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The learners discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes and
functions may help in improving thoughts, behavior and feelings;
The learners will be able to explore ways on how to improve brain functions for personal

Brain Dominance Test
In this module, we will be discussing the different theories on brain dominance. One of
these theories is the Left and Right Brain Dominance Theory. Before we proceed to the
discussion of the lesson, take this simple test adopted from which aims to help
individuals know what part of the brain is dominant on them.
Read the following statements and choose the answer that most accurately describes
you. Write your answer on a sheet of paper. Afterwards, you’ll know the result.

1. When you walk into a theater, classroom, or large hall which side do you usually sit
A. Right B. Left

2. When taking a test, which style of questions do you prefer to answer?

A. Subjective (Discussion, Essay) B. Objective (True/false, Multiple Choice)

3. Do you often have hunches and rely on your intuition?

A. Yes B. No

4. Are you very organized? Do you have a place for everything and keep everything in
its proper place?
A. No B. Yes

5. When you are learning a dance step, is it easier for you to:
A. Learn by imitating the teacher and feeling the music
B. Learn the sequence of movements by memorizing the steps

6. Is it easier for you to remember people's names or to remember people's faces?

A. Faces B. Names

7. Do you prefer to express your feelings through drawings or writing?

A. Drawing B. Writing

8. When someone is talking to you, do you respond to what is said, or do you respond
to how it is said?
A. Tone and feeling (how it is said) B. Word meaning (what is said)

9. Is your work area always neat and organized or cluttered?

A. Cluttered with stuff you need B. Neat and Organized

10. Do you plan your vacations or like spontaneous getaways?

A. Spontaneous Getaways B. Planned Vacations

Add the number of A responses: _____

Add the number of B responses: ______

If you have more A responses then you are likely to be right-brain dominant person.
If you have more B responses then you are likely to be left-brain dominant person.

The Lateralization of the Brain: The Left and Right Brain Theory
One of the aspects of holistic development is the cognitive development. From
infancy to adulthood, there are changes in human brain which are influenced by
various factors. Adults, on the other hand, have brain which is more complex than
the adolescents. This affects one’s behavior.

Cognitive development and learning are significant aspects of an adolescent’s

personal development, hence, it is essential that you understand some theories
about the functions of the brain (De Guzman, 2016).

Left and Right Brain

Dominance Theory
This theory is developed by Nobel
Prize winners Roger Sperry and
Robert Ornstein. This theory
states that humans use both sides
but each side has different specific
functions which lead to the
concept of brain dominance side.
This also leads to the coined
terms left-brained or right-brained
individuals (De Guzman, 2016).
Image source:
Right-brained Individuals
*cited from De Guzman, 2016
More emotional Left-Brained Individuals
Swayed by feelings Organized
View things and events Logical
through feelings Detail-oriented
Look at visual references as a They process ideas in a step-
whole by-step manner
Intuitive Favor deadlines and schedules
Believers of imaginations Auditory Learners
Risk-takers Better using words than visual
Creative aids
Lack time management

The Left and Right Brain Theory – Advantages and Disadvantages

According to De Guzman (2016), the theory of Left and Right Brain helps in improving
one’s learning.


a. It gives us a picture of how the two hemispheres of the brain distinctly function
b. It provides an understanding of what areas an individual is naturally good at and those
on which he/she needs to improve or focus


a. Being stereotyped as a left-brained or a right-brained person may have a negative

b. A person who has branded himself “right-brained” may no longer study hard since he
concludes that his inclination is more into arts than in academics.

The Triune Brain Theory
*cited form Santos, 2016

This theory was identified by the neuroscientist Dr.

Paul MacLean. According to him, there are three distinct
parts of the brain namely, neocortex, limbic system, and
reptilian complex.
The neocortex or rational brain is responsible for
intellectual tasks such as language, planning, abstraction,
Image source:
and perception. Limbic system or the intermediate
brain is responsible for the motivation and emotion bm=isch&hl=en&hl=en&tbs&ved=0CAEQpwVqFwoTCJCR4uTsvOo
involved in feeding, reproductive behavior, and 1eeM&imgdii=_OB1l4DIwCvIlM
parental behavior. The reptilian complex or the
primitive brain controls the self- preservation and
aggresuve behavior of humans similar to the survival
instincts of the animals.

The Mind Map

Image source: Image source:
cCegQIABAA&oq=mind+map+sample+on+stress&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoCCAA6BA PkHqEwsKMmrWFJmbAy3g:1594188462747&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved
mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=xGIFX6y4J4Hs0QT2u7SACg&b 22&dpr=1.25#imgrc=qyhU0BrQIPrE0M

Organizing information and concepts through the use of graphic organizers or
maps have been effective to the adolescents as thinkers. Mind maps were popularized by
Tony Buzan, and are thinking techniques used to visually organize information (De
Guzman, 2016). It is a creative and logical way of organizing thoughts and ideas in your
mind through a diagram.
According to the website, there are five essential
characteristics of mind mapping:

1. The central image should focus to

the main idea.
2. The branches are for the themes
from the main idea.
3. The branches comprise a key
image or key word drawn or
printed on its associated line
4. Topics of lesser importance are
represented as 'twigs' of the
relevant branch Image source:
5. The branches form a connected nodal

Types of Mind Mapping Techniques
According to De Guzman (2016), there are two types of mind-mapping techniques
classified through the ways mind maps are made:
1. Handwritten
These are traditional mind maps made using the hands. In some observations,
handwritten maps are usually suited to the left-brained individuals because
they are generally word-based and have less visual skills.

2. Computerized or Digital
They are modern maps generated through computers (or similar gadgets) and
computer applications. Right-brained individuals are said to be more suitable to
this type of mind map because it allows them to be creative.

Using Mind Maps Effectively

Below are the suggestions that can help you draw impactful mind maps cited
from Santos (2016).

1. Use single words or simple phrases

2. Print words
3. Use color to separate different ideas
4. Use symbols and images
5. Use Cross-Linkages

Make your own mid map about the two Brain Theories mentioned during the

Content: 12pts
Presentation: 8pts
Creativity: 5pts

Bernabe, G.A (2016). Personal Development for Senior High School. Manila,
Philippines: Mindshapers Co.,Inc.

De Guzman, J. M., et. Al (2016). Personal Development A Textbook and a

Workbook for Senior High School Students.:Mutya Publishing House. Inc.: Malabon

Magalona, E.M (2016). Personal Development: Theory & Practice. Manila,

Philippines: Mindshapers Co., Inc

Ramos, M.L (2017). Personal Development, A Journey to Self-Awekening for

Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing Inc.

Santos, R.R (2016).Personal Development.(1st ed.). Manila, Phillipines: Rex



Creating a Mind Map retrieved from

Mind Map on Time Management retrieved from

Mind Mapping online article retrieved from


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