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GRADE ONE o Especially designed to create student interest and progress by combining basic elements of piano technic with melody od Mara Martinez correlated material begin with THEORY (11001TH)... TECHNIC (11001TC)..... PERFORMANCE (11001PF). Copyright © 1945 (Renewed 1975) MILLS MUSIC INC. |All Rights Assigned to and Cantvlled by BEAM ME UP MUSIC (ASCAP) lo WARNER BROS. PUBLICATIONS INC. Revised Edtion Copyright © 1964 BEAM ME UP MUSIC (ASCAP) WARNER SFOS. PUBLICATIONS INC., PO. Box 4340, Miami, FL33014 USA nal Copyright Secured Maden USA All Fights Reserved Al Rights Admins PREFACE To express oneself musically, or play a musical instrument, is a normal desire inherent in most individuals. To encourage and stimulate that desire, this course was planned with two. thoughts uppermost in mind, namely Student Interest and Progress. To quote a psychological axiom, “INTEREST is the mother of ATTENTION and ATTENTION is the mother of MEM- ORY.” In order to sustain the interest of the student many pieces of melodic content are introduced. However, underlying each piece, Is a basic principle of plano tech- nic. Note Reading Games, Rhythm Patterns, Explanatory Charts, Technical Studies, Musical Dictionary, and many other features combine to give the student a thorough foundation, All the material in this course has been careful- ly graded and arranged in a logical and stepwise manner to lighten the task of both the student and teacher. VIN ITEINID Introduction to Music, Reference and Review The Scale... Preparation for “First Lesson,” Fingering. “First Lesson” “Up and Down’ “Two New Notes” “Dancing Notes” “Up the Scale”. “Down the Scale’ “Ding Dong’... “Diving” Note Reading Tests “The Grasshopper” Rests. oe New Positions for the Left Hand Progress. *sandman’s Lullaby” . Note Reading Tests Hands Together... “Our New Horn”. “The Swing” Trill Study for Right Hand Till Study for Left Hand . The Half Step. The Sharp Sign “sharpen Up!” . The Flat Sign “Flatten Out! SSSUISGGRRS 8 The Whole Step .... 2 Major Scale Pattern. New Position for "Study in G” “study in 6” . 2 “slurs”... BRBSSRBBBBERBB Note Reading Tests “The Old Mill Wheel”... “Follow the Leader” (Eighth Notes)... Dynamics Chart... “Hunting Song”. Transposition ..... : Correct Fingering..... *Boatsman Chant”... “The Busy Mill” (Dotted Quarters). Double Note Study for Right Hand Double Note Study for Left Hand “Music Hour” “Are You Sleeping’ “Prayer”. Triads, Trlads for the Major Scale The Three Major Triads... “Evening Song” .. “Chord Study in © Major" . “The Sunflower". New Time Signature “In a Canoe”... Study in Staccato. “Banjo”. “Dance of the Wooden Shoes” Note Reading Tests . Finger Study . “Spring Song *Rockin’ On", Chord Study in F Major. “Wake Up! “At the Skating Rink”, Chord Study in G Major “Fun in the Sun”. “The Birdling’s Serenade’ “Evening Chimes” Till Study “The Choir Scale Study “The Pied Piper” . Scale Study... “The Singing Brook” “Ghosts at Midnight” “Drummer Boy” .. “Chopstick Revels” “Jingle Bells”... The Major Scales and Choris. The Major Scales and Chords. Dictionary of Musical Terms Certificate of Achievement. Introduction to Music Reference and Review The Grand Staff oes CLEF SIGN 2 yes BRACE BASS CLEF SIGN BAR LINE DOUBLE BAR LINE Note Values Rest Values Quarter Note = 1 count Quarter Rest = 1 count Half Note = 2 counts Half Rest = 2 counts Bonen Ge . Dotted Half Note = 3 counts Whole Rest = 3 counts (in § time) © Whole Note = 4 counts Whole Rest = 4 counts (in time) Time Signatures 2 -2 counts in each measure $3 3 counts in each measure A. — J (quarter note) gets one coun 4 — J (quarter note) gets one count 4q. - 4 counts in each measure 4. —¢ (quarter note) gets one count ine scaie The Scale is the foundation upon which music is written. All melodies are composed of notes of a scale in various forms. A OQ mroonEe Ht rie ale . (6 RH. A © = oe eo i. t od do re mi fa sol la ti do = a — Ee | — 9 = do re mi fa sol la t do Play the scale in the upper staff (treble) with one finger of the right hand. 2. Now play the scale in the lower staff (bass) with one finger of