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 GDP trends : GDP growth in the first quarter of 2010 reached 5.84%, but by
the second quarter increased by 6.44%, the third quarter increased by
7.18% and the fourth quarter was estimated to increase by 7.34%. Thus,
the gdp growth in the fourth quarter of this year reached the highest level
since the second quarter of 2008.
 Interest rates : Industrial and construction added value reached the highest
among economic sectors, increasing by 7.7%; this was followed by a 7.52%
increase in service; The agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors this year
increased by 2.78%.
 Inflation rates: At 11.75% in 2010, the devaluation of the currency caused
many difficulties for Trung Nguyen's production and business activities as
the rising purchase price of input materials affected Trung Nguyen's profit
revenue as well as market share.
 Unemployment levels : The General Statistics Office said that the working-
age labor force of our country in 2010 was about 46.21 million people, an
increase of 2.12% compared to 2009. However, the unemployment rate in
2010 was 2.88%.
 Wage/price controls :
Usually the company will give each department a week of public
monitoring, after each week the department will return the public board
and documents such as: leave permits, leave papers, overtime papers.
After a complete set of documents required to design the accounting will
enter the data into the computer
The next step is to calculate the salary and create a payroll for the chief
accountant to approve, then submit it to the general manager for approval.
After being maintained, the accountant will go to the bank to carry out
procedures to transfer the salary to the employee. At the same time, make
each employee two salary items, for the employee to re-sign and one for
the employee to keep
 System : Trung Nguyen Legend system currently has more than 100 stores
and is present in 8 major cities around the world. Although the number of
stores is moderate, Trung Nguyen Legend clearly positions the customer
group through the style, different space and price segment.

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