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Communication has become an important tool in our lives.

Because of this a
traditional Brazilian family we have a tradition to make a facetime almost every day
with our loved ones who live far from our city or even our country likewise my three
sisters who live in U.S.A.

As we’ve noticed through some stories, every family has a ritual which works as a
fundamental base to its tradition. In my family is not different, first we all have a
compromise in our calendar to meet up every Sunday’s around 09:00 PM. the day
before the meeting we clean up our house and select the best clothes and the topics
that will be covered during our meeting. Regardless of how excited everyone is on
the day, the topics should be about what we’ve done during the week, what did
make you upset and what will you able to do to change the sad reality and to keep
the happy mood.

Second, besides the vestment we also like to inquire with those we are closest to
what has bothered during that specific week days before the encounter in order to
try to understand and to stimulate each other to keep our mental health above any
problem. The next reason to keep this practice is to make our meeting day as
perfect as it has to be, without any drama or situations that can compromise our
interpersonal relationship.

Third we have an order to start sharing our facetime, first my sister who live in
U.S.A always start showing what they’ve cooked to celebrate that day. In addition
they usually invite some of their friends in order to demonstrate how important is
being together even through a simple device. After the presentation of each
individual we invited, we start talking about the situations which happened that
week exposing the main important points that should be talked. After that we go
toward the end of the meeting which everyone should expose what have cooked for
that day. Sequentially we start eating and finish our video meeting celebrating that
day with our guests.

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