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I don't think it's as stupid an idea as moving to Mars.

There are many reasons for this, I have listed

the most important ones.

Colonizing Mars is extremely expensive.

Traveling to Mars will probably take a very long time.

Lack of water can become a serious problem.

There are many insecurities in this plan.

Completely different living conditions.

People need protective equipment before going outside.

Freezing cold on Mars (it is average minus 81 degrees)

Carbon dioxide makes up 95 per 100 percent of Mars’s atmosphere.

If you find a way to solve all these problems, you still need a lot of money.

For example, if you want to go to Mars with 2 of your friends, a bill of at least 100 billion dollars
comes out.

If we leave aside the monetary aspect of this and consider the difficulties that the people there will
experience, a life will be built on Mars from nothing . Agriculture is impossible due to the soil and
atmosphere of Mars. Even if we try to solve this by taking food from the earth, these ships may not
reach Mars orbit every six months and we will kill all the people there.

that's why i don't think we can live on mars





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