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The Paschal mystery is Jesus's Passion, Death, Resurrection,

Ascension, and reigning and glory at the right hand of the Father.
All of the deeds and sufferings of Christ's life are saving, but in
these final events, we see salvation offered in potent and
concentrated form.
It was not necessary that Christ suffer to save us from our sins,
but that it was fitting that He did so. God could have saved the
world by other means yet He chose to redeem us through the
suffering of Jesus for a reason.
Most essentially, Christ suffering is instructive. We learn from
it, for example, both the gravity of human sin and the intensity of
divine love. The gravity of sin is illustrated by the fact that God
chooses to live a human life among us and suffer a human death
for us at our hands to manifest the seriousness of human evil. The
intensity of divine love is illustrated from the very gratuity of this
decision. God did not have to suffer with this intensity in order to
redeem us, but He fittingly did so to manifest to us the depths of
the love He has for the world.
Christ's sufferings were especially acute. He suffered a form of
execution preceded by torture and public ridicule, and the form of
death impacted His bodily members in most sensitive places,
exposing Him to prolonged physical agony. He witnessed
abandonment by His friends, rejection by His people,
condemnation by the civic government and cruel treatment by His
enemies and experienced all of this both in body and in soul. Most
especially, He experienced inward knowledge of the depths of
human sin and confronted this reality with the deepest charity
and therefore the deepest mournfulness or contrition of heart that
any human being has ever known.
The fact that He is subject to these events illustrates the moral
failure of the human race and in a sense exposes the sinfulness of
humanity once and for all. However, Christ does undergo the
passion willingly allowing Himself to be subject to the collective
evils of the human race, so as to manifest His love for the world.
When He accepts the cross out of obedience to the Father and for
our sake, He does so out of love and He obeys by love even in the
Passion and Crucifixion unto death.

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