the left hand. 3. Note the relationship to the keyboard, also the order: line note, space note, line note, etc. ASCparauon fOr “first Lesson” Place your fingers over the keys as shown in the drawing below and you will be in the correct position to play “First Lesson,” Notice that both thumbs are placed on MIDDLE C. In piano music, a number may be placed near a note to show you which finger to use. . Pt) f ATU Rhythm Pattern for this page re NT A IL contd 2341234 1234 1234 Clap hands for each note and count aloud. First Lesson 1 (ee 1 oe Part of scale you | know, oe For - ward march we | go. Up and Down and down we i ee Rhythm Pattern for “Two New Notes” EE Taal || Col 23 6 2 34 2 3 4 Hen Gre Clap hands for each note and count aloud. Two New Notes pile iota You have learned two | new notes here, Name them please for 2 Dancing Notes 1 a Lit - tle notes of Danc - ing with | glee. Rhythm Pattern for this page Be ee Conneaut © 1 2) 3 ce 2) 35 1 73, Clap hands for each note and count aloud. Down the Scale isa 1 10 SU Rhythm Pattern for this page Pee oe) eee Comb 293 42 0 2t3 4 9 236 Sh i2eard' Clap hands for each note and count aloud. Ding Dong 2 (jaca meee) Hark the bells are | ring-ing, ring-ing, |Ding dong, | ding dong, How they fill the | eve - ning with their | sweet, sweet Diving INULG INTAUILLY ETS Spell the words by writing the correct letter name of each note. To complete each test play the correct notes on the piano. Example NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD Ace Work out the following tests in the same way. NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD ely | Accent Mark > > Anaccent mark above or below a note indicates to play with extra strength. 1 Through fields, a when you're | down. te from grass - hop - per, y frown, *Remember: a quarter rest z gets one count. 20014 { Rests Rests are symbols for silence. Here are various rests, their time values and their corresponding note values: Note Rest Whole: =4 counts Half: J eee 2 COUNTS. Quarter: SS = icomnt Examples: Whole ‘Whole Half Half Quarter Quarter Note Rest Note Rest Notes Rest Ce a err eee So far the left hand thumb has stayed on MIDDLE C. Now the left hand is moving down. Thumb on MIDDLE C Thumb on B New Positions for the Left Hand Y Y Cee 4 Thumb on A Thumb on G rLugies Divan ietecte Ge Macaig pave Two new notes E | D Legd to 2nd space | C Sea} ie [Eos Prepare for “Sandman’s Lullaby” Place your fingers over the keys as shown in the drawing below and you will be in the correct position to play “Sandman’s Lullaby.” LEFT HAND 5 is on the C below Middle C. Dae (This is a left hand note, even though the stem goes up.) Slurs and Ties The SLUR is a curved line over two or more notes of different pitch indicating that the notes are played legato. Legato means to play in a smooth and onnected manner §o ae Org ec eeeee The TIE is also a curved line but connects two notes of the same pitch, indicating that the time value of the two notes is combined. The second note of the pair is counted and held but not played again. —~ or —_- 3 Se ee ee cpanel 12 stes ad tos tee Ages A el es > Sandman’s Lullaby % eB Moderato (a medium rate of speed—not too fast) 3 Sleep my *P (softly, tae skies. E = i 2 *p is the symbol for the Italian word piano, which means soft. Note Keading ‘ests To complete each test play the correct notes on the piano. NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD ee NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD Now SPELL the following words with the correct notes. DAD DEAF ACE BEG ELAMUD LUZCUITL Notice that in measure one each hand begins with finger 5, playing together. In measure two, each hand begins with finger 1, playing together. Our New Horn The Swing iru study tor Kignt Mana TRILL: to alternate a note with the next one above, playing one right after the other. ie ee pecceazie| 3434 45 4 5, afb d eee as=280) piece Trill Study for Left Hand 5 la 5 la 4 13 |4 13 Seo as Lhe Halt step ‘A HALF STEP or HALF TONE is the smallest difference in pitch (high or low) between two tones on the piano. The Sharp Sign # A SHARP placed before a note RAISES it a half step. SS —= *B Sharp is played on the same white key as F. *B Sharp is played on the same white key as C. Sharpen Up! (Gsharp) (A sharp) The Flat Sign b A FLAT placed before a note LOWERS it a half step. + 4 = — OQ mruuHEz =e *C Flat is played on the same white key as B. *F Flat is played on the same white key as E. yh Flatten Out! (E flat) Sa 2 4 (E fiat) ine IWwatural oign 4 A NATURAL before a note cancels any previous sharp or flat in the same measure. oe EXAMPLE same tone on piano same tone on piano Bee Bete fo ea € zs a ¢ F Fsharp F natural ~ E Eflat E natural You’re a Natural! 