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This chapter contains the results of data analysis. Data were analyzed using Charts and

Regression Analysis results tested at 0.05, level of significance are presented in the section.

The statistical package used is Microsoft Excel Version 15.0.

4.2 Summary Output

Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square observations
1 0.445081 0.198097 0.153547 39350629


The results in Table above assessed fit of the regression model. The value of correlation

coefficient (R) is 0.445081, which implies that there is a weak positive linear relationship

between Total Gross Domestic Product and All share index (ALSI). In addition, coefficient of

determination revealed that Share index explain 19.8097% of the total variation in gross

domestic product leaving the remaining 80.1903% unexplained. The adjusted R Square is

15.3547% indicating that the cross validity of the model fit is good and standard. Standard error

observed (SEO) is the standard deviation of residuals, which indicates low estimation error,

value of 39350629 i.e. the larger the value of R Square, the smaller the standard error of estimate.

4.3 Overall Test of Significance

ANOVA stands for Analysis of Variance and it gives information about the levels of variability

within the regression model.

Table 4.2
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 6.89E+15 1 6.89E+15 4.446604 0.049244

Residual 2.79E+16 18 1.55E+15

Total 3.48E+16 19

The result in Table above tests the acceptability of the model from statistical perspectives. The

ANOVA table tell us whether the model overall results in a significantly good degree prediction

of the outcome variable. Hence, agriculture predicts the gross domestic product of the country

since the results were statistically significant, F(1, 18) = 4.446604; p < .05; therefore the model

fits the data well.

4.4 Parameter Estimates

The parameter estimates are the regression coefficients i.e. estimate for b-values and these values

indicate contribution of predictor to the model. The regression equation is; Gross Domestic

Product =36641.95 + 3560.575*Agriculture.

Table 4.3
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 Intercept -3855764.79 2213938.93 0.582849 .098
Agriculture (Million) 4.662 .128 .993 2.108697 .000
Interpretation of the fitted regression model

The model implies that agriculture has a positive significant effect on Gross domestic product.

Hence, a unit increase in agriculture would raise gdp by N 3560.575Million. In addition, absence

of agriculture (i.e. if agriculture is not considered) indicates a reduction of N 36641.95million in

the value of gross domestic product.

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