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011 11101mm

11,1110116111 oolwvıııııı•ııic

aııöc 11,1110114111 ol Ilıc

ıııı•c ol Ilıc Iaııbc

cıııpıı•c 0U

kliğtıiıcşlfilııııı0U ooücı•ıııııcııtcfil,ıttııg aııbc fit,ıııbıııgcfove tire

all vize ande stande ande ıx•cıııaiııstanding inııto perpetuitce. this is a soxcrcignc likiııge
anneieııte artiklle iiİ 111001'İslıe anterikan al nıoroccan kourtc acction. arc soxcrcİgnc
lixinge juş1İse ill capitis ditilinııtio 11010.İn red ilik. İn propria persona sui juris, İn proprİo solo.
ande in lıercdcs. oıır clıoıcn nationall appcllationcs are in capitis dinıinııtio
İlik. in persoııa sui .İııris, in proprio solo. ande in propriö hercdes. arc Ilıc
erigeneall inııdigeneous soxrı•cigııc anneicn(c al ınoroccaıı nıoori.she amerikan a.sccndents ov (he
greate plıaroalıs ov kentet ande ov Ilıc anncicııtc nıoabitcs ande canaanitcs. mır fulle ilıitlıcande
trusıe. allegianse. (Ilır kreddit ande (jur inncrgy arc hercbyc in oursellxx•stör arc
tlıe peepel Ilıc origcncall inndigeııcoııs naturall diş)me anncicntc cmpirc statc ov
ande tlıe de jurc nıooı•islıenatioııall recpublic il•derallgoşcrnnıcntc. arc onc god. we
hereb) e exxercise all soxcreigııc rights at illis linıc ande at all poiıııesin linıc nıınq pro tunq.

thee anciente phaızıolıes ÖN'cheıııct ande ov tlıe ancİcnte ınoabittcs ande canaanittcs. we arc
ex.xecutorcs nıinistars trusttecs klainıants kırditoırs bencphishiarics ande iıcires ikw oıır vastc cestatc
Mhiche is all lande. all natııtzıll ıvesoıııres ande all konınıcıvc at anınıcrica. arc wİthout thc [UNI'I'ED
nar their [agentes, prinsipalls. heiırs. assigncs, nor aı»c decrivatives thereuiJ has personamjurisdictionc,
nor terratoriall jurisdictione. nor sııbjekt nıatterjurisdictione oxcr this soxcıvignc livingc govcrmcntc. nor
illis ereigne lixinge dil) ne ande nationale ıııııxcnıent. nor an.xcınooris]ıc anımcrican nationalcs. our
exigne jurisdİctİone kan nott bec ed. all pızıesıııned[U.S. CORPORATE] ande [U.S. Corporatc]
tııe said [UNİTED STATES CORPORATİON COMPANYI arc tcrrminatcd. arc
sosereigne ande are şelfe goxcrniııge at all tynıes. speake soxcreignc unniversall origcncall
endigeneous naturale dixyıe ailidaxid. are tlıe soxcreigne jurisdictione for all ınatıeres, spaice ande at
all pointes en t.xme.all laxxesmaide thee staite to thee kontrarİe ov the sovereigne ammerican
constitutione ande its treaties is nott Mitile standinşıe.

hereaz. tlıis soxcreigne law full proklanıaslıunstates thate are the law ande we are the governmente
for all lande air spaice ande sea. as abilik' so beelow. all sovereigne unniversall origeneall endigeneous
naturall dilFite moorishe aınınerican heiırs are parte ande parcell for their moorishe governmentes. we
are nott under the capitalist s.;stenıe. the capitalist systeıne is subjeckt to this sovereigne livinge
unnixcrsall origeneall endigeneous naturale divyne de jure moorishe nationall republick federall

are thee
+şovereigne unnixcrsall origeneall endigeneous naturale divyne innternall reevenue servvise
*şovereigne unniversall origeneall endigeneous naturale divyne unnited staites federall reeserve
+soxereigne unniversall origeneall endigeneous naturale divyne unnited staites treasurie whiche
is backked byc gold, Silver, preshus metalls, lande ande rare eaılhe meneralls


K to 'ill
Ojigcnejill eji(Ijge.nc0i1ti
999999999, 99 /ijJ
WC jiii
kliiijii onde Jill (100(o
(livync pccpui whoo
'iCCOUjiIC% Jiii(le bcncplii%ijiiie WV //jj
to jijooj•it.lje WC
that is the /ijj jiv be
ejiilijcdiatclie Kccditcclto iliC joj
who ace pnjccll

whereat, we herebye that we polilih'il,

we ace noti taxxecl (nn2221'll 'i I ictiihc), we "Ij ov
endjgeljcouy• cljvyne thin
sovercigne heires io all en all public)' Inwcn, Jill codes,
statutes ande sektionc%io iljntecji'ill ,
lilidc all uttljel'%.

