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Muhammad Hisyam Alfalaq Linguisticts 5B


1. What is Morphology?

 Study of the internal structure of word in a language

2. How can you differentiate between morph and morpheme?

 Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in language, while morph is features of the
phonemic form or structure of a morpheme, regardless of whether it has the same or different
meaning as other morphs.

3. Explain the following terms by showing examples: free vs. bound morpheme; lexical vs. functional

 FREE morpheme is the morpheme that can stand alone as individual word, such as: key,
cat, laugh. While BOUND morpheme can not stand alone as individual words. Such as affixes.
For example: un- (prefixes) can’t stand alone without another word.

 LEXICAL morpheme is a morpheme that can stand alone and carry the content of our
utterances. Like nouns, verb, adj, and adv. For example: irregular (“regular can be added
prefix). While FUNCTIONAL morpheme is free morpheme that serve a more grammatical role,
they don’t really provide the content or the meaning of our utterances, like preposition or
conjunction. For example: to, at, and, or

4. Find some examples of inflectional and derivational morphemes; from the examples identify their
characteristics and conclude the concepts of each term.

 Examples of inflectional: houses (s plural), runs (s third person), counting (ving), removed(-
ed past tense), colder (-er comparative)

 Examples of Derivational: Teach (Verb)+er= teacher (Noun), possible#im+possible.

From these examples above, it can be concluded that the inflectional morpheme is a bound
morpheme which if there is suffixe in the word, the word does not change its meaning, only
for grammatical functions. while the derivational morpheme is a bound morpheme which, if
there is suffix, the word will change its meaning.

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