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Expression: Visualizing Affective Content

from Social Streams

Ofelia Cervantes Francisco Gutiérrez Ernesto Gutiérrez

Universidad de las Américas Universidad de las Américas Universidad de las Américas
Puebla Puebla Puebla
Ex-Hda. Sta. Catarina Mártir Ex-Hda. Sta. Catarina Mártir Ex-Hda. Sta. Catarina Mártir
Cholula, Puebla 72810 Cholula, Puebla 72810 Cholula, Puebla 72810
ofelia.cervantes francisco.gutierrez ernesto.gutierrezca
Esteban Castillo J. Alfredo Sánchez Wanggen Wan
Universidad de las Américas Universidad de las Américas Institute of Smart City,
Puebla Puebla Shanghai University
Ex-Hda. Sta. Catarina Mártir Ex-Hda. Sta. Catarina Mártir 99 Shangda Road
Cholula, Puebla 72810 Cholula, Puebla 72810 Shanghai, China
esteban.castillojz alfredo.sanchez

Analysis of social content for understanding people’s senti- Sentiment analysis; sentiment visualization; reactive appli-
ments towards topics of interest that change over time has cation
become an attractive and challenging research area. Natural
Language Processing (NLP) techniques are being adapted 1. INTRODUCTION
to deal with streams of social content. New visualization
Public opinion in online social streams has become excep-
approaches need also to be proposed to express, in a user
tionally relevant. It is because of the content people share on
friendly and reactive manner, individual as well as collective
real-time in social networks that many organizations around
sentiments. In this paper, we present Expression, an inte-
the world are interested in learning what people think about
grated framework that allows users to express their opinions
events, products, services and how opinion about those items
through a social platform and to see others’ comments. We
evolves on real-time. It is clear that learning about what
introduce the Sentiment Card concept: a live representa-
people say gives a lot of feedback and insight on how to
tion of a topic of interest. The Sentiment Card is a space
create and offer better services. Organizations are focusing
that allows users to express their comments and to under-
their attention in what people say, and even people want to
stand the trend of selected topics of interest expressed by
know what others think about a specific topic of their in-
other users. The design of Expression is presented, describ-
terest. For instance, the public opinion about a politician
ing in particular, the sentiment classification module as well
[16], the quality of a product [25], the excitement of a live
as the sentiment card visualization component. Results of
event such as soccer match [24], among others. Today, peo-
the evaluation of our prototype by a usability study are also
ple around the world are gathering in the Web. Social media
discussed and considered for motivating future research.
platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are ef-
fective tools to express publicly their opinions about topics
of interest. As of today’s date, social networks have become
an interaction center where people share ideas and personal
CCS Concepts opinions in a spatio-temporal space. Every day, a massive
•Human-centered computing → Graphical user in- amount of data is collected in real-time allowing the users
terfaces; •Computing methodologies → Natural lan- to know their sentiments expressed in their comments.
guage processing; Feature selection; There are many challenges in applying typical opinion
mining and sentiment analysis techniques to social streams
[2]. While sentiment analysis has been studied for some
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or domains, the performance on social streams still requires
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation further research due to specific data characteristics: texts
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the are usually short (lack of context) and unstructured (very
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or informal language). Twitter for instance, does not allow a
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from length of more than 140 characters and many local idioms
CLIHC ’15, November 18 - 21, 2015, Córdoba, Argentina can be found amongst the millions of tweets. Nevertheless,
c 2015 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
the analysis of this rich textual data gives the possibility
ISBN 978-1-4503-3960-5/15/11. . . $15.00 to understand people’s interest and to depict the trends of
DOI: social opinion at the individual and collective level.
