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Progressive Education Society’s

Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce

Business Administration Campus
Shivajinagar, Pune-411005.


This is to certify that

Pooja F Shinde Roll No12520

Have satisfactorily completed the project, entitled

Online Helthcare management system
For the Project Management course towards partial fulfillment of
B.B.A.-C.A (Sem-V) course of Savitribai Phule Pune University for the academic year
2020-2021 as a part of curriculum.
Project Guide:-Prof.Namratha Gadgile
College Stamp

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We have a great pleasure to present this project on-

Online HealthCare management System
We have thankful to P. E. Society’s Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce,
Shivajinagar, Pune-41005.
For giving us the opportunity to carry out B.B.A.-CA (Sem-VI)
project at their concern.

Many people have contribution in this project report, we are grateful to

Prof .M.D.Alandikar, the Vice-Principal for his co-operation. Our special thanks to Project
Guide Prof. Namrata Gadgile for his/her constructive suggestions and comments and for lending
her expertise and talent when needed. And above all, we thank the Almighty for his grace and

Finally, we would like thank each and everyone who was directly or
indirectly involved with this project report.

1. Introduction
o Company Profile
o Introduction to system
o Scope of the system
o Proposed System
2. Analysis
o Fact Finding Technique
o Feasibility Study
o Hardware & Software Requirement
3. System Design
o E-R Diagram
o Context Level Diagram
o Data Flow Diagram
o File Design
o Data Dictionary
4. Form Design (with input values)
5. Reports
6. Advantages & Limitations
7. Future Enhancement
8. Bibliography
Introduction to system

The system is useful in various ways as the information about the patients who are
taking the free services from the health center all the details are already stored in the
database , so the service is done in no time . All the information about the drugs are
alsomaintained in the database

Health center system project is developed in java platform. Main aim of this project is to
implement a online software application for maintaining drugs information, patients information,
nurse information and doctors information in a single application. This system will reduce manual
work for maintaining records in files. Using this system data is maintained in database and data
retrieving and updating is easy process and old data can be easily retrieved.  Doctors and patients
can view this data from anywhere which will save time. This application is also useful for
pharmacist to inquire about the drugs and update information about drugs to database.

Healthcare management has huge demand these days as it really helps in managing a hospital or a
medical office. The scope of Healthcare Management systems is increasing by each day and it is
true for the entire world. Healthcare Management solutions are more than one factor that
contributes to the increasing demand in the healthcare sector. Some of these solutions include
improved awareness about Healthcare Management services, health policies and enhancement in
the demand for world class health care facilities in Hospital management Asia. In an ever-changing
world, healthcare management is essential to compete in the industry in providing better care to
Scope of the system

This document is the only one that describes the requirements of the
system. It is meant for the use by the developers , and will also by the basis for
validating the final delivered system. Any changes made to the requirements in the
future will have to go through a formal change approval process. The developer is
responsible for asking for clarifications, where necessary, and will not make any
alterations without the permission of the client.
Proposed system

The Main motive of this application to provide to provide seamless Hospital Management
system wherein patient info can be maintained in a secure way and also handle
scheduling, treatment details given by Doctor.

One of the solutions that we are going to discuss here to speed up the database
response by using SQL Server database and to reduce the time complexity by using
multi-user environment. Multi-user environment reduces burden with effortless

Advantages of Proposed System:

1)user can store information about the Patients that come to the hospital.

2) Information about Patients is done by just writing the Patients name, age and gender.

3) Generating bills. This system also help user in generating bills.

4) Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to Patient on a separate sheet
and at last they all are summed up.
Fact Finding Technique

Fact finding is process of collection of data and information based on

technique which contain sampling of existing documents, research, observation,
questionnaires, interviews, and joint requirements planning. System analyst uses
suitable fact-finding techniques to develop and implement the current existing system.
Fact finding techniques are used in the early stage of system development life cycle
because tools cannot be used efficiently from facts.

In the proposed we have used sampling of existing documentation, forms and

databases. There are various kinds of documents to collect facts from existing
We have also used the Research and site visits technique in the process of
examining the problems which had previously solved by other sources that can be either
human or documents.
It can solve the time if the problem is already solved. Researcher can know how
different person previously solved the same problems. Researchers always know the
details information about the current development system.
Feasibility Study
The feasibility of the project is analysed in this phase and business proposal is put forth with a
very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the feasibility
study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not
a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements
for the system is essential
1 Economic Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the economic impact will have on the system will have on the
organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the developed
system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used
are freely available. Only the customised products have to be purchased.
2 Technical Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is,the technical requirements of
the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the available available
technical resources. This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed
system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes for the implementing
this system.
3 Operational Feasibility

