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Routine Exercises 4

Group 4 :

Meisha Fatma Wijaya 7212540006

M. Bagas Ardhana 7213540016

Reneva Manurung 7213240016

Siti Alifah Handayani 7213240004

Syarifah 7213540003

Tessalonika Federova 7213240014

1.How to suppress or limit desire

Answer : 1. How to suppress or limit the desire to shop, be sure to bring enough money and make
necessary shopping notes at home, block shopping sites or applications, make charitable donations,
reduce traveling to the mall, do decluttering or tidy up things at home before shopping again.

2. Make a priority scale, before spending money you should make a priority scale. To make a priority
scale, we can rank the urgent needs in the first order, the less urgent needs in the second and so on
which are sorted based on our individual needs. By making a priority scale we can control our finances
and can suppress our desire to spend our money at once.

3. Change the mindset of ourselves. Generating the will and intention in ourselves to suggest our
minds not to buy things that are just wishes. Changing the mindset to target what big things we must
achieve later with the remaining money that we have saved so far by saving expenses.

2.According to experts how the scarcity can happen

Answer : 1. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, scarcity is a condition where there is
a gap between economic resources and too many necessities of life, where the trigger for scarcity is
due to increasing human demand, while natural resources are only able to produce in limited
quantities. The impact will be caused, namely causing the existing resources not to meet the demand
and meet the needs of human life.

2. Scarcity according to Sampat Mukherjee is a source of modern economic problems such as

unemployment, poverty, and inflation (Mukherje, 2010).

3. According to Lionel Robbin (Jan Peil, 2009), scarcity is a characteristic, humane. Scarcity occurs when
very limited human needs are met with limited means of satisfying those needs.

4. Badudu and Sutan According to Badudu, scarcity is a condition where the goods are difficult to
obtain due to limited quantities.

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