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COVID-19 is a disease that puts a lot of lives at risk.

It is important to know that this

disease is transmitted through the air if one do not wear a mask. So when a person coughs or
sneeze, there is a possibility that you can acquire the virus and infect your whole body system.
This is where safety measures and protocols must be implemented and followed by everyone in
order to minimize the possible mortality it can result into. The COVID-19 virus attacks both
older and younger persons. People over the age of 65, as well as those with pre-existing medical
issues including asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, tend to be more susceptible
towards the virus.
That is why, fully vaccinated or not, always wear a mask when going outdoors especially
in areas with high numbers of COVID infected, so you would not easily get the virus through the
air. To stay safe, use an alcohol-based hand massage or wash your hands with soap and water on
a regular basis. Keep a safe distance from someone who is coughing or sneezing, at least six feet
apart. Do not go out if it is unnecessary and avoid crowded places and poor ventilated places.
Take up vitamins rich in vitamin C, zinc, and iron, always stay hydrated, and have enough sleep
so your immune system would not get weak. Do not forget to disinfect when you get home from
going out, this kills the bacteria or virus that you encounter outdoors.
Even if fully vaccinated, those who have an illness or are using medications that weaken
their immune system may not be totally protected. They should continue to take all measures
suggested for unvaccinated persons, including wearing a well-fitting mask, until their healthcare
physician advises them differently. It’s especially important to wash when: before eating or
preparing food, before touching your face, after using the restroom, after leaving a public place.
after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, after handling your mask, after changing a
diaper, after caring for someone sick and after touching animals or pets. When you are already
feeling or experiencing the possible symptoms of COVID-19, isolate yourself immediately and
get tested. It is important to know that quarantine for infected patients is important so the
transmission of the virus would not get higher as expected. And last but not the least, do not get
easily fooled by the things you see on social media about COVID-19 because being a fool can
kill you so learn to get your facts first and only trust the credible sources about this matter.

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