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In the article written by Stina Connor, an analyst in the Control Risks' Cyber Threat

Intelligence (CTI) team, entitled "Emerging technologies: implications for the future of risk
management," she discussed the impending risks that digital technologies and systems
would bring to a business. Technologies would bring significant opportunities to an
organization, however as new technologies arise, another set of risks that need mitigation
would likewise surface. As technologies continuously develop to a higher level, countries
would vie for technological supremacy and could result in misuse of the technology to
harm their adversaries. Emerging technologies could be used to spy on another country's
restricted data. It is also easy to spread disinformation about an adversary on social media
networks. Likewise, as countries are now using interconnected networks, not only the risks
assessed from the organization would need mitigation, but also the risks from all the other
organizations that are connected to them. Because every country’s connectivity is
interdependent to each other, the risk of cyber threats arises and another country could
disrupt and sabotage another country’s operations. As technologies improve, those who are
not knowledgeable about it could be taken advantage of without even detecting it.

   Connor further stated in the article that for an organization to mitigate such threats, those
in charge of its security should boost their understanding of the technology and work
closely with business leaders. They should also be aware that such threats cannot be
avoided, thus organizations must increase their resiliency and be aware that these
technologies are already and will likely be even more heavily targeted by threat actors
shortly. They will also have to ensure that operations are safeguarded even when a breach
occurs as cyber-attacks could never be avoided and everyone will be experiencing it.

   Emerging technologies are neither just an opportunity nor just a risk, but both.
Companies who realize this would be better prepared to fight the risks and would also be
able to harvest the most of the opportunities these technologies offer.

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