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Water treatment process

What are the steps in a water treatment plant? To make drinkable water, it must go
through several steps in the treatment process. The whole process is called
potabilization. The first stage in potabilization is chemical addition. Once the water is
received into the treatment plant, it is mixed with chemicals called “coagulants”. These
are added to make the dirt and dust in the water clump together and form heavier
particles called floc. After the floc is formed, the water passes to the 2 nd step called
sedimentation. The clarifiers for sedimentation are just big tanks where the water flows
very slowly. The exit of the clarifier is designed as a waterfall to let pass only clear water
on the top. The large floc particles are allowed to fall down to the bottom while the water
flows in the unit. The next step is called filtration. Clarified water is passed through sand
beds. Gravity pulls the water down through the sand and the smallest particles stay in
the sand. Once the water flow out the filters, it´s disinfected. To ensure all viruses and
bacteria are destroyed, the most common disinfection process is chlorination. Chlorine
gas is injected to the flowing water to destroy all microorganisms. After disinfection, the
water is drinkable and could be consumed.

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