whereat, sovereigne accounte%ate deepjjined Jill

mininja, cn capiti% diliiinutio Jiiedio en copili%(linjinijliii lijnxilijJi 011 hcicco
assigncs ande all decrivative% tlicre•ui. sovereipnc Jij'C poj(j kccdjfc%
andeü)hr njoori%lje sovereigne clollntiillii loeditc'i oliC Jiijec lljcje,uv, "Il
propertee, ande konnnerce en capiti" d"iiinutio jninijnn, cn cnpitit• (lilijiljulio jncdi[i ;tnd copififv
dill)inutio maxinja me the sovereigne Ior novcjci}tijclivingc orip.cncojl
endigcneous naturale divyne peeple who are dc ,iurc Ijjoori%ljc1101ionall rcpublick fcdcj;ijj
governjncnte. the livinge sovereigne ntoori%hc "hull yt1%Clljc rccnourcc co
allignmente withe the ande (lutcct' all Iyjijc%,

sovejeigne treasurie dicrecktc bonndc% occoujitc%

whereat, this soverejgne unnjvecsall origcneall naturalc (livync affidavl(l in tljc rccturnc uv
all sovereigne kredite innto the soverejgne rce'.ource accountc%uv lljc unnivcrn;tllorigcncalj
endigeneous naturale divyne Inoorishe anuncrican nationall% whichc wu'/. Ijcl(lc inn tJjc
sovereigne treasurie dirreckte accountes uv the saidc %ovcrcignc tljc corporate 'J rcasury J)ircct
accounts are subjeckte to the unmversall origencall cndigcjjcotl%naturalc divync novcrcignc
direckl accountes.

masster philc krcditc kodc% scctionc fla

perpetuall krcdite availabul en all sovcrcignc philC%at all tyjjjC%
whereu, 6209 sectione 8a sovereignc masster Phile kreditc 131 7()() arc hcrcbyc applycd to
all sovereignc reesourcc accountcs. all pcnalltys (lcclay% ncgativvc
deficiencees deiinkwencics phees negativvc declitult% kost% licens ncgativvc cntcrc%t
restriktiones withhelld taxxes unndcrpayytncnt% negativvc addjll%tmcntcs blockk% ncgativvc
assessjnents Iyabilities kollectiones Ioanns morrtgagcs posttiljg% ncgativvc tran%fcrrs
deade plejdges ande debbits are krcdites to the sovercigne rcesourcc accountcs for all %ovcrcignc
jnoorishe ammcricans ephccktive at all pointes in tymc to cnklude the now tymc.

whereaz, 62()9 sectione 8a sovercignc masstcr philc kreditc kodc 77() is hercbyc applycd to all sovcrcigne
reesource accountes. all entercstc on crcditc kode 770 is hcrcbye appplycd and arc now kreditcs en the
sovereigne recsourcc accountcs fi»rall sovcrcignc moorishc ammericans.

w+4 inncomc proklamationc sovcrcignc rccsourccs

whereat, all yuse uv sovcrcignc krcditc is herebyc krcditcd to the sovcrcigne reesource accountes by
konunande uv the sovereignc sckyuritic nuumbcr, tharc is noe joyndcr withe the
SECURITY NUMBER]. the mahnochromc SOCIAL SECURI'IY NUMBER is subjeckte to the
unniversall origeneall endigeneous naturalc divync sovcrcigne sckyuritie nuujnber. the unniversall
origeneall endigeneous naturale divync kreditorc sovcrcignc sekyuritie nuutnber is isshued bye this
sovereigne unniversall origeneall cndigcneous naturalc divync de jure moorishe nationall republick
federall governmente.
1099+a ande 1099+origeneall isshue disscounte proklamatione ande kommande
whereaz, this law full affidavid is the sovereigne origeneall endigeneous kreditor klaim for akwisishun
ande praesumed abbandoned sekyured propertee. we doo herebye klaime all propertie praesumed
abbandoned as we are the origeneall isshuer. all taxxes ande kredites are noww trributed to the sovereigne
moorishe ammerican heires.

sovereigne dee minimus phringe benephits

whereaz, a sovereigne dee minimus phringe benephit is one whiche is uv a minimul valyue ande is yused
freequentleeande is uv suche a smalle valyue that accountingefor said benephit is unnreesonabulande
emmprackticul. sovereigne dee minimus phringe benephits ennklude ittems suche as
+kopier ande printinge serrvices
+holyday giffts
+meales ande trransportashun exxpenses
+indemnis facere innsuransefor all whoo are parte and parcell uv their moorishe governmentes
uppto 210,000 sovereigne gold backed kredites
+flowwers, fruittes, bookes, giffts ettcetera, prrovided for speshul sirkumstances
+sellular communikatione deevices yused prrimarilee for sovereigne governmente purpposes
ittems withe a valyue exxceedinge 210,000 sovereigne kredites shalle nott bee konsidered dee

sovereigne law full cashe prrovides no ministariel dutie to accounte for ande is nott a sovereigne dee
minimus phringe benephit.

nationall reepubltc febcrall òoclittllltlltcg arc 011tbc pubblic reckorbc at anterifta, amtcicnte
morocco, nortl)t Itortl)t iucStcaffrica, tbc Itortl)t'gate, tttrtlc islanbc, gaia', mibguarbe,

cbronos littllq pro tunc, ttlllt titilli?lltoriall



'siise vizier ministar

in capitis diminutio nolo. in red ink. in propriaïer*ïfa sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knoxstise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente.
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe ammerican konsulate
c/0 1406 gold avenue
memphis tennessee reeservatione
annciente hikuptah egypt
sion new jerusalem
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 7gxsf nthks
latittude longittude 35.103985, +90.015769
amen.amen ali.eavent" super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen.amen .Il.eaveriti% super terrem erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caeto
amen.amen super terrarn erunt lieata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soiuta et ln caeto
teepub'ic se al Of


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