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(Chapter 1 introduction ree eee oT Popper, jective Kowa. 7] In & broad sense, this book i bot the nature of human ln fioge. In a narrower sense, ivi about one aspect of human, [Engtage, which I believe important for understanding human Tanguage aba whole This spect {shall all cevenat runes. 1.1 Historia preamble ‘The subject of ‘rapmatic” is ery fama in fnguisies today. heen fears apo tras mentioned by ingunts rely i a I en rein a ge ne ed Sued and where i could be equally evenly forgtes Now, sany woud argue, asl d, Sut ws cant realy understand ‘he matre of language tl dales we understand pags: BOW How har the change come abou” Ia part, the whole of the cent history of gists cen be dsebedin erm of sucesive Algeoveres that wht bas gone beadlong ito the agog ean be ‘aken oot spin and sewed and patched ita moe oro pr feniabie voit of cothes. To the peneraton which followed. Thract ato be tually beyond the hodaen of covery Al ths ‘hanged afer Chom, in the ltr tse, discovered the ce lea of sytae, but ike the sutras. be sll regarded ‘meaning os ogee too messy for serous contemplation. In {Be carer 1g (or by this tne the pecs of Hagar advance Inn quckened) Kat and Ri callborstor (Kats and Fodor 1053 ats and Post 1964; Kate 196) began 10 fad ut how t ie corporate meaning ito formal Lingus soory, aad it was aot, fon before the Calforaia or bust spt I toa coonzation af Pragmatics, Lakot, wit others, wa Soon apg (1971) that Syntan coud not be legimatly separated fom the way ofan flags ise. So pragmatics was henceforth onthe Ungustic map. Fis'otonizaton was only te ast stage fw wave-byave expan- sion of linguistics from arrow siscpline dealing with te pyseal data of speech, ton broad dpi taking fo oem, focaning, and contest. Bat thi ison part of the story. Fit, ll he names men ‘oned in the preceding paragraph ate American, for it describes the propess sf magstream Amedean lng. 1 probably ‘more tae of gules tan of eter subjects at its dominating Inuenes have been American, but ne should nt forget that ‘any influential scholars, both ia the USA and elsewhere, ave ntmved to work outde the “American maar. We Should no overook independent thinkers such as Firth with is rly empha on the sitatonal sy of meaning, and Hay, ‘sth his Comprehensive vocal theory of language. And ually ‘portat we shod sot neo be ice of psoy wi loners such a Ross and Lat staked «calm Jn pragmatics it the late 9605, they encountered there a i ‘igenous breed of philosophers of language who ad Been sch he etary fe sme dine tn fa the ore ating influences on modern pragmatics have been thos of posi in recent years, (9), Ser (9), an "ence 079) "The widening scope of linguistics involved a change inthe view ‘of wha langue send ow linguistics shuld deine Is subject. ‘The Amerianscactaralse were happtest withthe tea tht ls uses was apy ene, and therefore di her best od 3c subject of spas Yo mesning But by seeping ambity nd synonymy a smog the bane data of inguitis, Chomst ‘pened a door Tor semantics Subsequent, Chomsky dt $Hfected pupil a the peneaive semantics shoo! went 8 98> further aking Sesnanticsto be base for hit ng theo But once meaning hs bees adeuted to a ental place fn a gis moter difcult to exclude the way meaning varies fom content to context, and so semantics spl overt ing say no tne ihe rae ani fou thy ha isdn thought to asume ta an crn theory or paraigt ‘works unis shown fo fal On this Das, te generate emantists tred fo apply the paradigm of generative prammer stoma. retwun.e 3 spa hat Yam toa Sora he oy ha theres take *Fo eam, the 9 Sion ter gneve gramme practice te moles cons whch thar certain axnptons: tat language ‘Rental presomenon, that scan be caded. tougher ime seciestions of rules operating according fo certain gon ‘etm hat the data for sch tons are arable hough ‘uo, that angages const of set of cena, ck While the generave semantics were epiorng the our ‘imi of ths eradgm ia manic apd pramates, Chomsky ‘mel wih tbr of iar view, wan nected ina narrower {eine ofthe sop of this paredign, tat ofthe cae Ex ‘coded Standard Theory, which then evolved its narrowet Re Sted Extended Standard Theory. Those verons of generale [Bassa he mutant the ceria of yt sents at een relegated fom peripheral poniton inthe model, and as fo some extent been abanonedtiogether > Pragmatics does nat tnt ft the model ata, and ideed Chomay bas song futntaincd the tdependesce of grammar, a8 theory Of & "ental eat of mental fcc, om cosdeaio of he ws tnd fenton fi “This ore ted eit ofthe scope of inguin theory is, in Chonmiy's own terminology. t compstence theory rehet {han "peormance' theo bas the sarang of maaing ‘hla iti own walled cy ova om come {Siang nena of tae und coext, Bat many

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