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the birds fell silent as the mist climbed up the hills. The author calls the hills, it blankets them in silence too. On June 25, there was some genuine early monsoon rain. It was warm and humid, contrary to the cold high- altitude weather that the author had been experiencing all year. It seemed to the author that the plants knew it too, and the first cobra lily reared its head from the ferns. He described the weather as ‘a paradise that might ‘have been’ on August 2, it rained all night. There had been no storm or thunder. The. author experienced a feeling of “being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain”. March 23 marked the end of winter. The blackest cloud he had ever seen spread over Mussoorie and then it hailed marbles for half an hour. Thehailstorm cleared the sky and he saw a rainbow forming. gussUU, Look carefully at the diary entries for June 24- 25, August 2 and March 23. Now write down the changes that happen as the rains progress from June to March. Answer: June 24 was the first day of monsoon mist. All the birds fell silent as the mist climbed up the hills. The author calls the hills, it blankets them in silence too. On June 25, there was some genuine early monsoon rain. It was warm and humid, contrary to the cold high- altitude weather that the author had been experiencing all year. It seemed to the author that the plants knew it too, and the first cobra lily reared its head from the ferns. He described the weather as ‘a paradise that might ‘have been’ on August 2, it rained all night. There had been no storm or thunder. Long Answer Type Question 1. What is the importance of diary entry? How does it reflect the mood and phases of the writer? Answer: Diary entry is a form of literature when one expresses his thoughts without hesitation. A diary writer make entries that reflects his mood. He also writes to keep a record of events and happenings that he would like to remember forever. It is also helpful in understanding the journey a person go through. Question 19. When does the monsoon season begin and when does it end? How do you prepare to face the monsoon? Answer: The monsoon enters India from east and south somewhere around mid of May. It reaches northern part of the country around second week of June. The monsoon ends around September. We take out our rain coats and umbrellas to face the monsoon. Question 18. What are the two ways in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up? Answer: When the mist comes up, the hills cover with silence. It also conceals the hills with its cover blanket. Question 11. Why were hillsides lush? Answer: The hillsides were as late-monsoon flowers begin to appear wild balsam, dahlias, begonias and ground orchids. Question 12. What were the natural phenomenon which were showing that rains are coming to an end? Answer: Lush monsoon growth has reached its peak, the seeds of the cobra lily are turning red, this all were signifying that rains are coming to an end. Question 7. Why can scarlet minivets not conceal themselves under the trees? Answer: Scarlet minivets (bright red bird like a cuckoo) they flit among leaves like brilliant jewels. But they cannot conceal themselves. No matter how leafy the tree because they are very bright in colour.” Question 8. What were creeper doing at the trunk of tree? Answer: The creeper were moving rapidly up the trunk of the oak tree. They were snapping up insects all around. As there is rain so these is no dearth of insectivorous birds. Question 4. How can you say that “Plants to know that monsoon rain had come”? Answer: When monsoon rain (warm & humid) comes the first cobra lily rears its head from the ferns. So we can say that “Plants to know that monsoon had come”. Question 5. Write the name of seasonal visitors that rain heralded. Answer: The rain heralded the arrival of some seasonal visitors i.e., a leopard, several thousands of leeches, scarlet minivets, drongos, a tree creeper etc. Question 4. How can you say that “Plants to know that monsoon rain had come”? Answer: When monsoon rain (warm & humid) comes the first cobra lily rears its head from the ferns. So we can say that “Plants to know that monsoon had come”. Question 5. Write the name of seasonal visitors that rain heralded. Answer: The rain heralded the arrival of some seasonal visitors i.e., a leopard, several thousands of leeches, scarlet minivets, drongos, a tree creeper etc. Question 1. Why is mist called Melancholy? Answer: Melancholy means very sad. And it is called so because as the mist comes climbing up the hills birds fall silent, forest becomes deathly still and it shows the unhappy environment Question 2. What happened on June 24? Answer: June 24 was the first day of monsoon mist. Due the which birds become silent and all forests are deathly still as though it were midnight. Question 3. How did the author describe the hill station and valley? Answer: When a school boy asked him to describe the hill station & valley in one sentence, he said that “A paradise that might have been’.

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