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5 Steps

To Build A
$1,000 A Month
Side Hustle
We both know why you’re here…

You’re here for one of three important reasons….

1. Your job doesn’t pay you enough

2. You need extra money
3. You want to speed your path to wealth

Regardless of your motives and intentions, the main thing is

that you are here and I am happy to have you!

In fact, you may not realize it but you are part of a vastly
growing group…

Millions of people around the world are starting to awaken

to the benefits that having a side hustle can offer.

In fact, as of 2021, ⅓ of all Americans had some sort of

time hustle.

As such, it’s time to join the movement and reclaim control

over your financial life.

However, for some, this is easier said than done, trust me…
My Story of Struggle and Despair
Many years ago (more than I’m willing to admit), I was a
bright-eyed university graduate ready to take the world by

With my Masters in Accounting and CPA under my belt, I

figured it would only be a matter of time until I was
collecting a six-figure salary and driving around in
expensive cars.

This didn’t happen…Shocking, right?

Okay maybe my expectations were set A BIT too high but

you can’t blame a man for dreaming!

Now, here’s where the issued lied…

Not only was I NOT making a ton of money, I was BARELY

making enough to get by…

All those countless hours studying, interviewing, working all

for a measly $40,000 a year salary.

In my city, that salary left me living paycheck to paycheck

and let me tell you, living to work IS NOT a way to live.

But, I stayed optimistic and put my trust in my employers

hands that they would give me the raises and promotions I
needed to scale up my income and escape the financial rut
I was in.

Now, I did end up getting raises and promotions, however,

they were never enough to allow me to get ahead.

It doesn’t help much when you get a $1,000 raise and your
cost of living went up by $5,000 in the year…

After getting let down by disappointing raises one too many

times, I realized that if I wanted to get ahead financially I
had to take matters into my own hands.

Fast forward to present day and I now collect checks like

these on the regular:

Now, there are a lot of factors that go into collect payments

like these but this is the most important one…
Connecting With Your “Why”
Your “why” is the reason you want to take up a side hustle.

Perhaps you’re no longer happy with your job? Or you’ve

got a growing family, and your salary can barely support
your family’s needs?

Or maybe you must want to buy a new purse or golf club

and that stingy pay raise you got at work isn’t going to cut it.

No matter what path you choose when it comes to starting

and running a profitable side hustle, you need to be acutely
aware of why you are starting one in the short place.

Now, having a side hustle doesn’t necessarily mean you’re

looking to quit your job. But if that’s what you eventually
want to do, then that could also be your “why.”

But, why is it important to know your “why?” Well, your

“why” is going to light a fire under you. It’s what’s going to
drive you to succeed at your side hustle. It’s what’s going to
push you out of your comfort zone and explore the
opportunities that await you outside!

When you’ve got your “why” figured out, you will have an
unshakeable force behind you that will push you to continue
to learn and grow even when times are looking bleak.

It’s best to have a physical representation of your “why” to

remind you of why you’re working so hard. For instance, if
you’re building a to support your family, then put up a
picture of your family on your work desk.

I know personally, when I have been working to build side

hustles in the past, especially when I was first starting out,
coming discouraged was a normal occurrence.

There were so many times when I wanted to quit - it felt like

I would never see the results I wanted.

Fortunately, I never forgot my “why” which was to use the

money from my side hustle to take my Dad on a trip to Italy.

Every time I would doubt my ability to succeed, I would look

over at my wall at my beautiful canvas of the canals in
Venice and my hope for a more prosperous future was
When you lose focus or motivation, which you will from time
to take, use your “why” reminders to get you back on track
look at that photo.

Close your eyes and imagine what’s going to happen if you

don’t succeed.

Will you let your family down or miss out on the trip of a
lifetime with your Dad?

Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing, and do

everything in your power to achieve your goals.

When you’re new to the side hustling world, you’re bound to

meet failure.

Your “why” will guide you through the days and weeks when
you’ll feel overwhelmed by so many obstacles.

Just keep your chin up and keep on fighting until you

5 Steps To $1K/Month Online
You now know my story and the purpose of creating a “why”
behind making more money - now let’s dive into the
framework you will follow to do just that!

Step 1: Master Your Time

Review your calendar

Chances are you already have some sort of way you track
your time. It may be via your Google Calendar, your
Outlook schedule or maybe you track your weekly events
on a piece of paper you have on your fridge.

Here’s a template you can use in case you need one

(click image below):
Once you have a means of organizing your time, review all
of your activities for those of which you can either eliminate
or delegate.

For instance, all that time you have set aside for catching
up on Netflix or leveling up your character in World of
Warcraft have to go. I have nothing against leisure activities
but in most situations these are only detracting from your
side hustle success.

