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Thierry Mallory further discussed how the world could be

defined as interdependent. Risks that threaten a single country

would have a domino effect on other countries; therefore
countries are interdependent and cannot be accounted as isolated
from each other. An example of this is the rise of unemployment
rates of countries that are heavily affected by Covid-19. Due to
having no source of income in their own country, high numbers of
citizens migrating to richer countries are recorded.
The forum emphasized that in order for the Great Reset to be
possible and successful, not only the elites should participate,
nor the government should the only one who will take
responsibility, but everyone on the society. The government needs
the cooperation and support of all of its citizens to make their
plans successful. Creativity and innovation do not come from the
government, these come from entrepreneurs, thus the need for
everyone to participate in the resetting of the economy. The
younger generations who will lead the countries in the future
have to participate or engage in the Great Reset as their ideas
will be much up to date than those in the older generation. It
will also instill with the younger generations how good
leadership actually influences the growth of a country. Various
countries have suffered so much due to poor leadership during
Covid-19 and their ability to recover quickly is very low.
The Great Reset is not just about learning from past
mistakes but more on looking forward to the future and making
sure that future is sustainable for the next generation. For
example, in the topic of unemployment, countries should know what
jobs would be relevant in the future and what skills are required
for the employees. Another is the content of education. How the
new generations in the 21st century be polished in their schools
and universities should be relevant for the 21st century economy
and should not still be based on the older times. One more
future-oriented thinking that is needed for the Great Reset is
for the politics to have a strong relationship with science. The
pandemic has exposed how contradictions between science and
politics created negative consequences for every country. Our
technology, our infrastructure, and our way of thinking should
not be static and should be continuously learning and improving
in order to adapt to what our environment and our economy
actually need.

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