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Answer the following guide questions based on the passages:

1. What type of disaster is described in this Bible passage?


2. In this Scripture, what is written about the cause of this disaster?

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth,

and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

3. What actions were taken by God’s people to prepare for or respond to the disaster? What

were the results?

Noah made an ark and gathered different kinds of animals by two of each species.

4. How did God use the situation to fulfill his bigger, long-term plans for the people on

earth? (e.g. to prepare for Jesus, or to extend His kingdom?)

God made a covenant between him and the Earth for all the generations to come. God

said “Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life”.

5. How does human activity make some “natural” disasters more severe or increase the


Natural disasters naturally occur but human activities like deforestation can cause

increased risk for flooding, soil erosion and drought.

6. Make a short conclusion based on your output on the passages.

We humankinds make mistakes but the Lord still gives us a chance because he knows

that we can do better. Even though we are getting punished, Lord always shows mercy

on us because he is our creator even though the Lord said that he regretted on creating

humans, animals and creatures, he still shows mercy on us because we are his people.

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