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   - Great revelations from Genesis 26 vs. 46 for


the mature in the spirit, from the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  :)

Gen 26:1-2
-> Now there was a FAMINE in the land, *besides the former FAMINE that was in the days of
Abraham*. And Isaac went to Gerar to Abimelech king of the Philistines. And the LORD appeared to
him and said, "DO NOT GO DOWN TO EGYPT; dwell in the land of which I shall tell you.
Gen. 46:2-4
-> And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, "Jacob, Jacob." And he said, "Here I
-> Then he said, "I am God, the God of your father. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO GO DOWN TO
EGYPT, for there I will make you into a great nation. I MYSELF WILL GO DOWN WITH YOU TO
EGYPT, and I WILL ALSO BRING YOU UP AGAIN, and Joseph's hand shall close your eyes."
There are fireworks of unending revelations in these scriptures... I will share only a few so as not to
be too long:  :)

1. There is "a famine in the land" in every generation (Gen. 12:10, 26:1, 43:1). This can also be seen
later throughout the Bible in the lives of Elimelech and Naomi, David, Elijah, Elisha... and still in the
New Testament (Ruth 1:1, 2 Samuel 21:1, 1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4:38, 2 Kings 8:1, Acts 11:28,
Revelation 6:5-6): it is a time of great trial that tests the people of God, their hearts' response
(seeking God or turning to the world/idols for solution), and their hearing of the Spirit's voice.
2. The Father leads every one specifically, often differently: he told Isaac not to go down to Egypt to
find bread (Gen. 26), but he told Jacob to go down to Egypt! This is the point of grace/faith vs. law:
you cannot make rules for people to walk by, seeing how God dealt with one person in his particular
case; each one must be led by the Spirit! cf. John 21:20-22; Luke 9:3, 10:4, 22:35-36. Walking by
faith is walking in obedience to the VOICE of the Spirit. He that has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches (Rev. 2-3).
3. Our hope/help is not in the world, or in men of influence, or in emigrating to a certain rich country,
such as Egypt in the time of Abraham and Isaac (Prov. 17:24 - "Wisdom is before him that has
understanding; but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth"), or in the policies of the state
(Jer. 17:5-6 "cursed is the man who trusts in man..."). Our help is in the name of the LORD, the
maker and possessor of heaven and earth, of whom we are the heirs by Jesus Christ! God always
delivers His people! Cf. Psalms 121, Gen. 14:19, Heb. 13:5, Ps. 23.
4. If the Father tells you to indeed go down to Egypt (in enemy territory, so to speak), as He did to
Jacob, be assured that He himself will go down with you and will bring you up again!   He did the

same with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus (Matthew 2:13-22)!   Paul had many prophecies tell him

not to go to Jerusalem for troubles would befall him there from the Jews, but he purposed in the
spirit to go nonetheless! And Jesus was with him, Jesus got him out, and expanded his ministry in
the process! cf. Acts 20:22-23, 21:4-14... (shows also how the levels of spiritual maturity and
intimacy with Christ can bring about different responses to the same prophecy...  ) ;)

5. The Father's promise is from generation to generation (cf. Gen. 12:1-3, 17:6-8; 26:3-5; 28:13-
15)... in fact, He keeps his covenant and promise to a thousand generations   (Ps. 105:8, Deut.

7:9)... yet how He works it all out is often different in each generation... so we should follow the
leading of the Spirit and flow with the river  , never judge someone else going through some things

that we do not fathom with our little minds (some legalist fellows could tell Jacob: "don't you
remember how God told your father Isaac not to go to Egypt?? What are you doing going to Egypt?
You are being unfaithful, not following the time-tested Word!..." you see it?   ). Alleluia! God will

surely fulfill that which concerns you. Psalms 138:8

So, all in all, to go down to Egypt or not to go? Answer: it all depends on what the Father tells you to
do! I love it!   In any case, seek the LORD in the time of famine, and you will receive the word
(instruction, direction) that will preserve you! "The LORD knows the days of the blameless, and their
heritage will remain forever; they are not put to shame in evil times; IN THE DAYS OF FAMINE
THEY HAVE ABUNDANCE." (Psalm 37:18-19)
The Father will guide you with His Spirit and will show you the way you should go! Psalm 32:8. Be
blessed!  :)

#gotoEgyptornot #voiceoftheSpirit #nolaw #abundanceinfaminedays

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