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Botanically diverse regions on earth.

I'm sure you agree that nature is very important for humans and the E earth, but many people
can understand this fact, and this is the reason why Ii write this article.
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clean natural environment couldn't E
Firstly, without a good nature humans can’t live in the earth, but every region in the world
have an special thing to preserve, and is the beauty of every region.that has to be protected, as every plant is important for the ecosystem.
flora botanical living
On top of that there are people who destroy the flora and contamine this regions. without any punishment, and this affects
all of us.

To sum up, many people can’t view the importance of nature in the world and they destroy
the beauty flora for they own interest. So, it is our duty to raise our voice and make things change,
it's the best we can do for our future generation.

151 words with the corrections.

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