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Meisha Fatma Wijaya (7212540006)

M. Bagas Ardhana (7213540016)
Reneva Manurung (7213240016)
Siti Alifah Handayani (7213240004)
Syarifah (7213540003)
Tessalonika Federova (7213240014)

1. Distribution is the activity of distributing goods
2. Consumption is the activity of using goods or services
3. Marginal cost is the additional cost that arises when producing an item again
4. Selling price is the value charged by a business unit to the buyer
5. Substitute goods are goods that satisfy needs that can replace the role of other objects
6. Promotion is an attempt to offer a product or service with the aim of attracting buyers
7. Promotion is an attempt to offer a product or service with the aim of attracting buyers
8. Commodity is a product that can be traded
9. Skill is an ability possessed by other people
10. Quantity is the amount of something
11. Profit is the value obtained from the sale of products that have been deducted by other
12. Salary is money paid as remuneration or labor compensation
13. Machine is a tool used to help work
14. Fuel is a combustion or process of converting matter into energy
15. Workers are individuals who are able to do work
16. Industry is the activity of processing raw goods into consumer goods that have added
17. Raw materials are materials used to make products
18. Finished goods are final products that can be directly consumed
19. Distributors is a person who distributes goods
20. Quality is the degree to which something is good or bad
21. Production is the activity of producing goods or services.
22. Factors of production are resources used in a process of producing goods and services.
23. Capital is the equipment and structures used to produce goods and services.
24. Internal capital is capital sourced from the funds of a person or a company concerned.
25. External capital is capital that comes from funds from creditors and shareholders
involved in the company.
26. Natural resources are everything from nature that can be used to meet the needs of human
27. Human Resources are individuals who work as drivers of an organization or company
and function as assets that must be trained and developed their abilities.
28. Entrepreneurship is a process of creating something to add value to the economy.
29. Input is inputting materials from outside that are used to produce products.
30. Output is the result of the product processing stage.
31. Production costs are funds issued by the company in the process of making products.
32. Raw material costs are costs incurred by entrepreneurs to process the main raw materials
into products.
33. Labor costs are expenses for labor or employee wages.
34. Overhead costs are costs that must be incurred by entrepreneurs to support the course of
35. Producers are people or companies that carry out production activities.
36. Producer behavior is the activity of regulating the course of production to produce quality
37. Utility is a value that shows a person's satisfaction after using a product or service.
38. Productivity is the amount of goods and services produced every hour of the worker's
39. Efficiency is the ability to minimize the use of resources in achieving organizational
40. The production function is the relationship between the number of inputs used to make
goods and the amount of output from that production.
41. Market is when buyer and seller can meet at facilitate to exchange and transaction of
goods and services
42. Buyyer is when consumers try to obtain goods or services to achieve their goals
43. Selling is the activity and bussines of selling producs and services, but focusing on the
revenue selling value of producs and services
44. Transaction is a contract between a customer and a seller for the exchange of goods or
45. Exchange is is the activity of exchanging goods between goods owned and desired goods
46. Goods is is a tangible item that can be seen and stored, or a valuable service.
47. Market balance is when the quantity delivered is the same as the quantity required
48. Demand is desaire to buy goods and services
49. Supply is when market offer something to the consumen in the form of goods and
50. Price is the total sum of money exhanged of goods and services
51. Perfectly competitive market is a form of market in which there are many sellers and
52. Monopoly market is is a form of market that has only one seller or producer with many
53. Oligopoly market is a market in which a few producers or sellers dominate a market with
a large number of consumers
54. Subtitute goods is subtitute goods is used as the same purpose by consumen
55. Sallary is the amount of money received by company as a result to particular action
56. Concret market is a meeting place for buyers and sellers to conduct business directly.
57. Tradisional market is consists of stalls that bring together sellers and customers whose
activities are supported by bargaining.
58. Modern market is a meeting area for buyers and sellers where there is no negotiating and
only a fixed price.
59. Abstrack market is where the seller merely gives products as examples or where the
buyer and seller have never met.
60. The market as a price maker is when, both the seller and the buyer have considered the