The abundance of data must be tackled with efficient learning approaches to enhance sentiment analysis. Cur-
methods to extract the semantic content reflected in people’s rently, Expression uses a hybrid approach: first, a heuristic
comments. This task is not easy due to the various ways to evaluation of the text is used to detect sentiment and to
express a positive, neutral or negative sentiment. In addi- assign it a score, this process is similar to [22]. Then, a
tion, to express their own opinions, users like to know which model is created using part-of-speech tags as features and is
are the perceptions of other users interested on the same trained with support vector machines. Our work combines a
topic. This involves the need to propose reactive and mean- lexicon-based approach with machine learning as in [10, 23].
ingful visualization techniques that facilitate understanding The main advantage of our approach is that we do not use
the semantic value of collective comments. bag of words to construct the feature vector, therefore, the
In this paper, we present Expression, a framework avail- dimensionality of the vector is reduced. A more detailed ex-
able through a responsive application that allows users to planation of sentiment analysis algorithm used in Expression
express their comments on selected topics of their interest. can be found in [13]. Once the affective content is detected
After discussing related work on sentiment analysis algo- and classified, a visual interface is needed to stimulate the
rithms and visualization of sentiment trends, the general user to gain insight and to collaborate in the opinion trends.
design of our framework is described. The Sentiment Card
is then presented as the key visualization concept around 2.2 Visualization of Sentiment Trends
which users are able to comment and to observe the trend Das et al. [8] propose a 5Ws structure (who, what, where,
of various selected topics. The component in charge of sen- when and why) of sentiment visualization to provide a com-
timent polarity classification is explained. Finally, results of plete contextual information regarding sentiment analysis.
the evaluation of the prototype with a usability study are Moreover, Das et al. [8] state that sentiment aggregation is
discussed and considered for future work. necessary in order to minimize mental load and enhance un-
derstanding. Dasgupta and Ng [9] contrast two aggregation
2. RELATED WORK levels: topic-wise vs sentiment-wise. Fukuhara et al. [12]
Uncovering and visualizing affective content from social propose temporal sentiment analysis that aggregates sen-
streams (e.g. Twitter) result in meaningful and valuable in- timent in both kinds of aggregations. In this manner, we
sights about people’s sentiment towards relevant topics of can remark that for an end user, a sentiment visual inter-
interest. In this paper, following previous work [19], we face should include enough contextual information (5Ws)
adopted the definition of sentiment as an affective state of a and should provide both types of aggregation: topical and
user towards an object that results from object’s attributes sentimental.
subjectively interpreted by the user. In this way, the discov-
ery, analysis and visualization of affective content in social 2.2.1 Aggregating, Adjusting and Collaborating
streams provide useful insights about topics of interest to A visual interface should provide users with an overview
society. of the information and should facilitate exploration. Ad-
In this work, we consider two main research approaches ditionally, an interface can provide means of collaboration
for detecting, analyzing and visualizing affective content in among users. We present a brief review of sentiment visual
social streams: sentiment classification algorithms and visu- interfaces from this perspective.
alization of sentiment trends. Duan et al. [11] present a system of data analysis and vi-
sualization called VISA. In VISA, authors analyze customer
2.1 Sentiment Classification Algorithms reviews in the travelling domain. VISA has three visual com-
Detection and classification of sentiment are fundamen- ponents: sentiment trends overview through a streamgraph
tal blocks in a sentiment analysis system. There exist sev- visualization, a dashboard view (interchangeable between
eral approaches to tackle the sentiment analysis problem: pie, histogram and other charts), and a snippet document
lexicon-based algorithms, machine-learning algorithms and panel. Streamgraph visualization used in VISA is capable of
hybrid approaches. We present relevant existing work on summarizing sentiment content from topical and temporal
Spanish sentiment analysis showing the need to continue de- perspectives. VISA provides interaction such as temporal
veloping new improvements. navigation, brushing and filtering. No collaboration tools
Lexicon-based approaches [22] use words from previously are reported as part of the interface.
