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Book Review

Do you know that just 40% of the people in this world use their full potential ! Are you one of them
or do you wish to be one of them ?

Title : Win You

Author: Brigitte Adofo Agyapong
Pages: 278
Genre: Non- Fiction

Win You by Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is a book that talks about how you can use your potentials to
reach your purpose and live extraordinary lives. The most important step towards it is self-
awareness. The better you know yourself, the better you can drive your capabilities to fulfill your
purpose. The idea is to know your potentials, understand the power of mind and use it to fulfill your
dreams and ambitions in life and be successful.

The writing is simple and easy to understand. The writing is in the form of idea 🡪 details 🡪 exercises.
The exercises at the end of sections are helpful to practically put into use the concepts you learn in
every section of the book. This helps in active learning and exploring yourself with knowledge you
gain. At the end, you have the roadmap to build a new, successful and powerful life.The author takes
efforts to explain all the terms and the ideas are built up progressively in the book. However, I felt
the need of more examples to explain the concepts as it would have made the reading more
interesting. I kind of felt exhausted with information dump at times in reading the book.

Overall, a great effort. I would recommend the book to people who wish to live a life which is true to
their potentials. Win You could be your guide.

Rating : 4/5




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