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admission beengedes, audience közönség, performed előadva,

What’s on this month?

Music in the Park
A concert of (1) .....class........................ music by Beethoven and Bach. It is (2)
..............perf.................... in Central Park by the Berlin National (3)
......orchesdtra.......................................... . Brilliant!

Two’s a Crowd két s

A wonderfully funny (4) at the Royal Theatre. I saw it last night, and
the (5) ..........................aud.......................... loved it! It’s written by James Garland, who has also
written several very good, serious (6) ....plays........................................... .

Animals in Art
A new (7) ......................................ex.................................... of animal paintings, which opens at
the Victoria (8) .................................................................. next Friday. Well worth nagz a visit.
(9) ............................adm............... costs £3, but is free after 4 p.m.

Emma Watson
The actress Emma Watson grew up near Oxford in the south of England and trained as an actress
at the Stagecoach School in Oxford.
Although she had only acted in a few school plays, in 2001, she was lucky enough to get the (1)
...................... of Hermione in the Harry Potter film (2) ...................... . This was the part which
first (3) ...................... her famous. She appeared in all eight of the Harry Potter films from 2001
to 2011. After the Harry Potter films, Emma (4) ...................... to work in films, but also (5)
...................... a few years studying English Literature at university. She acted while she studied,
and since 2012 she has continued to develop her career and has appeared in (6) ......................
very successful films.
Write a short profile of a celebrity. Use the text in Exercise 2 as a model. Include:
• where the person was born or grew up
• how their career started
• how they became famous
• their main achievements
• what they are doing now

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