(often manually) annotated lexicon and combine their po- Brooks et al. [7] constructed a tool (Agave) that supports
larities using linguistic rules to obtain a score that is defined collaborative exploration of twitter events focused on sen-
as the final sentiment of the text. The benefit of the lexicon- timent. Agave supports temporal visualization through a
based approach is high accuracy on well formed text with scatter plot and stream graphs. Agave provides filter tools
known words. But accuracy drops when is used on informal and snippet components of relevant tweets, users and key-
texts. Additionally, lexicon-based approaches are language words.
dependant. Alper et al. [1] present the OpinionBlocks visualization
Machine learning approaches [15] combine text prepro- which provides a concise summary of customer reviews, namely,
cessing tasks (stemming, stopwords removal, spelling correc- it is possible to easily derive overall sentiment. They use pro-
tion, etc.) with classifiers (support vector machines, Bayesian gressive disclosure to reduce the mental work load of users
classifiers, decision trees, etc.) to infer sentiment polarity. and present details on demand. OpinionBlocks aggregates
The advantages of machine learning approaches are that topics in color blocks through horizontal axis and sentiment
they do not depend on lexicon and can obtain fair accu- through vertical axis. Summary of opinions is presented as
racy results. However, they need large tagged corpora to histogram of keywords.
train the classifiers. Bjorjelund et al. [5] use a Google map as main visualiza-
Hybrid approaches combine lexicon-based and machine tion and draw over it colored circles on hotel locations to
indicate positive or negative reviews. Additionally, they use
a timeline series to show changes in sentiment. They use a
time series line chart to perform a complex analytic task.
Sundberg et al. [21] present several visualizations: bar
chart, stacked bar chart and a stacked line graph. But more
important, they use a common color scheme familiar to end
user: semaphore metaphor.
None of previous visualizations provide means for users
to externalize their opinions in some topic of interest. Few
of them [1, 7, 11] provide interaction tools to adjust and
explore data more in detail. In Expression our focus is to
address aggregation by providing users with an overview of
the sentiment trends (topic aggregation). We also address
adjusting by allowing users to explore each topic and ob-
taining detailed information about sentiment. Finally, in
contrast to previous visualization tools, Expression provides Figure 1: Supervised-Learning in Sentiment Analy-
to users means to participate in sentiment trends. sis Module.

Today people contribute to the social media by creat- 3.1.2 Sentiment Analysis Module (SAM)
ing and sharing content. Affective content found in social Sentiment Analysis Module implements the sentiment clas-
streams can drive evaluation and decision making [20]. We sification and the data collection from social streams. SAM
decided to create Expression, a tool where people can share can be seen as a social listener since it gathers data from
either positive or negative opinions about a topic of interest users and detects the sentiment related to this data. Cur-
and see what others are saying on real-time. rently, SAM is connected to Twitter streaming API1 and
to Expression front-end, but it can be easily extended to
3.1 Sentiment Classification another streaming or RESTful APIs. SAM design followed
Sentiment analysis tries to cope with polarity identifica- reactive manifesto as well, namely, SAM collects and pro-
tion of affective content. Detection of sentiment polarity cess data in asynchronous reactive manner. SAM was im-
facilitates understanding of general opinion trends. Expres- plemented using the Scala Play Framework. It was tested
sion uses a hybrid approach to detect polarity of short texts with short comments (less than 300 characteres) and accu-
from social streams (tweets, Facebook posts, Foursquare racy was validated using 5-fold cross validation.
reviews, etc.). Hybrid approach combines a lexicon-based
heuristic together with supervised learning classification. In 3.2 Sentiment Card Visualization
addition to the sentiment detection approach, Expression A Sentiment Card (see Figure 2) is a live representation
uses a natural language processing library to clean and pre- of a topic of interest (topical aggregation). This is the el-
process text, obtain keywords and scale sentiment detection ement of Expression where users can send their comments
up to millions of comments per day. (collaboration), join the conversation and see the sentiment
trend about a topic (adjusting).
3.1.1 Hybrid Approach Sentiment cards serve as a reactive statistics center where
We applied a lexicon-based approach combined with a su- users can see the average of the sentiment score by just look-
pervised learning methodology to solve sentiment identifica- ing at the color of the card (i.e., the color of the sentiment
tion in social streams. We performed a five step process: card shows the impact of positive, negative and neutral com-
ments), what is being said about a topic of interest in a word
1. Creation of Spanish corpus: Semi-automatic collection
cloud (Figure 2g), and see it in a map visualization (Figure
and tagging of opinion comments.
