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Goals that I have for myself for the future are to ensure positive reinforcement,
include as much interactive and engaging lessons in my teaching, and ensure
fairness for rules and expectations for all students and classes. ... The second goal
is including as much movement and engagement in my lessons as possible.

In today's constantly changing world, our children and youth need to learn inquiry-
based, problem-solving skills to that they may become successful members of society
and live productive lives.

I think all students yearn to learn. We as future teachers need to motivate students
with learning, exploring, investigating, discovering and inquiring. Together you will
be learning and teaching.

As teachers, you need to be very organized and creative. Time is very valuable. When
students are able to use creativity, it enhances them and helps them in their learning
process. Our children are natural and curious explorers.

Students need to be inspired to think critically. By this they comprehend what has
been learned and be able to use it. I hope my students will be able to achieve their
greatest potential that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. We can
give our children these building blocks thru education to use in decision making
situations, moral value of their thoughts and actions. This will guide them to realize
how their actions and decisions will affect themselves and others.

Discipline plays a key part in education. Respect from your students will make the
classroom a better atmosphere. Rules should be established on the first day. Rules
should be a thoughtful process so they can be carried out to be affective, but logical
consequences. We do not want the students’ self-esteem to be damaged.

I believe that these years of education is very crucial for learning and developing
their skills. Inquiry-based learning will only enhance these curious students to
explore, share ideas and ask questions. Our role as a teacher will help identify needed
resources and monitor, guide the students inquiry. Children learn by doing.

We need to continuously assess and evaluate our students so we can set appropriate
goals for each student and individual instructions. Each child learns different, so as a
teacher we need to have different styles of teaching for positive reinforcement.

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