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The data shows the evolution of the Lionel Messi’s scoring production from his debut in 2005 to 2020.

The scoring production influences and impacts the triumphs. The triumphs in soccer are obtained with the
positive balance of goals. The scoring production is a summation of goals in an official championship
such as: La Liga, the Spanish first division soccer championship; La Copa del Rey, a Spanish soccer
championship where first, second and third division teams participate; and the UEFA Champions League,
a European tournament of champions and runners-up from European countries. Sometimes FC Barcelona
plays the world football club championship, a conditional participation on obtaining the UEFA
Champions League championship.

As limitations in the scoring production, we have age which is an important factor. The optimal maturity
in professional football occurs between the ages of 22 and 28 years of age. After the age of 30, most
footballers begin to plan their retirement. Lately due to the advances in nutritional science and physical
recovery techniques, the footballing age has been extended by a few more years.

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