5, ee 5 eas 1 \ \ Enatural 7 3 1 5 The Whole Step A WHOLE STEP or WHOLE TONE is the same distance as TVO HALF STEPS. For example: C to C# is a half step; C# to Dis ahalf step. C# to Dis a half step; D to Df is a half step. Therefore C to D is a whole step. Therefore C# to Di is a whole step. WHOLE STEP ce — e i oe WHOLE STEP Major Scale Pattern Every MAJOR SCALE is composed of WHOLE STEPS and HALF STEPS. Here is the order: WHOLE « WHOLE + HALF + WHOLE + WHOLE + WHOLE + HALF aN Aenea ST Hand Position for “Study in G” 2B Se Key of G Major: The studies on this page are written in the Key of G Major. Notice the sharp (F#) in the KEY SIGNATURE right after the Treble and Bass Clefs. If there were Fs in this piece, they would all be played F sharp. Study in G Soesaen se Key Signature 1 Slurs INOLG INCAUHIS 1: NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD SPELL the following words with the correct notes. FADE BEEF FACE CAGE To complete each test play the correct notes on the piano. 25 The Old Mill Wheel ~ Allegretto (Lively) 8 = «bring out left hand | > 26 Eighth Notes Rhythm Pattern for “Follow the Leader” Quarter note d= oe) ilsyi. Perr I cl a E rand Tatts. Aine WMGAS2 Gad 3 end Usually written Jd Clap hands for each note and count aloud. Follow the Leader (Eighth Notes) Allegretto ———~ a Dynamics Chart Symbol Term Definition PP pianissimo very soft. P piano soft mp mezzo piano moderately soft nf mezzo forte moderately loud ue ine forte loud fortissimo very loud Rhythm Pattern for “Hunting Song”* eel) Jie) eb) J | ae Comt 4a La2a3ada la2a3ada la2a3ada la2a3a | or 4and Land2and etc. | Clap hands for each note and count aloud. 1%.) Hunting Song Allegro (Fast) 1 aa mf A - | way the woods, Where the horn and hound are “2 1 3 5 ae thru the woods, In the |mom-ing fresh and cen n/ = way, a *Notice that the first measure of this song begins on the FOURTH BEAT and the last measure ends on the THIRD BEAT. These two measures, although incomplete in themselves, equal one complete measure, The beginning note is called a “pick-up.” i001 Lranspusiuon In playing a song, it is sometimes necessary to change the key to a higher or lower one in order to suit the voice. This changing from one key to another is called TRANSPOSING. TRANSPOSITION will also give the student more skills at the piano keyboard, Sandman’s Lullaby atin ft How to Transpose “Sandman’s Lullaby” to Key of G a = Poti L. Place hands on five-finger position in G: fips ena eoeantae 6 “ o pae=ee oe peat Ca eset Reproduced from Page 15 2, Play right hand melody using same fingering: ae poy ee ees 5 RET en geese 8 poms es fe te ee Sleep my ba-by, close your eyes; «Sand - man’s call - ing, from the skies, 3, Play left hand accompaniment using same fingering: _— i eee Co saison age ht aise Sain este ee a 4, Play hands together. Transpose “The Swing” (page 18) to the Key of G. 10014 Correct Fingering A good pianist must use the correct fingering. Correct fingering will make your playing much smoother. It will also help you to connect the melody and develop a good singing tone in piano playing. Observe the correct fingering in “Boatsman Chant.” In the sixth measure, the third finger of the right hand changes from E to F. rit, ritardando (ritard.) — Gradually slower > Fermata — Hold note longer than its | actual value ross Boatsman Chant Andante (Slowly) Canadian Folk Song 5 p Faint - ly - ning |chime, Our keep | tune, And our | oars! ~~ keep 1 tune, And our oars ! keep rit. voie - es keep 30 Key of F Major: This piece is written in the Key of F Major. The flat (Bb) shown | | Dotted Quarter Note in the key signature means that all Bs are FLAT and played on BLACK KEYS. Quarter note J = JJ two eighth notes | re Dotted quarter note J.