,2,5, and 10 years. History of rapid or slow gains or losses in
weight. Tooth eruption and loss pattern. Developmental milestones like ages at which the patient
held up his head in a prone position, rolled from front to back, sat with support/alone, walked, etc.
Social development – sleep patterns, toilet training (age, methods used, difficulties encountered,
terms used for defecation and urination). Speech (hesitation, stuttering, baby talk lisping,
estimated number of vocabulary). Habits – headbanging, thumbsucking, nailbiting, pica, ritualistic
behavior, tantrums, aggression, withdrawal. Schooling – age entered school, achievement.
Personality – degree of independence, relationship with parents/sibling, activities and interests,
special friends, major assets and skills.


History of previous hospitalizations. Data. Reason. Condition of discharge. Reactions to

hospitalization – staff quality of care received. What does the patient expect from this
hospitalization? What charges does he expect to happen? What would he like to know about his


Patterns of functioning Clinical Inspection Other Sources

1. Respiratory RR- Characterize; rate, rhythm, Results of chest X-ray
 History of cough, colds, symmetry & depth & effort of Results of sputum
asthma, PTB, difficulty of breathing, use of accessory muscles, examinations
breathing, etc. Cough? breathing patterns. Contour of the Medications being taken
Productive, frequency, chest. Breath sounds? Rate? Cough?
usual precipitating factors. Nature, frequency, does it interfere
 What are the usual with rest? Sputum? Nature,
measures taken for relief? appearance. Colds? Sneezing?
 Does he/she smoke? Type. Nasal discharges? Tracheostomy?
Number of packs Other respiratory aids used.
consumed per day for how
long has he/she been
2. Circulatory BP, HR, PR (Characterize) Presence ECG results
 History of hypertension, of swollen or discolored parts? Blood Chemistry
dizziness, fainting spells, Cyanosis? Pallor, cold extremities? Hematology
palpitations, chest pain Edema? Pitting, where? Medications taken
etc. Circumference of edematous
 Relief measures done extremities? Redness in pressure
 Causes of attacks areas. Complaints of headache?
 Swelling, discolorations, Nature, severity, location associated
edema experienced? symptoms. Chest pain? Location,
What was it associated severity, quality. Easy fatigability,
with? palpitations, tightness of chest
Color of nailbeds and mucus
3. Food & Fluid Intake General state of health, body, build, Diet prescribed
 Usual foods taken nutritional state. Fluids prescribed (oral,
 Meal patter –how many Height and weight Nutritional status parenteral)
meals does he/she take of skin, scalp, nails, color and Is the patient on I and O
each day? Time? texture of skin. Results of:
 Food allergies Hydration of mucus membranes GI tract X-rays, liver
 Food preferences & Condition of mouth, lips and gums function tests blood sugar
dislikes Presence of dentures. level
 Number of glasses of Appetite, actual foods taken
water taken each day (quality/quantity). Type and rate of
 Other beverages taken IVF or other parenteral feedings.
 Does he/she take Presence of NGT. Complaint of:
alcoholic beverages? vomiting nature, amount, frequency,
Type, average amount precipitating factors. Abdominal
consumed/session, pain-nature &u severity. Dysphagia,
frequency, for how long Nausea?
has he/she been
 Pedia patients: Include
feeding history

Frequency, amount, appearance of Results of Upper
4. Elimination urine, feces, perspiration. Gastrointestinal series,
 How many times does the Contour of abdomen. barium edema, etc. stool
patient void/day Passage pf flatus? Abdominal exam result, urinalysis
 Usual characteristics of distention? Tenderness? Hernia? result, kidney functions
urine, color, amount Sounds in the abdomen. tests.
 Any dysuria? Dibbling Constipation? How many days?
 How many times does the Diarrhea? Frequency?
patient have BM/day? Characteristics of feces. Melena?
Usual time? Quantity, Hematemesis? Amount &
 Characteristics of stools? frequency. Urinary catch?
 Does he/she take any aids Colostomy? Abnormalities of anus,
for elimination? surrounding, skin and anus.
 Diarrhea? Constipation?
Frequency, causes, relief
5. Regulatory Mechanisms Temperature (oral, rectal, or Results of blood exam
 Has he/she had fever axillary) indicative of an infection
before? What was it Moiture and color of skin – dry, process
associated with? Any moist? Wet with perspiration? Medications taken
chills? Face –flushed, rashes? Twitching?
 What relief measures Paralysis?
were done Contractions? Duration &
 Menarche, interval, frequency. Intact membranes?
number of days, LMP Vaginal bleeding? Height &
 Menopause? Hot firmness of fundus.
flushes Amount & appearance of lochia,
 Birth control pills breast enlargement, tenderness, state
taken? Hormonal of nipples. Appearance of perineal
replacement taken area. Characteristics of male/female
 EDC, onset of genitalia
contractions? Have
membranes ruptured
6. Hygiene  often General appearance; neat, dirty,
 How often does the unkempt
patient take a bath? Skin condition- scars? Lesions?
Time of day? Head: Hair- distribution and texture
 How often doe he/she Scalp- secretions? Lesions?
shampoo? Brush his Dandruff? Pediculosis?
teeth? Change clothes, Skull –contour, size
etc. Nails: clean or dirty? Short or long?
 Any allergies to Mouth: clean? Odors (halitosis)
soap/shampoo? Does the patient have any
 Any belief/practices unpleasant odor?
related to personal