price that has become the agreement.
61. Crisis is a situation in which the economy in a country experiences a drastic decline
62. Bankrupt is condition when the company suffers a big los
63. Manufacture is activity to process raw materials
64. Usury is exxaggerating the lia amount upin repayment based on a ceritain percentage
65. Satisfaction is person’s feeling pleasure from consuming a product
66. Consumption Pattern is amount of expenditure used to meet the necessities of life
67. Net worth is owned by individual from the total asset deducting the value of credit and rent
68. Consumer surplus is buyer’s willingness to pay the actual amount
69. Lifestyle is secondary human needs that can change depending on the times or desires
70. Social status is person’s positif in a group
71. Level of education is indicators that can affect the occurrence of economic growth
72. Country consumption is activity that aims to meet or serve the needs of the public
73. Company consumption is activity of reducing or depleting the use value of a good or service
74. Household consumption is expenditure on goods and services
75. Priority scale is level of need from the most important need to the need that can be postponed
76. Consumer behavior is person’s activities related to the search, selection, purchase, use and
77. Value in use is ability of a good or service to be used to meet needs
78. Taste is a person’s activity to buy an item or service
79. Interest rate is monetary phenomenon. Determind by the supply and demand for money
80. Service is activities that one party can offer to another
81. Business proposition is is the balance that has not been paid by the customer for the
goods/services sent.
82. Account Payable, is an accounting term that describes the company's obligation to pay
83. Expense is a sacrifice that must be issued or required to realize a result.
84. Cash inflows are cash receipts from sales or other income.
85. Fixed assets are tangible assets that are acquired in ready-to-use or pre-built form,
which are used in the company's operations, are not intended to be sold in the course of
the company's normal activities and have a useful life of more than one year.
86. Tangible fixed assets are fixed assets that have a physical form.
87. Interest expense is an expense paid to customers or other parties related to fund raising
88. Dividend is the distribution of profits to shareholders based on the number of shares
89. Purchase returns are conditions where the seller returns the goods to the supplier
because they do not meet the desired specifications
90. Sales return is a condition where the buyer wants to return the goods to the seller.
91. Prive is the act of withdrawing the capital that has been invested in the company by
investors with mutual consent.
92. Profit and loss is part of the financial statements of a company produced in an
accounting period that describes the elements of the company's income and expenses
so as to produce a net profit or loss.
93. The difference between the debit and credit amounts on the balance sheet or one of the
credit or debit amounts on a certain date with a balanced amount
94. Liquid asset is thing that could easily be made into money
95. Cost accountant is some people who good at cost accounting
96. Cash flow is the current in an out of the money inside the company
97. Depository is banks or other institusions that accept deposits from their customers
98. Borrowed capital is capital borrowed from outside the company
99. Ratio is the proportion between two numbers
100. Depreciation is the reduced benefits expecially from the means of production
101. Effective request is demand for products and services is constrained by different
102. Potential request is requests that have purchasing power but no transactions yet.
103. Absolute request is demand for which there is no purchasing power.
104. Economic balance is a supply and demand are equal.
105. Production rate is a know the condition of existing products.
106. Estimation is prediction in an economic activity.
107. Demand curve is an overview of the relationship between prices and goods that
consumers can afford to buy.
108. Supply curve is curved line of goods and services offered by producers.
109. Item availability is a goods available for sale within a certain period.
110. Production time is the time it takes to produce an item.
111. Perfect inelasticity is a consumers are less sensitive to price changes.
112. Government policy is the policies that regulate all economic activities.
113. Unit elasticity is the demand is proportional to price changes.
114. Tax is a mandatory levies from the government to the community.
115. Competition is activities between individuals seeking profit in the economic field.
116. Marginal supply is the seller is able to provide the same price as the market price.
117. Market offer is the result of the sum of all companies in the market for a product or
service in a certain time.
118. Price elasticity is measure of change in quantity of goods to price.
119. Complementary is the items that work with other items.
120. Substitution is the change of goods or services in the market.

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