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1. the blind man camp 3. river
beneath a tree oh, no! You’ve crossing
near a crossroad been captured! bored ferryman

5. the mountain 4. goblin village

you encounter... acquire a donkey

6. thunderbird’s 7. troll
nest guards
find a silver feather cave entrance
dragon destroyed your village, find out why.

1. The blind man will tell you how to find a dragon if you bring
him: an egg from the nest on the highest branch / a golden beetle
/ an apple that tastes like an orange / a rainbow-colored serpent
/ a shadow / sunglasses.
2. Bandits will set you free if you: tell a good story / win at arm
wrestling / climb a tree first / tell the best insult / catch a chicken
/ steal a penny from their leader. what did the Dragon say?
3. Ferryman will take you across the river if you: make him laugh
/ make him cry / make him sneeze / answer a riddle / defeat a
giant catfish / find a longer pole.
4. Acquire a donkey from the goblins: ask nicely / negotiate /
seduce / lie / threaten / fight.
5. While travelling along the side of the mountain you encounter:
a cursed nobleman / an old woman setting up a trap / a bard
in search of inspiration / a crippled wizard / a girl and a fox /
yourself but with an evil moustache. what did you do?
6. The silver feather is: on top of thunderbird’s head / under
thunderbird’s eggs / in a baby bird’s beak / beneath a pile of
gems / floating 10 feet above the nest / in a mountain goat’s
7. Two trolls are guarding an entrance to a cave:
suggest a nice bridge somewhere / bribe them / sneak by them /
make them sleep / make two new friends / fight, ha, ha!
(You find a translucent dagger in the cave.)

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