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In the present century watching movies in the living room with family, friends and

children has become common between the civilizations. Each individual has your
own movie preference, however, there is too much violence in movies nowadays. It
has impacted people’s behavior, economy, and the increase in psychic diseases.

First, children normally have a sense to be attracted and influenced by what they
watch because they are constantly constructing their thought patterns. During this
process they are considered venerable to use some violent attitudes through the
violent scenes of the films as responses to their behavior. In this perspective they
are prone to assault their colleagues and family members, violate rules and laws
leading to death or imprisonment.

Second, violent movies are usually targeted at a specific audience. This type of
leisure moves the economy around the world, because there are people who don't
mind paying high prices to attend a premiere. Nonetheless, some people fell
frustrated and disappointed because they were not exposed to violent situations
during their lives. It can generate negative concerns towards some artists, and
authors, as a result, it may reflect decreasing the number of tickets purchased to
watch a certain movie.

Third, many people today use what they watch as a behavioral reference. This
factor has led several people to trigger a series of psychiatric illnesses such as
panic disorder, committing serial murder, domestic violence and even suicide.
There are people who are prone to develop a certain behavior, others who wait for
a specific scenario to trigger a series of factors, so violent scenes can serve as a
motivational factor to commit various atrocities.

In conclusion, violence in movies has a power to destabilize several areas that

make up the current society. Therefore it is extremely important to filter what is
watched through television screens, because violence in movies can negatively
influence the behavior of a group of people or the entire population.

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