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The possible costumer for the filtration system are the one who has a vehicle that
emitted black smoke, most of the jeepney driver, truck driver or any vehicle users
is needed to use the product for as to help the environment and also the human
health. The soot from Vehicle exhaust is the raw material to produce products such
as paint, Lead pencil, pigments and also dye.


Some of the vehicles aren't emitted black smoke, so they don't need the use of the
filtration system.


Since most of the operated vehicles are jeepneys and motorcycles, the driver that
used filtration system can sell their collected soot depends on the weight.So this
products will help not only the environment and also the user of the filtration
system.Therefore, the vehicles users are convinced to buy the product.


The soot from filtration system is material use for producing goods like the
products mention earlier, but their is a possible competitors for soot collection
are the manufacturer of the said products, they have different raw materials in
creating the goods.

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