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In the technology era, smartphone has become one of the most popuplar devices in the world, it plays a

very vital role in our daily life and goes along with enormous benefits.

First of all, it’s considered the fastest mean of communication in the world as we can meeting or talking
to our friend or our parents wherever we want just by calling or texting without meeting directly in such
a pandemic time. It’s totally useful when we are under the social distancing strategy.

Second, mobile phone is a great mean of entertainment. We can watch films, play video games or check
out the profile on the social network, it’s portable so we can use it whenever we like.

Final, you can easily see that mobile phone has changed our learning significantly. Instead of walking
thousands of meters to get to the library just for a book, we can read it online through our phone, an e-
book will be a best choice for it. Finding the information was always a difficult to many students, but
thank to smartphone, it becomes easier than ever, we just need to type the problems that we need to
find and after 1 second you will receive millions of result.

For all that reasons, having a smartphone is a necessity for each of us.

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