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The question is focused about this study and is valid to produce a consistent result. All the effect of rapid
changes on students’ mental health can be seen that all of them will affect the mental health of a
student and possibly have an effect on the student himself in various circumstances.Depression is one of
the negative effects offast change on mental health.Depression symptoms can have an impact on a
student’s academic

Achievement as well as personal

Connections. People of any age, color,

Religion, or socioeconomic status can be

Affected by mental diseases. A mental

Illness is a physical disorder that affects a person’s capacity to think, feel, and communicate with others,
as well as their daily

Functioning. More than one-fourth of persons with majormental

Diseases also has a substancemisuse

Problem. Many elements, including life events, have a role in the developmentof a mental health
disorder. Despite thesedifficulties, most persons with mental

Illnesses lead productive lives. People withmental health issues may become

Estranged from their peers as a result of

Considered unappealing personality

Features or habits. If the person does not

Know or comprehend what is going on,

They can also trigger anger, anxiety, grief,

And emotions of helplessness. Mental

Illness has the potential to lead to suicide

In the long run.


All of the effects mentioned in this study

Are valid and consistent with the question and the study’s findings on students’ mental

Health. All of the consequences of quick

Changes have been shown to have

Potential effects on students, and all of the suppliedeffects on mental health do not change,

And the result, which is its influence on

Students’mental health, remains

Consistent. All of the given consequences are likely to have an effect on the student’s mental health,
according to the statistical model.The environment is always

Changing, and sois its impact on a

Student’s mental health.We can say this

Since it does not stopbecause it is

Evolving and always changing, and it

Continues to damage a student’s mental health because its study will demonstrate the impact it will
have on the students’ mental health.

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