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magyar angol középfok felsőfok

aggódó worried more worried most worried

szégyenlős shy shyer the shyest

unott bored more bored the most bored

összezavarodott confused more confused the most confused

dühös angry angryest the angreest

elragadó delightful more delightful the most delightful

csalódott disappointed more disappointed the most


szégyenkező ashamed more ashamed the most ashamed

irigy envious more envious the most envious

izgatott excited more excited the most excited

ijedt scared more scared the most scared

büszke proud more proud the most proud

megkönnyebbült relieved more relieved the most relieved

döbbent shocked more shocked the most shocked

gyanakvó suspicious more suspicious the most suspicious

rémült terrified more terrified the most terrified

szomorú sad sadder the saddest

bátor brave braver the bravest

rugalmas flexible more flexible the most flexible

dolgos busy harder most hardworking

őszinte honest more honest the most honest

kedves nice more beautiful the most beautiful

hűséges faithful more faithful the most faithful

rendezett aranged more aranged the most aranged

bulizós partying more partying the most partying

nyugodt calm calmer the calmest

megbízható reliable more reliable the most reliable

érzékeny sensitive more sensitive the most sensitive

pontos exact more exact most accurate

magabiztos confident more confident the most confident

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