2c) how the sentiment is evolving among different locations
2. Creation of Spanish lexicon: Semi-automatic collection on real-time.
and tagging of polarity words. Sentiment cards include a trend opinion component where
users can see how the sentiment was about a topic of interest
3. Feature selection: Selection of main text discriminant in the past and compare it with the present or any other
features that help in sentiment polarity identification. date. It is important to mention that comments in sentiment
cards have a lifespan of 24 hours. This threshold can be
4. Learning process: Apply the support vector machine adjusted according to the topic of interest. However, this
algorithm in order to construct a classification model, is always intended to show relevant and fresh data of what
taking as input the features selected and the comments is happening in the real world, wheter users decide to see
of the step 1. things that happened in the past or use the opinion trend
5. Classification: Identify sentiment polarity in unseen module (see Figure 2d) between certain dates.
comments based on the classification model. Users have the option to share sentiment cards in social
networks, so other users who are interested in a topic have
Figure 1 shows the supervised-learning process used by the opportunity to visit Expression and share their own ideas
Expression. A detailed explanation of sentiment detection and opinions. Thanks to our architecture design, a Senti-
process, algorithms and data used to construct the classifi-
cation model is described in our previous work [13].
Figure 2: Sentiment cards about different topics of interest, a) Sentiment Card Title, b) Top Comments, c)
Map Visualization, d) Launches opinion trend component, e) Share Sentiment Card, f ) Launches Comments
component, g) Top words on this topic, h) Sentiment bars, i) Indicates data source (Twitter).

ment Card has the flexibility to use other data sources (see each comment describes its source (e.g. Twitter, Web), au-
Figure 2i) (e.g. a Twitter stream, comments in a database) thor (if the user is registered in Expression), the sentiment
to track comments about a topic of interest. Sentiment cards score and keywords of the comment. Comments can be fil-
are presented in different sizes embedded in a responsive lay- tered by sentiment (i.e., filter positives, negatives or show
out to support different screen resolutions. all) (see Figure 3a). There is no need to be registered in the
As it has been seen, a Sentiment Card consists in a set application to send comments and geolocation is completely
of visualization components such as a module of comments optional. Comments are limited to 280 characters, this is the
where people can see others opinion and leave their com- double of the maximum characters in a Tweet, so users can
ments (Figure 2f), a map visualization where location of say more things and we can give a better sentiment score.
comments appear on real-time, an opinion trend module
where a user can look for what is being said in the past
about the topic, and finally, the possibility to flip the Sen-
3.2.3 Sentiment Bars, Term Tags, Share and Watch-
timent Card to see the top words (Figure 2g) being said
about the topic and quickly look for sentiment percentages Keeping the Sentiment Card with a simple design in mind,
represented in a bar chart (see Figure 2h). we designed the possibility to flip a card to see more infor-
mation in the backside. This interaction allows users to get
3.2.1 Map Visualization an on real-time quick look of what is happening in a topic
without the need of diving into the comments.
Visualizing map analytics is widely used in social media Sentiment bars show the global opinion about the topic
[14], map visualization enables users to navigate in a geolo- of interest (see Figure 2h) represented in five bars of sen-
cated map to show the distribution of comments and see timents: very negatives, negatives, neutrals, positives and
the positives and negatives [4]. In our visualization compo- very positives. The bars respond reactively growing in height
nent comments are displayed in the map as simple dots that for each new comment in the topic of interes. They are used
reveal the location with an estimate of the position where to identify quickly how the sentiment is about the topic of in-
the comment was sent (see Figure 2c). Comments are col- terest. If the user clicks on any sentiment bar, the comments
ored with an opacity to identify dense areas, according to component is displayed to see what is being said about that
their sentiment comments are colored: positives as green, sentiment.
