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Nama : Devi Alfia Ismiyanti

NIM : 1192080013

Kelas : 5/A

_Pendidikan Kimia_

Technological Strategies in Chemistry Learning during

Pandemic Covid-19 Outbreak

Pembicara : Dr. Risa R., M.Pkim

This corona outbreak has become the great catalyst that drives the world education. Like
pushing more utilization information technology in distance learning activities. – Prof. Dr.
Gerhard Fortwengel from University of Applied Science and Arts, Hannover, Germany.

Level of use of digital applications by teacher in teaching and communicating with parents is
quite high. However, there are still around 30% of teachers in rural areas in ourside java who
do not use the applications digital in learning. – Alifia, U., et. All. Catatan Penelitian
Semeru, No 1. 2020.

The Pandemic with Distance Learning causes Learning Loss

Learning loss :

 Defisit Competence
 Affective Loss
 Limited Relationship
 Insecure : Teachers and Students

Technology in Learning

 Pre-school
 Primary School
 Secondary School
 High School
 University & Professional

Elementary and junior high school students are still in the character building stage and are
expected to be able to go to school offline during the current covid 19 pandemic. and the
learning process for the university level is full online and applies a blended learning system.


Johnstone’s Triangle :

 Macro (concreate, abstract, observation)

 Sub-micro (sub-atomic, atomic/molecular, multi-particle)
 Symbolic (mathematical, graphical/numerical, model)
 In chemistry you will use macroscopic and sub-microscopic models to
understand certain conceps.
 Scientific model – a thinking device, built on experimentation, that helps us to
understand and explain macroscopic observation.

The Methods : Desain Based Research

 Analysis (concept analysis)

 Desain (story board)
 Development (validation of virtual lab, game, e-modul)
 Implementation (in distance learning)

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