For tasks that have to get done, determine if they can be

delegated or outsourced. Depending on how much you
make at your side hustle, it may make more sense to pay
someone to run and get your groceries or clean your house
every two weeks (plus who likes to clean dirty toilets
anyways, amirite?).

Set weekly milestones

Every week, you should have milestones related to your

side hustle that you aim to achieve. It could be to finish a
client project, to take another course related to your craft or
to simply send invoices to all of your customers.

There are two reasons why weekly milestones are


1. They give you something to work towards which will

increase your motivation to work and see the growth you
2. They help you plan out your days as your actions should
ultimately lead to the achievement of said milestones.

So, how do you break down these milestones into

manageable chunks? Continue reading to find out!

Have a daily to-do list

Having a to-do list not only keeps you organized but saves
you time as well. Every night, you should be detailing what
activities you aim to complete for your side hustle and at
what times.

For example, if you design websites as your side hustle,

you should jot down that between 5-6AM tomorrow, you are
going to create the graphics for your clients landing page.

This is important for two reasons:

1. It allows you to draw a path towards the accomplishment

of your weekly milestones which we just talked about.

2. It avoids you having to waste time that next morning

wondering what you’re going to work on because you have
already identified the task at hand the night before.

I know these small habits don’t seem that consequential but

when compounded over time, they will exponentially speed
up your path to side hustle success!
Step 2: Identify Your Present Skill Set
Over the course of our lives, we have all cultivated a vast
amount of skills.

Yes, that includes the people that routinely tell me, “but I’m
not good at anything…”

Here’s the thing - most of the skills you have do not

possess the ability to make you money online.

But guess what? That’s okay!

Even if you presently lack a skill that you can use to start
making money online you can always learn one (secret: it’s
easier than you think!)

Here’s the model I recommend to the hundreds of students

I’ve helped build out online income streams so far.

First, ask yourself which skills you presently have. Chances

are you can generate a list of at least 10 skills.

Then, reach out to your friends, family, classmates and ask

them what they perceive your best skills to be.

At the end, you should have a list of 25 or more skills (it’s

okay if you have less, don't worry!)

Next, it’s time to find out if any of those skills can be used to
take your income to the next level!
Step 3: Validate Your Chosen Skill
You now have your list of skills but as I mentioned earlier,
not all skills will bear the same fruit when it comes to
making money online.

Some skills will have you making a full-time income in the

next 6 months while others will have you working for

This is why validating the skill you aim to either acquire or

sharpen BEFORE starting your online money making
journey is essential.

Click the image below and to watch a video lesson from my

course, Side Hustle Success, where I outline the 4 most
important considerations when selecting a skill that you will
use to start making money online.
Step 4: Cultivate Your Validated Skill
You’re welcome…

Why am I saying this? Because I just saved you MONTHS

of frustration and disappointment that’s caused by trying to
make money online with a lackluster skill.

Now it’s time to build up this skill so that you can use it to
make at least $1,000 every single month from here on out.

First, identify education resources you can use to learn

more about this skill (YouTube, Skillshare, etc.)

Then, plug in learning time into the schedule I shared with

you earlier so that you ensure you spend time every week
cultivating the skill that will change your financial life

Over time, your skill progression should look like this:

Step 5: Start Making Money
When you get to this step, you’ve come a long way…

On your journey so far, you’ve:

- Identified your “why” behind making more money
- Created a time management system
- Generated a skills inventory
- Validated & developed your high-income skill

Now, it’s time to reap the rewards from all your hard work!

To start making money with your newly crafted skill, you

have two options

1. Sign up for online freelance platforms like Upwork or
2. Use cold outreach to connect with potential clients
3. Build a personal brand and have clients come to you

Personally, I think you should be using all three and here’s


Using online freelance platforms gives you experience

working with clients and a portfolio of work that you can
show off to other clients in the future.

PLUS…it’s the quickest way to start making money :)

Cold outreach is great because generally speaking you can
charge more for your time and that’s something you should
be constantly striving for.

Finally, building a personal brand flips the script and not

only allows you to charge OBSCENE rates for your time but
makes client acquisition easy as people will come to you.

Use all three but start with one and go from there!
In Conclusion
You now have the blueprint to building a $1,000+ a month
side hustle - Congrats!

Since you made it to the end, I want to thank you.

As a token of my appreciation, I want to give you 50% off

my course Side Hustle Success.

In the course, I go into greater detail on each of the 5 steps

I just shared.

Moreover, you’ll gain access to the Side Hustle Success

exclusive Facebook group where I answer all your
questions en route to changing your financial life forever!

Trust me, if I can cash checks like these, so can you!

I wish you the best,

- Adam

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