negatives as red, neutrals as yellow. However, users in Ex- Term Tags contain the most relevant keywords that ap-
pression have the possibility to send completely anonymous pear in the comments (see Figure 2h). These keywords are
comments with no user name and/or geolocation informa- calculated in Sentiment Analysis Module as each comment
tion. arrives where data is filtered to get only the most relevant
terms, if the user clicks on any term the comment component
3.2.2 Comments is displayed with related comments.
The comments component in Expression (see Figure 3) is The sharing module allows users to spread the word about
a full screen interface where comments appear on real-time, the topic of interest (See figure 2e). We are giving them this
Figure 3: (Left) Comments about a topic of interest, a) Filtering options, b) User comment and profile picture,
c) Comment input d) Topic title and sentiment score overall, e) Topic keywords, f ) Comment sentiment score,
g) Send a comment (Right) Opinion trend component, h) Opinion statistics, i) Topic title and visualization
options, j) Line chart of sentiments.

flexibility, so any other person in the world can come to presented in a compact card module. After seeing the po-
Expression and share their own opinions and ideas. On the tential of having many of these sentiment cards reunited,
other hand, registered users in Expression are allowed to we started creating more cards holding trending topics from
”pin” a sentiment card to a watchlist where they are notified Twitter with a live streaming of data. Then, we asked some
about the opinion trend as the sentiment changes in the users to share their opinions about those topics trough Ex-
topic. pression.
We designed an architecture (see Figure 4) around these
3.2.4 Opinion trend ideas with the flexibility to choose from different data sources
As mentioned before, comments in sentiment cards have (e.g., SQL databases, NoSQL databses, Social Media Streams,
a lifespan with a default threshold of 24 hours. However, RESTful APIs) giving independence to Expression to have
users have the possibility to see past comments using the full control of all visualization components (see Figure 4a),
opinion trend component (see Figure 3), users can choose a while in the background Sentiment Analysis Module (see
predetermined time from last 24 hours, this week, last two Figure 4c) keeps running in an independent server built with
weeks, last month or select between custom dates. A line Play Framework2 attending requests and analyzing com-
chart for the last 24 hours is displayed by default and it ments from different data sources reactively [18].
is updated on real-time given the selected time scope (see We created Expression with a reactive design3 in mind.
Figure 3j). The line chart shows positive, negative and neu- Reactivity allows us to stream data from the database to
tral sentiments according to the comments in the topic of users on real-time, comments are processed by the Senti-
interest. At the bottom of the visualization (see Figure 3h) ment Analysis Module as soon as they are sent to the data
complementary statistics are shown about positive, neutral base (see Figure 4f), and at the same time they are pushed
and negative comments with their respective percentage of back to the sentiment cards (see Figure 4e), the polarity is
apparition and a term cloud with the most relevant words calculated and displayed, statistics are reflected immediately
during that time. in our visualizations (see Figure 4d).
3.3 Design and Implementation 4. EVALUATION
Expression was designed with the idea of creating a plat-
We organized a usability test using a think aloud method-
form where people could express their opinions anonymously
ology and qualitative assessment of posterior questionnaires
while seeing how the opinion and sentiments evolve over the
time. We started designing low fidelity prototypes with a
simple visualization design, where sentiment statistics were
Figure 4: Expression Architecture, a) Expression Front-end b) Social Data Manager, c) Sentiment Analysis

following the usability quality of components described by The user focused his attention to the topic word tags and
Jakob Nielsen [17], our usability test was complemented by knew that people were talking about ”Frida Kahlo’s birth-
asking the participants to fill a system usability score (SUS) day” and also that people on Twitter were mentioning many
questionnaire [6]. popular quotes from her. The user immediately proceeded
to watch the comments component.
4.1 Participants
Usability was evaluated in a real life scenario, we selected 4.3.2 Comments Component
six graduate and undergraduate students (1 female and 5 This component was the immediate choice of the users
male, between 18-30 years old) that have not seen or heard after exploring the Sentiment Card. They wanted to see
from the project in the past. the flow of the conversation from Twitter. Users could dif-
ferentiate from positive and negative comments. Using the
4.2 Scenario option to filter comments seemed straightforward to them
We selected topics of interest that were Mexican trend- when asked to look for positive comments only. Keywords
ing topics at the moment of the test in Twitter. We were displayed in the top of the Sentiment Card seemed difficult
streaming tweets from the selected topics on real-time to our to read, but they immediately associated those keywords to
sentiment cards. Also, we created two sentiment cards with the topic of interest.