The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes
the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel threatened
by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of acceptance by the users solely
depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user about the system and to make
him familiar with it. His level of confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some
constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final
System Design
Entity Relationship Diagram:


has package Primium amount

appointment 1 Package Name

Doctor schedule m patient have Package id

m Hospital name

health Medical Done in m Hospital

services m undergoes condition Checkup Hospital id

Recomdation identity card

s_id time Letter number

report date amount Name age

bill id

issued 1 Bill date Admin



m report

Records discription

Record num

Appointment patient id

Data Flow Diagram (Context Level DFD):

Patient give report Give patient detail Doctor
login Appointment Approved

search manage detail

user data Request for appointment

booking appointment Take Payment

request perscription report

booking cancel

give booking detail

send symptons

payment reciept 0.0

Give personal detail Online Healthcare



Give Prescripe

Do Login

Login succesfully Doctor

collect patient detail

Data Flow Diagram

Response to login 1.0 Registered successfully

Doctor Provide detail Login get registered Doctor detail

Response to login process Registered successfully

Patient Provide detail get registered Patient detail


Provide detail Registration Registered successfully

Patient Response of registration process detail get registered patient detail

Ask for Appointment 3.0 Approved Appointment

Appointment Doctor

patient process

Appointment Approved Request for Appointment

select payment method payment method registered Payment detail

provide customer detail 4.0 payment method chossen

patient provide patient detail Payment customer detail registered patient detail

Payment confirm process bill for patient

Bill for patient


give booking charges Billing Bill Bill debits

Payment details process booking payment get registered

patient bill and refund details refund detail Refund detail

Provide feedback feedback feedback get registered
patient response for feedback process requested successfully Feedback

patient information Customer details


Report request Report patient booking information Booking detail

patient Report response process payment information

Payment detail

8.0 Search for patient detail

Search request Search Result for patient detail Doctor detail

patient response for search process

File Design
Data Dictionary

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Primary key

thumbnail varchar 100 Not Null

name varchar 100 Not Null

Date_of _birth varchar 100 Not Null

sex int 11 Not Null

email varchar 100 Not Null

phone varchar 100 Not Null

address varchar 100 Not Null

Created_at varchar 100 Not Null

password Text 100 Not Null

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Primary key

User_name varchar 100 Not Null

email varchar 100 Not Null

password varchar 100 Not Null

Full_name varchar 100 Not Null

address varchar 100 Not Null

Phone_number varchar 100 Not Null

info varchar 100 Not null

Phone_show int 11 Not Null

Address_show int 11 Not Null

Creatrd_at varchar 100 Not Null


Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Primary key

name varchar 100 Not Null

Genric_name varchar 100 Not Null

note varchar 100 Not Null

Created_at varchar 100 Not Null


Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Primary key

Patient_id int 11 Not Null

Date varchar 100 Not Null

Cc varchar 100 Not Null

Oe varchar 100 Not Null

Pd varchar 100 Not Null

Dd varchar 100 Not Null

Lab_workup varchar 100 Not null

Advice varchar 100 Not Null

Next_visit varchar 100 Not Null


Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id Int 11 Primary key

Prescription_id int 11 Not Null

Drug_id Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_type Varchar 100 Not null

Drug_dose Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_duration Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_strength Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_advice varchar 100 Not Null

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Parimary key

Symptoms Text 100 Not Null

Dated_at Text 100 Not Null

User_id int 11 Not Null


Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id int 11 Primary key

name Varchar 100 Not Null

note Varchar 100 Not Null

cc Varchar 100 Not Null

oe Varchar 100 Not Null

pd Varchar 100 Not Null

dd Varchar 100 Not Null

Lab_work Varchar 100 Not Null

advices varchar 100 Not Null

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

id Int 11 Primary key

template_id int 11 Not Null

Drug_id int 11 Not Null

Drug_type Varchar 100 Not null

Drug_strength Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_dose Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_duration Varchar 100 Not Null

Drug_advice varchar 100 Not Null

Form Design(with
input values)
Doctor Assistant

Chage password



Update doctor profile

Drug add
Patient report


Home page patient


Patient pricecription

Patient edit
Advantages and

o Reduce Paper Work.

o Increase Profitability.
o Storage of huge amount data.
o Save time.
o Reduce manpower.
o Increase efficiency
o Reduces drawback of manual system


o Customers cannot place their payment in online.

o System is handled by admin of an organization.
o There is no online system is the existing system
Future Development is very important for each project because it
includes latest feature in the System. It reduces software problem and
bug. It can create a strong relationship with customer according to their
feedback and choices. We will integrate some dynamic features in our
heathcare management system

 The updated system can be more simpler to maintain and manage.

 If any changes required in future it can be easily made in the system without any
 In next updated version we would like provide online services like:
o Online payment System
Reference Books:

 The Complete reference java

 Learn java,html,css

 Computer Programming Concepts and java,html,css




 Sandeep Kaundal (youtube channel)

 616jk (youtube Channel)

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