=JJq three eighths The Busy Mill (Study in Dotted Quarters) Moderato (Not too fast) 1 3 1 Comal ane) al 001A DIVERS INVER ERY = \SHRURE VES) For Right Hand sietz) fe 14 fines Double Note Study For Left Hand ~ \e Allegretto ———— —~ eee ee ——= ~~ eat tot Yes I played my mu-- sic, | mu-sic, mu-sic, | And I likemy mu- sic | just this way. ee ee eee ee Are you sleep-ing? | Are you sleep-ing? |Broth-er James, _| Broth-er James, Morn-ingbells are ring-ing, |Morn-ing bells are ring-ing, | Ding Dong Ding _|Ding Dong Ding. Prayer Andante A opera aE 3 eee ce x Aare o_o o_o Bees S Saas T (P ThankThee for Thy |bless - ings, For Thy help and care, z g 8 : i as 10014 iriaas A triad is a chord composed of three tones formed in the following manner: 1. Play a succession of five tones in the scale. Right Hand Left Hand E xX ee eee a iad Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 2. Omit 2nd and 4th tones. Ist 3rd Sth 3, Strike the three tones together on the piano. 10014 Ay Form a triad on each note of the scale. Play hands separately, then together. jee oneoneeee Fes One fis deg oe preteen Esa 4 cece 5 1 3 B 3 3 5 5 5 5 as ae cas eiee com real Fepse 3 3 3 3 The Three Major Triads TONIC SUB-DOMINANT 5 5 eee 3 1 45 i 1 4 4 5 3 DOMINANT 3 flac see5) i eaststs eel 110014 Evening Song (Dotted Quarters) As 2 4 ERE Ey NS UE ; 3 i The Sunflower Moderato 3 aes Sun gold-en, Rays stream-ing, |— The world a -| wak ~ ens, : if oe My pet - als, Un - fold - ing, Re -flect thy light. 11001, 37 1S New Time Signature - g G -6 counts in each measure S& -2) eighth note) gets one count ¥ (eighth rest) also gets one count mf time a quarter note d gets two counts a dotted quarter note g. gets three counts a dotted quarter rest %* also gets three counts Tap the rhythm before playing the following exercises. Accent the Ist and 4th beats of each measure. “= < LH = zm = S 456 Lass de Zsa s Count I, 23, Cou 123 4 56 io 123456 , STACCATO, shown by a dot above or | below a note, means to release that note quickly. Study in Staccato Accent each note and release key quickly. Play hands separately, then together. 1 S Allegretto ane nioota, 39 Dance of the Wooden Shoes Allegretto con brio (Quickly, with energy) Flemish Folk Tune 3 a i, i 3, 2 4 INULE IREAUILLY LESLS NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD NAME OF WORD [ | ere iti heron aor nar woes Write letter names of lines and spaces in the treble and bass staffs. LINES SPACES 2 TREBLE s0 2 TREBLE “ 2 pass( "oy BASS e To complete each test play the correct notes on the piano. 110014, | Repeat sign — Go back to the beginning and play the piece again. Finger Study Play hands separately, then together. 4] 6 3j/6 2/5 15 Folk Song For to-day is | Spring. 11001 Allegretto See ot Ae f dim, e ritard.* 5 *dim. (diminuendo) — gradually getting softer Chord Study in F Major 5 fie (aot Wake Up! Be 2 mf Mom -ing light, Start out _‘| bright, 1S right. And on your |way, Don’t de -| lay, All the |world is yours to - all your sor -|row, Hap -pi -|ness will fol - ritard, 110014 At the Skating Rink Allegretto 4 4 mf’_bring out melody 46 Key of G Major: This study is written in the Key of G Major. The sharp (F#) shown in the key signature means that all Fs are SHARP and played on BLACK KEYS. ce Chord Study in G Major eon 3) 12385 i A araees: rieema 1 Some j 5 3 E Fun in the Sun Lively 5 os 1 1 il i 1 1 1 E 3 2 3 3 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 *Look up all new terms and symbols in the “Dictionary of Musical Terms” on page 63. 