no data streaming at all based on popular topics in that
time. The average time for the usability test was 25 min- 4.3.3 Opinion Trend Component
utes per user. We prepared a set of tasks for the users. The Due to our scenario limitations with live trending topics
tasks were focused in interaction and perception of the com- and data streaming, we analyzed the impressions of users
ponents, especially the ones related with a sentiment score. with this component showing them data from last 24 hours,
We gave a brief introduction to the users about Expression they seemed impressed by the simplicity of the component.
and we let them explore the app with the assigned tasks. Some users suggested doing a better use of color in typog-
raphy but they understood the intention of the line chart.
4.3 Evaluation Results The word clouds seemed relevant, they can quickly see the
We tested all the components in the Sentiment Card, In comments being said about a topic in positive, neutral and
general the sentiment card caused a good impression with negative in the same screen and see how sentiment is chang-
users (See Figure 5). The overall SUS was 75 out of 100. ing on real-time as comments are streaming.
Based on [3], this score rates Expression as good regarding
usability. 4.3.4 Usability test results
It seems that the application was interesting for almost
4.3.1 First impressions all of the participants. Some participants asked for senti-
The sentiment card was the first element that users no- ment cards with topics related to their personal interests,
ticed at the time they sit and view the application. The instead of geolocated (nearby topics) or trending topics. We
users seemed interested in the topics and in the map view discovered that the attractiveness of the sentiment card is
at first moment, we asked them to give their first impres- tightly related to the topic of interest. However, for this
sions. They quickly separated positive topics from negatives early stage of development we focused only on popular top-
by just scrolling the application and comparing colors. Sen- ics from Twitter because of our approach on data stream-
timent cards seemed intuitive for activities such as sharing, ing. Some users asked for the possibility of attaching media
commenting and looking for past comments. It was easy for content or sending links. Sentiment analysis on graphical
them to know what other users were talking about just by content is out from the scope of NLP, but it could be inter-
looking at the random comments in the front of the card. esting as a way to engage users to our network. Moreover,
For instance, a user looked for the Sentiment Card with the some participants seemed interested in the potential of shar-
topic ”Frida Kahlo” (A popular Mexican woman painter), ing the card with their friends to join Expression and discuss
then when we asked to flip the card, the user noticed the together topics of interest. Although users liked the feature
sentiment bars and knew the sentiment was positive overall. of being notified when the sentiment tendency changes on
• Event detection resulting from the Sentiment Analysis
module could be incorporated at the user experience
level, allowing to know automatically, relevant events
related to hot topics of interest.
Sentiment Analysis
• Disambiguation is one of the main challenges in senti-
ment analysis on which more research needs still to be
accomplished. In our case, we will continue exploring
ways to extend the lexicon to become better adapted
to specific domains and/or different languages.
• More extended and deeper experimentation is required
to evaluate the performance of this module when pro-
cessing greater volumes of social data.
Figure 5: Expression usability test results. • Taking advantage of the modular architecture of Ex-
pression, new modules of sentiment analysis could be
integrated in the framework for comparing results pro-
real-time from Twitter, the opinion trend interface seemed
duced with different approaches on the same data.
confusing at first sight, some users asked for a help button,
and suggested that could be useful to add some tool tips All those proposed extensions will be explored and applied
over the graphical interface. to comments available in smart city applications.
On the other hand, regarding the interaction with compo-
nents, some users had problems when we asked them to flip 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the sentiment card to see more detailed information. Never-
We express our gratitude to participants in the usability
theless, after a short demonstration users seemed instantly
test who provided insightful comments and suggested inter-
familiarized with the interaction of the whole application
esting future work. This work was partially supported by
when asked to repeat the interaction with other sentiment
the following projects: CONACYT-OSEO No.192321 and
cards, the interaction was easily memorable due to the sim-
pleness of the navigation. The card layout and the reactive
interaction seemed to be clear and give to users the real-time
experience, being these the most liked features. 7. REFERENCES
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