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Add Visual Texture 3 Easy Steps

Rather than continually repeat these simple steps in every tutorial that uses this technique to apply
texture, we’ll save everyone time and get this essential tip out of the way!

The use of textures in design are incredibly important in defining a surface.  While we cannot create
actual tactile textures in digital design, we can create the visual illustion of 3D texture.  This Tutorial
aims to show you an easy way to do just that.

Step 1 – Find a Suitable Texture for your Design

Perhaps you have a photo that you’ve taken yourself, a texture you’ve designed, or maybe you’ve
found a free texture to use online.  Whatever the case may be, you’ll need a texture to work with.

Step 2 – Desaturate

Desaturate your texture layer (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate).  We only want to apply the
texture over our design, not the color from the texture.

Step 3 – Set to Overlay

Now, set this layer to Overlay.  This will screen (brighten) all of the shades brighter than 50% gray in
your texture, while multiply (darken) any shades darker than 50% gray, thus giving the illusion of
light passing over your design for a more tactile appearance!
Adjust the opacity of your texture layer to increase or decrease the intensity of the effect.

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