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Procedure of data collection

On the 23rd of November, the researcher gathered all necessary materials and prepared a total
of 25 questionnaires which were to be used to obtain data from residents of Suddie. On the 24 th
of November the researcher traversed throughout the Suddie New Housing Scheme by foot and
administered 25 questionnaires by choosing the respondents randomly.
The researcher upon distributing questionnaires assisted a total of 8 respondents in the
completion of their questionnaire, all 8 questionnaires were returned upon completion.
the researcher proceeded to distribute the remaining 17 questionnaires and did so in a timely
On the 26th of November the researcher once again traversed by foot throughout the housing
scheme in hopes of retrieving all 17 questionnaires, unfortunately only 12 of those
questionnaires were completed and returned when asked for. Due to the remaining 5 residents
failing to complete and submit their questionnaires when asked for.
The researcher received a total of 20 completed questionnaires from the residents of Suddie
housing scheme.
This Method of data collection was necessary as it gives the researcher a point of view from
people of all walks of life, giving the researcher various answers to compare and contrast. It Is
also very reliable and confidential; this method is also inexpensive and is done in a timely

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