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Vocabulary List Unit 3


- Patient: adj. tolerant, forbearing, long-suffering

- Physically strong:
- Emotionally strong:
- Caring: adj. kind, showing care and concern
- Punctual: on time
- Decisive: adj. conclusive; decided; final
- Persuasive: adj. intended to persuade, influential, convincing, inducing
- Courageous: adj. brave, fearless, full of courage
- Persistant: adj. persistent, lasting,obstinate
- Quick-Thinking: mentally keen

- Wage: salary, payment, earnings;

- Salary: periodic wage paid to someone for work
- Pay: v. give money for goods or to cancel debts; settle, repay; be worthwhile, be profitable
- Savings: conservation; preservation, act of maintaining
- Pension: financial benefit paid after a person has stopped working
- Cash: money in the form of coins and bank notes
- Pocket Money:

Phrasals Verbs:

- Run out of: not enought

- Putting____ by: save
- Take out: Ask for alow
- Live on: has happened
- Cut down on: Stop with sth

Ariel Galleguillo

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