2 The Birdling’s Serenade a PO a 1 The | bird - lings are sing - ing Pp na-ture so won-drous and | free. My | spir- it soars high, like a lark in the sky,When the | thrill of their mu-sic in |spring-time is nigh. Key of D Major: This piece is written in the Key of D Major. The two sharps (Ff and C#) shown in the key signature mean that all Fs and Cs are SHARP and played | on BLACK KEYS. Evening Chimes Moderato ae 1 Folk Song, ning chimes ring —_| sweet - ly, A 5 F i chimes, peace - ful and peace - ful arm ovley To obtain a smooth and even effect, all eighth notes should match each other in length of sound. CPE Eee! 50 Key of B Flat Major: This piece is written in the Key of B Flat Major. The two flats (Bb and Eb) shown in the key signature mean that all Bs and Es are FLAT and played on BLACK KEYS. The Choir Moderato 4 Ppp*———_— |p ————— mf rit. a tempo (bring out lejt hand) ne 4 3 2 *Look up all new terms and symbols in the “Dictionary of Musical Terms” on page 63 stale Olly 5 } = / (in playing this Scale Study be sure that your thumb is relaxe This will help you to cross the thumb under the third finger g 1234 fo 324 3 5 Ae 52 Key of A Major: This piece is written in the Key of A Major. The three sharps (F#, C# and G#) shown in the | key signature mean that all Fs, Cs and Gs are SHARP and played on BLACK KEYS. The Pied Piper (This piece may be played an octave higher.) 5 sean aaee 2 4 2 4 Allegro , 7 \V ocaie ovuuy pag eee ssa elses lev The Singing Brook Legato (smooth and connected) Serres 1001 Key of E Flat Major (or C Minor): The three flats (Bb, Eb and ‘Ab) shown in the key signature mean that all Bs, Es and As are FLAT and played on BLACK KEYS. In this piece, note that the Bs are preceded by a NATURAL (4) SIGN. This means the Bs are not to be flat. Ghosts at Midnight Ber (Key of C Minor) Allegretto misterioso 5 1 Bs eet 1 3 accellerando p atempo p atemp | | 3 Look up all new terms and symbols in the “Dictionary of Musical Terms” on page 63. 5 noo, Allegretto Ftek, et, fet, right, left, Repeat Signs — Repeat the section between the repeat signs. Chopstick Revels 2 2 i j fatempo = = = 2 = 1 First ending — play first time only. Second ending - play second time. es 5 1 5 i. 4 3 i 4 539 (First ending) (Second ending) fi. 2. 5) i 5) 3 a tempo Jingle all the | way, Jin -gle bells, ef =gle bells Oh what fon it | is to ride, Joa one horse o -pen | sleigh —— e Jin -gle all the Jin - gle bells way, Jin -gle bells, 4 fe horse o - pen |sleigh. Oh what fun it The Major Scales and Chords q 10014 The Major Scales and Chords iE MAJOR. Reo rai as 2 ie 6 15 Tes emeamecmm nay 3 5 6 3 cites 6 tho. 25) bao ic 2s 2 Heo eee Bb MAJOR So thaliee shee. es. 1 ge acca ae, eae 3 5 3 sons Bie 9h a ws 91 4 sea Eb MAJOR Be tay eae aoc rk ars ee 3 5 3 p94 1 dal ie vik 2, a cao 3 ec Ab MAJOR #7 Rae ge see pst aap ee ene eT 5 5 3 Bee Geeta ae 4a 1S Ba ne TAR OR IO Db MAJOR ee Ce FE eee a ee me ee ad 3 3 iepelinNes: SeeogNS ese Gb MAJOR DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL TERMS .-Resume the original tempo JIncrease speed gradually lay the note louder «Moderately fast tempo, lively gro ast, brisk tempo jante Slowly scendo (cresc,) ——.......Gradually getting louder al Fine... (Da Capo al Fine) Return to the beginning and play to the word “Fine” rescendo (decrese.) ———.....Gradually getting softer jinuendo (dim.) —— ...... Gradually getting softer BA isan TN Hold the note or rest longer ‘The end (pronounced “Fee-nay") sign. Lowers a note one half step e -Loud issimo... Very loud, step oa ..From one key to the very next key ato, ‘Smooth and connected tones, usually indicated by a slur 20 forte ... Moderately toud 20 PIANO on .». Moderately soft erioso. «dn a mysterious manner Moderato... Natural sign Pianissimo Piano..... Poco a Poco .. Presto... Repeat signs Ritardando. Sforzando . Sharp sign... Slur... ‘Trill... Vivace .... ..A medium rate of speed (not too fast) Cancels a sharp or flat Little by little Very fast Repeat from the beginning Repeat section between repeat signs iradually slow down no Very strong accent Raises a note one half step .~A curved line that indicates notes which are to be played legato Detached, short tones Rate of speed www curved line that connects ‘two notes of the same pitch, means to combine their rhythmic values .To alternate a note with the next one above, playing one right after the other Fast and lively Certificate Achievement This certifies that has successfully completed Grade One of The Michael Aaron Piano Course and is now ready to begin Grade Two Teacher Date

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