7. Exercise & locomotion Physical bearing: stature, gait, Result of x-ray for
 Usual exercise at home, posture, movement. Extent of range fractures, dislocations
frequency, time done, of joint motion? Lab results that would
amount Limitations of movements? signify musculoskeletal
 Joint stiffness Fracture? Joint stiffness? abnormalities
experienced? Contractures deformities?
 History of gout? Dislocations? Muscle pain?
Arthritis? Cramps? Amputated parts? Use of
 Is there any paralysis? crutches, cane or other walking aids
 Does he/she use Neck: symmetry of musculature,
prosthetic devised? Aids abnormal masses, swelling,
to mobility? enlargement of thyroid glands,
 Is any part of his/her body presence of lymph nodes, vein
paralyzed? Since when? prominence, scars, moles, stiffness
of neck?
8. Rest and sleep Does the patient look tired? Sleepy? Rest prescription of
 Number of hours usually Are there bags under the eyes? physician
slept? Time of arising and Actual number of hours slept?
retiring? Nature of sleep? Interrupted?
 Any insomnia? Difficulty in sleeping? Possible
 Does he/she take daytime cause
naps, for how long?
 Favorite sleeping
 Number of pillows used?
 Does he use a mosquito
 Bedtime rituals?
 What interferes with
9. Communication and special Eye: Distibution of eyelashes, Results of sight and
senses condition of eyelids, color of sclera? hearing tests
 R or L handed? Dryness or lacrimation?
 Does the patient use Characterize conjunctiva, pupils,
eyeglasses? Hearing eye control and movement, lens.
aids? Presence of ulcerations, abrasions,
 For how long has the foreign body, growth, eye
patient been having infections, catarrh.
these? Ears: shape of pinna, lesions,
 Is there any visual- swelling, tenderness of mastoid
auditory disturbances? process? External canal discharges?
 Are there speech Foreign bodies lesions? Earache?
disturbances? Difficulty of hearing?
 Dialect or language Nose: patency, condition of septum
spoken? and turbinates, adenoids? Epistaxis?
Voice: manner of talking
Mannerisms: Coherence of
expressions; presence of glasses
contact lenses, hearing aids
Speech defects

10. Sensory Orientation to time? Place? Self? Results of neurologic
 History of convulsions Others? tests
 History of loss of Has the patient suffered seizures
consciousness while in your care?
 History of epilepsy, Level of consciousness. State of
onset at what age? awareness. Response to stimuli-
 Medications taken tactile? Verbal (coherence of
expression) pressure, thermal,
11. Pain & Discomfort Describe physical manifestations Check physician record
 Pain or discomfort of pain or discomfort present. for symptoms of which
frequently experienced Nature, duration extent of pain or the patient complains.
 Describe other discomforts. Medications taken
manifestations Muscle guarding due to pain?
 What is done for relief? How does pain affect other
 Does he/she know the patterns, (example rest)
cause describe
12. Recreation/Diversion Any evidence of boredom? What
 What is done for fun? does he/she want to do to pass
Hobbies? his/her time?
 Interest he/she would
like to pursue?
 (Children) What is
their favorite
13. Religious Life Religious medal worn. Need for
 Religious affiliation a religious counselor. Ability to
 Religious beliefs & meet own spiritual needs
practices (esp.those
may affect his/her
care & health), diet,
days of worship, holy
14. Coping Mechanisms What are the patient’s attitudes? Reports of psychiatric
 What is done when What is his/her mood? evaluations
facing stressful How is he/she coping with his
situations? What do illness
you do when angry? Coping mechanisms observed
Frightened? during stressful circumstances.
 Whose advice is Postnatal patients: Response to
sought when motherhood
problems occur? Ways of handling baby

15. Social/Occupational Support of family/friends Check social history
 Work/role –type and Behavior towards roommates, regarding social,
hours of work visitors, staff occupational problems
 Feelings about his/her Acceptance of sick role or other
works role change
 Family roles? Need for teaching and counseling
 Members of
 Social roles?
 Anybody special
he/she wants to see
 Cultural prescriptions
regarding health care
and practices

1. Physical - orientation to environment
-ability to care for himself
-ability of family members to care for patient and carry out instructions for
2. Social -how is the relationship between the patient and his family?
-how does the patient relate to other people?
-is the patient the breadwinner/homemaker?
-is he the decision-maker?
3. Emotional -how stable are the patient's emotions?
-is he/she susceptible to mood swings
-how responsible is he/she for his/her behavior?
4. Environmental-how accessible to transportation?
-how far is the home from the nearest hospital, clinic, or health center?
-are there possible hazards at home? (example, squatter area, prone to fires)
5. Mental -ability to understand, relate cause to effect, solve problems, communicate
with others, recall events
-educational background

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