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When we say hallmarks of literature it deals with the ideas,thoughts

and emotions of man thus it can be said that literature is the story of man.
The hallmarks of literature to feel the beauty within the story so you can’t
stop reading it. It also enriches our mind using our critical thinking
because it like a problem solving that let us think what is the topic all
about. It has the power to motivate and inspire us because every story has
a lesson that we can adapt in our lives. You can also read it over and over
again because in the duality of the story. Your perspective in the story
gives you different when you we’re young and it also hits you different
when you turn into an adult one. Sometime the duality of the story makes
us feel different the how we read the story. It also appeals to everyone nor
for all. That’s what universality is. The hallmarks of the literature gives
us an idea of what we can cope up with the story or novel that we are
going to read. For the beauty of style, the ways it was written, the
storyline with narratives, the factor affecting in molding the stories like
culture and cross-culture, the way it attracts readers for its something new
is included in the beauty of style. This also gives us every detail of what
can we see or learn in the literature story. 

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