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Can we have any influence on our quality of life?

Each one of us has a different concept of what a good or

decent life is. Some people’s mindset makes them need a
life full of luxury, while others have lower standards, which
is why this concept varies.
Some of the aspects that appear when talking about quality
of life are notoriously more difficult to control, and affect
others on some level. Someone’s work efficiency may
worsen if their mental health is at risk, for example. Had our
mental health worsened, our relationship with others would
not have been the same, and our community life and
economic well-being would have also probably deteriorated.
This is something that isn’t easily solved, or that we might
have any control over.
Moreover, the media has a different concept of quality of
life. Influencers show that it is necessary to possess
luxuries in order to live happily but that way of living is not
something that the common citizen can afford, so everyone
needs to adjust to and learn to live with their specific
situations. We need to grasp the concept of what we have
and what we can afford, so that living our lives can be
enjoyable with as little or as much as we have.
Briefly to conclude, we need to acknowledge that some
aspects of our lives cannot be changed or improved in any
way by us, therefore we need to adjust to our conditions
and focus more on those aspects that can be.

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